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bailer en las fiestas
to dance at the parties
hablar con mis amigos
to talk with my friends
nadar en la piscina
to swim in the pool
canter en el coro
to sing in the chorus
lavar el carro
to clean the car
cuidar a tu hermano(a)
to take care of you brother sister
descansar en la parque
to rest in the park
dibujar en la clase de arte
to draw in art class
lavar la ropa
to clean the clothes
jugar al baloncesto
to play basketball
escuchar musica
to listen to music
mirar la televison
to watch television
hablar por telefono
to talk by phone
estudiar en la biblioteca
to study in the library
pintar muy bien
to paint very well
sacar la busura
to take out the trash

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