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12/3/08 Test


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interrelated conditions that surround the person. Two primary types of context are temporal and environment
Deductive Reasoning
process of elimation
Occ. Activity
tasks directly related to the selected occupational role
Inductive Reasoning
look at big picture- generalization
Occupational Performance
verb; act of doing in the context. ex: kick
organized occupational behavior into recurrent patterns of behavior that make up much of our daily routines. Connects is to and makes us functional w/in our habits
involve learned ways of doing occupations that unfold automatically. Ex: How a particular activity is performed, how time is typically used, and style of behavior
in accord, harmony, or sympathy; having a mutual, especially a private, understanding; in mesmerism, in that relation of sympathy which permits influence or communication.
creating circumstances that support optimal performance for all persons and population
intervention strategy is to preclude the dev. of performance problems
Occpational Readiness
interventions that are designed to address deficits in the perosn's systems that are interferring w/ performance in the selected occupational role
Csikszentmihalyi's flow
ultimate enjoyment in activites that occurs when a person's capacities are optimally challanged. antonym-disengaged; unsuccessful
big picture; engaging. ex: i kick the football for my team.
Covert Occupational Performance
not observable and reflect a series of mental images whereby the person imagines that his/her actions are causing step by step changes int he imagined environment. ex: playing an entire game of chess mentally
Overt Occupational Performance
Potentially observable- voluntary neuromuscular system. ex: throwing a baseball w/ skill. Includes speaking, facial expression, and the direction of gaze b/c they are under voluntary motor control
aren't occupational b/c they are not under voluntary control. Habits seem to similar to reflexes b/c they can be automatic and unconscious. when sometime such as catching a ball is called "good reflexes" is misleading b/c that is just a well learned habit
framework for looking out on the world and acting; shapes us
Ecology of Human Performance
context-provides a framework that emphasizes the essential role of context in task performance. this doesnt mean that the role of the person is de-emphasized but that the importance of a person and context factors is considered for each particular task performance. Intervention is directed by what the person wants/needs
modifying the context for performance or the task features of a selected task
the state of being humble; which means not arrogant or cocky; it is an empathetic understanding of another person and attending carefully
Role strain
disrruption or termination of role performances or major modifications in how one enacts the role
Occupational Form
noun; goes along w/ performance. ex: football (can have physical and sociocultural dimension)
objective sets of behaviors that are combined to allow an individual to engage in performance that accomplishes a goal
focuses on the context in which the person performs. Interventions are aimed at altering the actual context in which tasks occur
Developmental Structure
Sensorimotor, cognitive, and psychosocial abilities and characteristics
Occupational Perspective
looking at policies and how it effects occupation
Occ. Adaptation
Constructing a positive occupational identity and achieving occupation competence over time in the context of one's environment; FOR
Occupational Justice
access to and participation in meaning occupations

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