First test of Arch
undefined, object
copy deck
- L.R. Binford
- New archaeology, processual, arch, taphonomy
- James A. Ford
- Worked in SE, refined seriation techniques
- Herbert Spencer
- Cultural evolution--humans seperate from natural world
- Walter W. Taylor
- Processual arch--new arch--scientific
- Ian Hodder
- Post-processual arch. Individual, alternative history, marginalized groups
- Nels Nelson
- Interseted in Native Americans. SW, worked w/ stratigraphy
- Ussher
- chronolized biblical genologies Earht 6,000 years old
- J. Boucher de Perhtes
- Discovered Deep time, stone axes and bones of extinct animals
- James Chatter
- Arch originally called in w/ Kenniwick man
- C.B. Moore
- developed techniques to work w/ middens
- Willard F. Libby
- Carbon dating. Libby Half life
- Raymond Dart
- osteodentokeriatn
- Don Johanson
- anthropologist
- Radiocarbon dating
- 100-40,000 years
- Electron spin resonance (ESR)
- electrons "caught" in object over time, realsed, 1,000,000 years
- Achuealan
- Tools made by Homo erectus,Homo Habilis, newer pointed, easier to distingish
- Optically stimulated luminescence
- light version of ESR, tooth
- Theromluminescence (TL)
- heat version of ESR, 500,000 years
- Potassium-argon dating
- older than 500,000
- Argon-argon dating
- older than 500,000
- Oldowan
- Hmo habilis, A. afarensis, oldest, hard to distinguish
- Australopeithecus afarensis "Lucy"
- oldest
- Australopeithecus africanus
- ODK, smaller, more apelike, preyed on 2
- Australopeithecus robustus
- more robust than others (gracile)3
- Homo ergaster
- 4
- Homo erectus
- 5, bipedal,
- Homo neanderthalensis
- "cousin", more robust, Europe 6
- Homo Sapians Sapians
- Modern human/cro-magnon,6/7
- Libby Half Life
- 5568 years for carbon
- High level theory
- Answers to big why questions (Why societies fight?)
- Mid level theory
- Make inferences about human behavior based on observations of artifacts. (This jar was used for carrying water)
- Low level theory
- Allow us to make observations based on artifacts. (this is a jar)
- taphonomy
- non-human actors at a site
- seriation
- style and tech change over time, plotting change
- Krotovina
- filled in animal burrows
- data
- observatoins based on data
- Hi
- Bye
- And they were forced to eat Sir Robin's minstrils...
- and there was much rejoicing. Yah!