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Art 325 - Oil Painting

Color Charts, Definitions, and Some Rules


undefined, object
copy deck
adding black to a hue
Spilt Complement
a color, its complement, plus one color anologous to the complement and tints & shades.
Color Rule 7
a color gains power when it rests on its complement
Splot Complement #2
a color and the two colors that are analougous to the complement but not the complement, plus all its tints and shades
Color Rule 4
bright colors advance, dull colors recede
a color that connot be mixed from two other hues. (Red, Yellow, Blue) (we break that rule in our color wheel)
Two colors that are across from eachother on the color wheel plus all of their tints and shades
adding white to a hue
a hue that is in between two primaries (orange, green, violate
you can suggest a secondary or tertiary by painting small dots of primary hues next to and around and in between each other (optical mixing)
Nuetralizing a color
you can add a color to its complement to shade and object. It turns brown.
Color Rule 1
warm colors advance, cool colors recede
Three colors spaced equidistantly on the color wheel, plus all their tints and shades.
a pure color on the color wheel
Color Rule 2
hues advance, tinits and shades reced
one color all of its values through the use of tints and shades
Color Rule 3
hues advance, nuetrals reced
Black, Greys, and White
a hue that is in between a primary and a secondary hue (yellow/orange, blue violet)
Three or four colors next to eachother on the color wheel, plus all the tints and shades. (DOESN"T cross over a primary)
Simultaneous contrast
your eyes can see the complement of a hue while looking at that hue.
Color Rule 5
light advances, dark recedes
you can change a color by painting over it with a thin application of another color
Color Rule 6
complex line structure advances while flat planes of color recede (detail v background)
Tinted shade
adding black and white to a hue

Deck Info

