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elbow, wrist and hand rehab 1


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an injury to the UCL of the thumb MCP jont with the mechanism of injury is a torsional force applied to an ABD thumb is also called.
Gamekeeepers/skiers and goalkeepers thumb
space with in the carpal tunnel is reduced even more in postions of _____________and ________________.
wrist flexion, and extension
If conservative treatment fails a surgical release of the ________________ may be performed
flexor retinaculum
__median nerve dysfunction causes atrophy of the thenar eminence of the palm flattens
ape hand deformity
surgical repair/reconstruction using an autograph may occur with complete ruptures is known as____________
Tommy Johns surgery
Rehab treatment is similar in distal radius fx's regardless of fixation (cast, ORIF, external) only the timetable is different ROM is important to __________________________.
decrease edema, maintain ROM, prevent atrophy
Pt. complains of pain on the medial side of the elbow and tenderness to palpation of the ligament
Intial injury presents with rapid swelling, severe elbow pain and a shortened forearm with the olecranon being pushed posterioly
elbow dislocation
what dind of rupture is belived to occur from rubbing of the tendon around the fx sit. Pt. is unable to extend the thumb IP jont and surgical repair is indicatied
(EPL) extensor pollicis longus
Medial epicondylitis is also known as what?
golfers elbow/ little league elbow
compression in (CTS) may be associated with?
tenosynovitis, pregnancy, arthritis, or trauma
trauma to the lateral extensor tendons or a progression of RA causes flexion of the DIP and MCP joints and hyperextension
Swan neck deformity
burning pain that radiaties up the forearm or distally into the hand over the radial aspects of the wrist
sign of DeQuervians tenosynovitis
treatment includes pain and edema control and maintaining ROM, taping or splinting may be used for pain control, exercise in pain free range.
wrist sprain
constist of entrapment of the ulnar nerve as it runs between the olecranon and medial epicondyle
cubital tunnel syndrome
The ulnar collateral ligament is most often injured from repetitive____________ forces, dudring overhead throwing
inflammation of the tendon sheaths of the ABD pollics longus, and extensor brevis, this is usually and overuse injury
DeQuervains tenosynovitis
In lateral epicondylitis pain increases with passive stretch of wrist extensors(full wrist _________ with elbow___________ and forearm_____________
flexion, extended, pronated
Mechanism of injury is forceful hyperextension or compression. If no fx are involved, coban wrap can be used to control edema, buddy taping is used for protection and to encourge ROM
finger joint dislocation
Pt. c/o pain along lateral aspect of the forearm, tenderness to palpate____________, pain radiaties down forearm or up to the shoulder.
lateral epicondylitis
splinting to rest the tendons and avoidance of aggravation factors, anti-inflammatory medications modalites for pain and edema control, exercises to maintain/regain mobility and strengrth
treatments for DeQuervians tnosynovitis
In lateral epicondylitis pain increases with resisted ____________or __________________
wrist extension, forearm supination
teatment includes pt. ed on keeping wrist in neutral, work related erogonomics, splint ot wear at night/day, cortisone shot and median glide exercises
In DeQuervains tensynovitis decreased _________________and ____________ strenght , pain increases with resisted thumb_______and _______________.
pnch and grip, ABD and extension
usually due to a FOOSH or hyperextension of an elbow may rupture UCL, brachioradialis, wrist flexors or extensor tendons
elbow dislocation
a weak spot in the synovial lining of tendon sheaths or joints lumps seen on the dorsl aspect of the wrist or hand, usually treated with aspirtaion
ganglion cysts
tightening of the palmar fascia causes a flexed contracture of the 4th and 5th digits cause is unknown but may have a genetic componet may be surgically released if function is affected
Dupuytrens contracture
Pt. c/o pain with repetive or substaind use of the hand, mumbness and tingling in the thumb, and first 2-3 fingers. pain at night and clumsiness or weakness of the hand
associated with baseball pitching, golfing, swimming and occupations that require strong grips or pronation. ykbar berve nat be involved
medial epicondylitis
in a Smith's fx the distal radius displaces______________, less common
structures that pass through the tunnel include in carpal tunnel
median nerve(1), flexor digitorum superficialis/tendon(4) flexor digitorum profundus/tendon(4), flexor pllicis longus tendon(1)
what muscles are innervated by the median nerve?
flexor digitorum supwrficialis, 1/2 profundus, pronator quadratus, pronator teres (wrist flexors), 1/2 lumbricals and thenar eminence
Complications of distal radius fx's inculde,_________________ and ____________________________
(RSD)= reflex sympathetic dystrophy, extensor pollicis longus, (EPL) and carpal tunnel syndrome
In medial epicondylitis repetiive trauma to the _____________or ________________ causes chronic inflammation at their proximal attachment on the humerus
flexor carpi radialis , pronatior teres
repetive micro trauma to wrist extensors, and supinators, most common is extensor carpi radialis brevis which causes chronc inflammation at its proximal attachment
Pathology of lateral epicondylitis
Fx of the neck of the 5th metacarpal, this is the most commonly fractured metacarpal, caused by a impacted with a closed fist as with punching someone
boxers fx
once immobilization has ended ______ROM is started immediatley, ___ROM is started soon after the pt. is then progressed ino strengthening exercises
Active, passive
what muscles are innervated by the ulnar nerve?
Hypothenar eminence, flexor digitorum profundus, 1/2 lumbricals, palmar and dorsal interossei, ADD pollicis
in a colles fx the distal radius displaces_______________ results in "dinner fork" deformity
carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) compresses what nerve?
In treatment of elbow dislocation if the brachialis in involved massage, passive stretching and resistive exercise are contraindicated due to the risk of what?
myositis ossification
Pt. c/o medial elbow pain and parethesia in the ulnar merve distribution
cubital tunnel syndrome
__________stress causes pain and reveals joint laxity in UCL
most common carpal injury caused by a FOOSH, pt. has pain in the anatomical snuffbox. this fx is often missed in x-ray, mistaken as wrist sprain
scaphoid fx.
young pt.s may experince an avulsion fx of the __________in UCL
medial epicondyle
atheletes with Tommy Johns can return to throwing ____________ after surgery
22-26 weeks or 6 months
What muscles are innervated by the radial nerve?
triceps, anconeus, brachioradialis, wrist and digit extensors, supinator, ABD pollicis longus
Whats another name for Lateral epicondylitis?
tennis elbow
Post-op rehab for CTS includes _____________, nerve gliding and tendon gliding exercises and ____________
desensilization training, and scar tissue mobilization
Rupture of the central slip of the extensors, mechanism causes hyper extenion of the DIP jont flexion of PIP joint. Injury is caused by forced flexion of a finger , a progresion of RA treatment is with immobilization followed by exercises to regain mobility and strenght
Boutonniere deformity
common problematic activites or occupations of lateral epicondylitis
computer work, construciton or janitorial work, assembley line, or gardening
an avulsion of the DIP extensor tendon. Mechanism of injury is forced flexion of the PIP joint. treatment is with immobilization followed by blocked AROM exercise to regain DIP flexion
Mallet finger
In elbow dislocation 25-50% fx's occur to what bone?
head of radius
repetitive or prolonged pressue on the ulnar nerce as it passes between the ____________ and the ______________ causes paresthesia in the ulnar nerve distribution of the hand and weakness in intrinsic muscles of the hand also known as?
hook of hammate, pisiform, ulnar nerve compressiona t guyons canal
what are the intrinsic muscles involved in Gunyons canal
1/2 lumbricals, thenar eminence, palmar/dorsal interossei, ADD pollicis
treament for gamekeepers injury for incomplete terars is immobilization, followee by___________and _________________ARIM. __________stresses are avoided initially
flexion and extenson, ABD
rest, avoidance of aggravation activites and protective padding, followed by ROM, surgical decompression is considered if conservative treatment fails
cubital tunnel syndrome
ulnar nerve dysfunction causes muscle atrohy of intrinsic hand muscles. Contractures leave the finger in flexion at the PIP and DIP joint and hyperextension at the MCP joints
claw hand deformity
treatment of lateral epicondylitis would include
rest, modalities to reduce inflammation, a tennis elbow strap to reduce tension at the site, cross friction massage to break adhesions and increase circulation
after CTS surgery, pt needs to avoid _________ wrist flexion past neutral and finger flexion with wrist flexed to prevent ____________ of the flexor tendons
active, bowstringing
this usually a dx of exclusion, if the pt. experienced minor trauma , and fx's and ligament ruptures are ruled out, the pt. is given this dx,
wrist sprain

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