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9th Grade Semester Review;; English Mrs. Morris.


undefined, object
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The idea of a literary work abstracted from its details of language, character, and action, and cast in the form of a generalization
A word that means almost exactly the same as a different word; 'Close & Shut'
A character or force against which another character struggles
Falling Action
In the plot of a story or play, the action following the climax of the work that it moves it towards its completion or resolution
The endowment of inanimate objects or abstract concepts with animate or living qualities
An object or action in a literary work that means more than itself, that stands for something beyond itself
The implied attitude of a writer toward the subject and characters of a work
A comparison between essentially unlike things WITHOUT an explicitly comparative word such as like or as. (IS)
A figure of speech involving exaggeration
The time and place of a literary work that establish its context
A contrast or discrepancy between what is said and what is meant or between what happens and what is expected to happen in life and in literature; in verbal irony, characters say the opposite of what they mean; in irony of circumstance or situation, the opposite of what is expected occurs
A struggle between opposing forces in a story or play, usually resolved by the end of the work; may occur within a character as well as between characters
The repetition of consonant sounds; especially at the beginning of words; She sells sea shells by the sea shore
The turning point of the action in the plot of a play or story; represents the point of greatest tension in the work
The repetition of similar vowel sounds in a sentence or a line of poetry or text
The sorting out or unraveling of a plot at the end of a play, novel, or story
The voice and implied speaker of a fictional work, to be distinguished from the actual living author
Leaves a story with no resolution, makes you wonder.
Rising Action
A set of conflicts and crises that constitute the part of a play's or story's plot leading up to the climax
The first stage of a fictional or dramatic plot, in which necessary background information is provided
An imaginary person that inhabits a literary work
The pattern of related comparative aspects of language, particularly of images, in a literary work
A figure of speech involving a comparison between unlike things using like, as, or as though
Dramatic Irony
A situation where the character is unaware of something the audience knows already
The unified structure of incidents in a literary work
The main character of a literary work
Point of view
The angle of vision from which a story is narrated; a work's point of view can be: first person, which the narrator is a character or an observer; objective, in which the narrator knows or appears to know no more than the reader; omniscient, in which the narrator knows everything about the characters; and limited omniscient, which allows the narrator to know some things about the characters but not everything
The use of words to imitate the sounds they describe
Usually a joke with two meanings of a word; 'I wondered why the baseball was getting bigger. Then it hit me.'
When two contradicting words come right after each other; 'Icy hot.'
Hints of what is to come in the action of a play or a story
Saying something that could be hurtful in a nice way; 'Vertically challenged.'
A hint to something, not definite; 'Oh no, I don't want a present for Christmas!'

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