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soc215h final study questions


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industrial era
ven den berghe's 6 factors determining type of race relations
economy, division of labor, mobility, social stratification, numericalratio, value conflict
economy factor in race relations
as economies change, race relations change
paternalistic relations: economy
agricultural/hand made goods/plantation economy
competitive relations: economy
manufacturing/industrial capitalism
6 aspects/components of racial situation
race relations, roles/statuses, etiquette, forms of aggression, miscegenation, segregation
paternalistic society: race relations
everyone has his place and knows it (accomodation)
competitive society: race relations
there is antagonism, suspicion, hatred, competition (affirmative action)
paternalistic society: segregation
little of it, status gap allows for close but unequal contact
competitive society: segregation
much of it, narrowing status gap means increased spatial gap
6 patterns of race and ethnic relations
extermination, continued subjugation, population transfer, legal protection of minorities, pluralism, assimilation
6 responses to prejudice and discrimination
passive acceptance, marginal participation, assimilation, withdrawal and self-segregation, rebellion and revolt, organized protest
4 models of bonacich
super exploitation, split-labor market, middleman minority, integrated model
5 elements of myth of black inferiority
no written language, lazy, heathen, sexually depraved, cannibalism/human sacrifice
factor #1 in assimilation
1. Traits, values, qualities, characteristics, PMSA (internal factors)
factor #2 in assimilation
2. Opportunity structure (external factors)
factor #3 in assimilation
3. Political/social movements
how countries of origin have changed
less from europe/canada, more from asia, latin america, caribbean
where latino/hispanic immigrants come from
mexico, caribbean, south america, central america
where asian-american immigrants come from
Philippines, China, Vietnam, Korea, India
where white immigrants come from
Europe, former Soviet Union, Canada
continued subjugation
dominant group wants to maintain power, privileges forever
population transfer- other country
aborigines in australia
minority population eliminated through inbreeding
assimilation example, other country
Dominant group will permit or encourage cultural variations when it will promote stability
passive acceptance
Small power and lots of discrimination, so have to accept (can be active manipulation)
Marginal participation
A small population finds a niche
middleman minority: US
Koreans in LA
middleman minority: other country
british in India
split-labor: US
strike-breaking in early 20th century
split-labor: other country
India's caste system

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