undefined, object
copy deck
- escribir(los) cuentos
- to write stories
- recibir regalos
- to recieve presents
- mirar los videos
- to watch vidoes
- correr alrededor del lago
- to run around the lake
- estudiar
- to study
- ganar dinero
- to earn money
- aprender las ciencias
- to learn science
- nadar en el oceano
- to swim in the ocean
- ayudar en casa
- to help at home
- asistir a un partido de beisbol
- to attend a baseball game
- cocinar
- to cook
- catar como Enrique Iglesias
- to like like Enrique Iglesias
- sacar fotos
- to take pictures
- pescar
- to fish
- bailar el tango
- to dance the tango
- practicar deportes
- to practice sports
- viajar a espana
- to travel to spain
- comer hamburguesas
- to eat hamburgers
- dibujar
to draw
- vivir en los estados unidos
- to live in the us
- leer
- read
- abrir la ventana
- to open the window
- cuidar ninos
- to babysit
- trabajar en la tienda
- to work in the store
- Vender
- to sell
- patinar
to skate
- beber limonada
- to drink lemonade
- subir la montana
- to climb the mountian
- hablar por telefono
- to talk on the phone
- escuchar musica
- to listen to music
- tocar la guitarra
- to play guitar