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Global History 10R January Review


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This group represented 98% of the people of France who paid the most taxes even though they were the poorest prior to 1789.
The Third Estate
This was the radical part of the French Revolution. It was during this time that King Louis XIV was killed using the guillotine.
The Reign of Terror
This leader ended the French Revolution, brought stability to France and created an empire.
This meeting was held after the defeat of Napoleon, and it established a balance of power, peace and order in Europe, and a return of power to monarchs.
Congress of Vienna
This leader of the Congress of Vienna wanted a balance of power in Europe and the return of the old monarchs to power.
Klemens Von Metternich
Called "The Liberator," he helped South America gain its independence. He was inspired by the French Revolution.
Simon Bolivar
This word means pride and a feeling of devotion in one's country.
This was a hot spot for nationalism, containing many ethnic groups, broke from the Ottoman Empire and a powder keg for WWI.
Ottoman Empire
This man unified Germany using Prussian leadership, "BLOOD AND IRON," fought many wars (Austria against France).
Otto Von Bismarck
Napoleon brought together this unified set of laws that gave the people some of what they wanted; for example, religious tolerance.
Napoleonic Code
This empire contained many ethnic groups. A multi-national empire, but the leader would not allow the people to have their own cultures, ended after WWI, new nations were created.
Austro-Hungarian Empire
Hot spot for nationalism, contains many ethnic group, broke from the Ottoman Empire, powder keg for WWI.
The Balkans
This man unified the Italian states into one united Italy using the RED SHIRTS.
Giuseppe Garibaldi
Industrial Revolution
By the use of enclosures, more food was able to be grown that led to the Industrial Revolution.
Agricultural Revolution
The movement of people to cities to find jobs during the Industrial Revolution.
Economic system described by Adam Smith with no government interference, private property, with people abel to make a profit. This is the United States economic system.
An organization where workers join together to demand better working conditions first started during the Industrial Revoution.
The founder of communism. The government runs the economy , no private protperty giving equality, workers would rise up. (Inspired Russia and China)
Karl Marx
Law which limited child labor, and example of reforms that occurred during the Industrial Revolution.
Factory Act of 1833
Use of this system led to mass production of goods during the Industrial Revolution.
Assembly Line
One of the advance of the Industrial Revolution which purified milk.
This describes a strong country taking over a weaker country for their benefit. European countries took over Africa and areas in Asia for economic gain, to spread Christianity, ect. (ex. white man's burden)
The meeting that divided up Africa among the Europeans, ignoring tribal boundries of Africa and making colonial boundries.
Berlin Conference
Russian lost this war over the Ottoman Empire (British and French helped the Ottomans).
Crimean War
India's nickname because India has a lot of resources and a large market for the British.
Jewel in the Crown
Indian soldiers who revolted against the British. British put down the Rebellion and took direct control of India.
Sepoy Mutiny
A conflict between Britain and China lasting from 1839 - 1842 over Britain's opium trade in China. British defeated China, China had to sign unequal treatesi and give up Hong Kong.
Opium War
A foreign region in which a nation has control over trade and other economic activities. china carved into these in the late 1800's. Foreigners had special economic privileges.
Sphere of influence
The U.S. policy proposed in 1899 to ensure that all nations would have equal opportunity to trade with China.
Open Door Policy
A 1900 rebellion in China, where the Chinese rebeld against foreigners. Chinese were unsuccessful.
Boxer Rebellion
He was the U.S. Commander who opened Japan to trade.
Commodore Matthew Perry
The period of Japanese history from 1867 - 1912, during shich the country ws ruled by Emperor Mutsuhito. Japan modernized, taking the "Best from the West" then Japanb became imperialistic.
Meiji Era / Restoration
In this war, 1904 - 1905, Japan defeated Russia, it was an example of how Japan became imperialistic in its effots to dominate Manchuria ad Korea.
Russo-Japanese War
This United States policy announced by President James Monroe in 1823, said that Europeans should stay out of Latin America. It was an excuse for the U.S. to intervene.
The Monroe Doctrine
A man made water way connecting the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, built in Panama by the U.S. and opened in 1914 under the presidency of Teddy Roosevelt.
Panama Canal
One of the Four causes of WWI; part of MAIN; where european countries built up their militaries.
Triple aliance: Germany, Austria, Hungary, Italy

Triple Entente: Britain, France, Russia
this system led to WWI
Alliance system

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