English Authors
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- Who wrote about the 13 virtues?
- Franklin
Name 4 of the virtues and describe them
What was the concept? -
temperance-restraint in behavior
order-freedom from disorder or disruption
patience-ability to wait without frustration
chasitiy-refraining from sexual actions
one virtue per week and after 13 weeks u will attaint perfection but he doesnt succeed he just becomes a better person - Who wrote Poor Richards Almanac? What was it?
- Franklin, contained information and aphorisms
- what are aphorisms? name 3
- short, concise statement expressing a wise observation or general truth
- Who wrote about "fathery advice?"
- Franklin
- Who was the most powerful orator?
- Henry
- What was Henrys quote?
- "Give me liberty or give me death"
- Who was elected to VA House of Burg
- Henry
- Who was the most political writer of the Rev?
- Paine
- Who wrote Common Sense?
- Paine
- Why was Common Sense popular?
- it criticized the king
- Who died unhappy and why?
- Paine because he was an unrecognized hero
- What was te "American Crisis" and who wrote them?
- 16 essays by Paine
- What else did Paine write about? What happened to him after this?
- The "Rights of Man" he was imprisoned for criticizing religion
- what was michel guollaume keane crevercuer's nickname?
- hector st. john
- who spent 10 years traveling thru colonies
- crevecuer
- who went to jail? what happened when he came back
- crevecuer, his farm burned, wife killed, children taken
- who was the first writer to compare amer to a melting pot?
- hector st john
- who wrote in epistle form?
- crevercuer
- what is an epistle?
- formal composition written in form of letter addressed to different ppl for general audience
- who was the first sec of state?
- jefferson
- who was an outspoken defender of amer rights?
- jefferson
- who was the 3rd amer pres?
- jefferson
- when did Jefferson die?
- dec of ind-july 4 1826--50ann
- Who compares colonists to chains in slavery?
- Henry
- who says the men will run away when times get tough?
- paine
- Who makes a prediction that ppl who come to amer will one day unite together?
- crevecuer
- What did Crevecuer argue?
- that if u come to amer there will be a new culture for us and u can start new businesses and have ur own origin
- How does Henry predict the future?
- by the past