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Art history - Periods/Movements


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1970s. Began in USA. eg. Richard Estes.
Neo-classicism vs. Romanticism
1915. Dadaists shared antimilitaristic and anti-art attitude. These attitudes were generated by the horrors of World War I. These artists did very little painting. They preferred to make constructions called ready mades. Eg. Marcel Duchamp
The High Renaissance
1495-1527. eg da Vinci, Michelangelo, Raphael, Tintoretto, Giorgione, Titian. Flemish and Germans contributed, eg Jan van Fyck, Hieronymous Bosch, Pieter Bruegel, Albrecht Durer.
1520-1600. Renaissance artists after the death of Raphael continued to refine painting and sculpture but did not seek a new style of their own.
Abstract Expressionism
1940-1955. A style of painting originating in the U.S. during the 1940's and 1950's. It is characterized by spontaneity, emotion, bold colors, and/or strong value contrast on very large canvases. These are usually non-objective like the work of Jackson Pollock. William De Kooning often included figures in his work but the act of applying the paint and the color were the primary subjects in his paintings. World War II (1939-1945) interrupted any new movements in art, but art came back with a vengeance in 1945.
1905,Paris. Fauvism was a short-lived movement concerned with the liberation of color and the formal structure of a work of art. Fauve is a title which means "wild beast." This group first exhibited paintings in 1905 in Paris. The leader of this group was Henri Matisse, who painted pictures of revolutionary simplicity and high chroma, arbitrary color. Other painters of this group were Rouault, Derain, Vlamick, and Dufy
1600-1750.Baroque Art began in Rome and spread to Germany, Flanders, Holland, and Spain. The original meaning of the term Baroque is "irregular, contoured, or grotesque" and in part, reflects Baroque compositions, which typically involve gestural rendering, multi-curved arrangements, and a quality of super-reality or romantic mysticism.Among the prominent artists of this period are Peter Paul Rubens, El Greco, Velazquez, Frans Hals, Rembrandt, Vermeer and Poussin.
1920. Surrealism was based upon dreams, the irrational and the fantastic and began in the 1920's. Salvador Dali was the most well known surrealist who painted his dreams very realistically.
1850-1940.Early Realists were Daumier, Courbet, Goya and Manet.
1905. The expressionists stress the artist's inner feelings toward the world. This style was based mainly in Germany. Main artists include: Kathi Kollwitz, Franz Marc, and Edvard Munch.
1910.This movement in painting and sculpture was fathered by Picasso and Braque, and influenced by the conceptual painter, Paul Cezanne. Cezanne believed that the world could be perceived as groups of planes or solid geometric forms, (cubes, cylinders, spheres).
1700-1789. Rococco Art was a domesticated from of the Baroque style-it was decorative, gay, ornamental and free--a style to glorify and glamorize the wealthy and noble classes. Present in France, Italy, Holland, and England, it also spread to America and other colonies. Major artists of this movement are Watteau and Fragonard, who painted for Louis XIV, Van Dyck, (Dutch), Holbein (German), and Reynolds, Gainsborough and Hogarth (England).
1300-1600. Earliest is Giotto. Most noted of the Early Renaissance include Donatello, Masaccio, Pra Angelico, Boticelli, Pra Fillippo Lippi and Pollainolo.
1920. Style of art promoting the use of geometric shapes and basic colors and based on the idea of universal harmony. Mondrian and van Doesburg are the main artists.
1860-1930. Impressionism, an art movement which began in France about 1860, concerned itself with an intense involvement with light- capturing the effect of light on objects and portraying this effect on canvas. There was an attempt here to give an "impression" of a scene rather than to include every detail. Among the important French Impressionists were Claude Monet, Auguste Renoir, Edgar Degas, and Camille Pissaro.Post Impressionism surrounded a loosely organized collection of painters who broke away from Impressionism for intellectual reasons. Seurat and Cezanne applied scientific principles to their art, and most others, such as Gaugui, Van Gogh, and Lautrec experimented in expressionism of color and semi-abstract formats less in keeping with the Impressionistic style. The movement began in the 1880's and soon laid the foundation for many individual directions in modern art.
Post Impressionism
1885-1920.This is a handy title for what wasn't a movement, but a group of artists (Cézanne, Van Gogh, Seurat and Gauguin, primarily) who moved past Impressionism and on to other, separate endeavors. They kept the light and color Impressionism bought, but tried to put some of the other elements of art - form and line, for example - back in art.
Pop Art
1950. A style of painting and sculpture in the 1950's and 1960's; the subject matter was based on visual cliches, subject matter and impersonal style of popular mass media imagery. Andy Warhol and Claus Oldenburg were two of the important pop artists.
1910.A movement in modern art that grew out of cubism. Artists used implied motion by shifting planes and having multiple viewpoints of the subject. They strived to show mechanical as well as natural motion and speed. The beginning of the machine age is what inspired these artists. Frank Stella and Giacomo Balla were futurists.

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