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Final Exam Review - religion


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Roman centurion who is considered by Christians to be the first Gentile to conver to the faith. Converted by Simon Peter.
Maccabean Period, Revolt
Jewish rebels who fought the Hellenistc Seleucid dynasty and established the Hasmonean Dynasty.
Aquila and Priscilla
Husband and wife; tentmakers; among the Jews expeled from Rome. They ended up in Corinth (Greece) where Paul lived with them for approximately 18 months and they risked their necks to sav Paul's life. Accompanied Paul when he went to Syria but stopped at Ephesus.Two other of the church's founders. They were the ones who took aside Apollos, evangelist in Ephesus, and explained the way of god to him more accurately.
3rd journey
Paul continued teaching, travelling through Asia Minor and Macedonia, to Antioch and back.
Book of Signs
1st section of Gospel of John
Baptism of Jesus
In Synoptic Gospels, Jesus is baptised by John the Baptist. Repentance and baptism for the forgiveness of sins. After his Baptism, the Heavens opened and a spirit descended, and God pronounces that Jesus is his son.
"lifting of the veil" ; a term applied to the revealation (to certain privileged people) of something hidden from the mass of humankind; the unveiling of God. Today the term is often ued to mean the "end of the world" but is derived from a phrase that literally mans "revelation at the end of the world".
Catholic Epistles
General ----; their intended audience seems to be Christians in general rather than individual persons or congregations. Include: James, 1st and 2nd Peter, 1st/2nd/3rd John, and Jude.
An aristocratic Jewish group that existed from 2nd century BC until the late 1st century CE. Opponents of the Pharisees and thought to be from the priestly and wealthy families. diudnt' believe in the resurrection of the dead, intrepreted the Torah literally, had literal execution of Lex Talionis, and had an aristocratic clan of Hasmonean high priests.
"sitting together" hence "assembly" or "council"; usually an assembly of 23 judged Biblically required in every city. The Great ----- is an assembly of Jewish judges who constituted the supreme court and legislative body of ancient Israel.
Letter. Modern shcolars distinguish between the more personal and informal "letter" and the more literary, impersonal "epistle" that uses the form of a letter as a literary device.
Synoptic Gospels
Mark, Matthew, and Luke
Seleucid Period
Seleucid Empire; 323 to 60 BC. Many of the existing cities under the Empire began (or forced) to adopt Hellenid philosophic thought, religious sentiments, and politics. Agressive Hellenizing (or de-Judaizing) led to armed rebellion in Judea (the Maccabee) revolt.
1 & 2 Corinthians
2 letters by Paul, 1st one delivered by Timothy and the 2nd by Titus. 1st one touched upon the what he saw as erroneous in the church there urging uniformity of belief and expounding Christian doctrine. The 2nd one, assuring them that he has love for them, but felt attacked by some and found it just to defend himself; states the importance of forgiving others and God's agreement that comes from the Spirit of the lviing God and the importance of being a person of Chris and giving generosity to God's people in Jerusalem.
Large region of North District of Israel. Home of Jsus during at least 30 years of his life. In the Roman times, Antipas ruled over this region.
Herod the Great
(40-4 BC) Named the "king of the Jews" by Roman authorities. Intends to kill Jesus (as a baby), because he was alarmed at the prospect of the new-born king usurping his rule. Was the one who gave orders to kill all boys of the age 2 yrs and under, in Bethlehem.
"house of assembly" a Jewish place of religious worship.
1st journey
Barnabas and Paul go to Cyprus and then to Paphos. Then saild to southern Asia Minor. Also Syria and Clicia
Missionary Journeys
Paul's 3 missionary journeys
Antiochus IV
(Epiphanes) Ruler of Hellenistic successor state of Alexander the Great's dominion. Ruled the Hellenistic Seleucid Empire in 175-163 BC. He organized an expedition against Jerusalem, which he destroyed. The Jews (War of Ind.) revolted under their Maccabean leaders, defeating his armies. He marched thir, but diedon the way.
Similarities within all the Gospels
Death of Jesus, witnesses, burial of Jesus, women at tomb, and appearance of Jesus to women.
Alexander the Great
King of Macedon (Ancient Greece), and one of the most successful military commanders in history. He conquered most of the Greeks, and Judah/Palestine fell to him in 333 BCE.
Sermon on the Mount
Golden Rule - form of commentary on 10 commandments given to his disciples and large crowd.
Transfiguration of Jesus
The event narrated in the synoptic gospels when the "true nature" of Jesus was revealed to his closest followers.
"Good news"
1st Century Christian bishop of Ephesus. Paul's companion on many o fhis journeys. First mentioned in Paul's second visit to Lystra, where it seems he was converted during Paul's first visit there. Paul personally circumcised him so that hte might be accepted by the Jews. Stoned to death in 80 AD by angry pagans.
derogatory term used to describe Jewish Christian groups like the Ebionites and Nazarenes who believed that Greek followers of Jesus neded to go through circumcision in order to be able to keep the Jewish Law.
Pastoral Epistles
1st Timothy, 2nd Timothy, and Titus.
Pauline Epistles
Romans, 1 and 2 Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, 1 and 2 Thessalonians, 1 and 2 Timothy, Titus, Philemon, and Hebrews.
the apostle to the Gentiles; most notable of Early Christian missionaries. He came to faith through a vision of the risen Jesus on the road to Damascus.
"detached" one; one who's separated for a life of purity. Emerged with the Hasmonean. It was a religious movement for self-preparation in a quest for ritual purity. Some would equate them with Hasidim. They are dvoted to the law and their authroity falls upon Scribes and Sages.
"keepers of the law"; foreigners.
Disciple whom Jesus Loved
term for certain persons perfoming a function by hand, either writing down the words of another or performing manual labour.
"Doubting ---"; one of the 12 apostles. Has great faith while Jesus is alive but doubts his resurrection on Jesus' 3rd appearance in John.
Mount of Olives/Garden of Gethsemane
Mount - identified as the place where Jesus stayed in Jerusalem and where God will begin to reem the dead at the end of days. Garden - bottom of mount where Jesus watchd, prayed, and suffered for the sins of the world the nigt before he was crucified. It it where he was betrayed by Judas.
John the Baptist
"Forerunner" of Christ. Said to be related to Jesus. He automatically held the priesthood of Aaron (grandfather) and had authority to baptize in the name of God. He was borng around 6 months before Jesus and was the one who recognized Jesus as the Messiah and baptized him, marking the begining of Jesus' life as a teacher. He was beheadd by Herod Antipas.
Synoptic Gospel. The chief characteristics of this gospel are Ekklesia (nature of Church), Jewish nature, Jesus as supreme teacher and interpreter of Jewish tradition and law, and higher righteousness reflected in obedienc (faithfulness). Dominant character is Joseph within the birth narrative. 5 discourses found; srmon on the mount, instruction about mission, teaching in parables, question about genuine greatness, and Jesus' critical judgement against the religious leadership. The thesis statement is to follow the law; radical obedince exmplified by Jesus and expected from those who would be his disciples.
One of the original 12 apostles and the one who betrayed Jesus by giving him up to the chief priests who then turned Jesus into Pilate. He hung himself out of guilt.
the Elder (or Rabbi); leading authority in the Sanhedrin in the mid first century. Described in Acts as a Pharise and celebrated scholar of Mosaid Law. Advises fellow-member of Sanhedrin not to put Peter to death, and they agreed. He was also said to be the teacher of Paul.
Simon Peter
one of the 12 apostles. In charge of the foundation of Church in Rome, leadership roled assigned by Jesus. He was present at incidents such as transfiguration. He denies Jesus 3 times. Dies through martyrdom by crucifixion, glorifying God.
Book of Glory
2nd section of Gospel of John
Prison Epistles
Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, and Philemon.
Joseph of Arimathea
The man who denotated his own prepared tomb for the burial of Jesus. He went to Pilate and demanded his body.
companion of Paul. Was with Barnabas and Paul at Antioch and went to the Council of Jerusalem with them. He was a Gentile and chiefly engaged in ministering to the Gentiles. He was at Ephesus with Timothy, where he was then sent to Corinth by Paul to get the contributions of the church there for the poor Christians of Jerusalem. Paul lft him with the purpose later of organizing the church in Crete as Bishop and then is with Paul during his second imprisonment in Rome. He was then sent to Dalmatia and there's no record of his death in NT.
Macedonian Call
Paul had a vision of a man of Macedonia standing and begging him, "Come over to Macedonia and help us." He began his second journey.
John Mark
Traditionally believd to be the author of the Gospel of Mark and a companion of Peter. Also accompanied Paul and Barnabas in Paul's 1st journey.
Jesus bodily ascended to heaven in the presenc of his aapostles, following his resurrection (Mark & Luke)
was a leadingn member of the first Christian community in Jerusalem and later becam a companion of Paul in his first missionary journey to Antioch, and second journey to Galatia. Listen as co-author/co-sender of Paul's 1 and 2 Thessalonians. Served as Peter's scribe.
Letter from Paul to the early Christian communitis in this Roman province. Concerned with the controversy surrounding the Mosaic Law, whether it was binding on Christians. Exhorts them to stand live by faith as it is in Jesus and reaffirm his true gospel, and that freedom from the law leads to life in the Spirit, which is a life not of gratifying physical desires but of "love, joy, peace." (teaches about the right use of their Christian freedom)
Hasmonean Dynasty
Dynasty (autonomous Jewish state in Ancient Israel) established under the leadership of Simon Maccabaeus, 2 decades after his brother (Judah of Maccabee) defeated the Seluecid army in 165 BC.
one of the disputed Pauline Epistles. The theme was to hold fast to the faith of Jesus Christ; God's ultimate revelation of spiritual reality (identification of Jesus); heir of all, made in the reflection of God's glory and substance. States that Jesus is superior to the angels and moses and if the great high priest from the line of Melchizedek. Call to renewed faithfulnees, maturity in faith, and endurance.
Temptation of Jesus
a defining moment because it defines what kind of Messiah he'll be. The power is at his disposal but isn't used to provide for himself. (40 days and 40 night, he fasted, the devil tempting him to use his power to help himself)
the name of the person to whom the Gospel of Luke and the Acts of the Apostles is addressed. Means "he who loves God."
Gospel in the canon of the NT. Omission of birth narrative, baptism and temptation of Jesus, exorcisms, parables, confession and transfiguration of Jesus, Last Supper ritual, and agonizing prayer of Jesus on cross. Emphasis on timing and the purpose of miracles/signs presented was to lead to belief. Contains two books and symbolic language ("I am" statements). More focus to the mystical relation of the Son to the Father, the relation of the Redeemer to believers, the Holy Spirit as the Comforter, and the prominence of love as an element of Christian character.
Greek for "50th," designating the Jewish Festival of Weeks (Shavout) helf fifty days after Passover, which came to be associated with the giving of the Torah on Mount Sinai. Because of events on Pentecost narrated in Acts 2, Pentecost has become an important Christian festival.
James, brother of Jesus
"the just"; first bishop of Jerusalem. One of the persons the risen Christ showed himself to.
ancient method of executiong widely practiced in the Roman Empire until about 313AC (when Christianity was legalized). Became a symbol of how Jesus died for the sins of mankind, a symbol of martyrdom and glorification.
Damascus Road Experience
Saul of Tarsus was a persecutor of Christians on the way to ---- he had a vision and heard God's voice. Cured and attended by Ananias, one of the 70 disciples of Jesus, and baptized into Christianity. He took the nam of Paul and became an apostle.
Hebrew from "my king is righteous." King of Salem (Jerusalem) called in Genesis 14 a priest. Intrepreted later to man "King of Righteousness." Came to be regarded as the idal priest - king, a supernatural figure whos priesthood is eternal.
according the Acts of Apostles, he is a member of the Early Christian church. In the narrative he suddenly dropped dead after attempting to deceive the Holy Spirit by withholding part of the profit from the sal of a pice of land. His wife, Sapphira. also lied and suffered the same fate. They both lied to Peter about the amount they had received and individually dropped dead upon hearing his rebuke. "Why hath Satan filled thine heart to lie to the Holy Ghost," they both lied to God.
John of Patmos
name given to the author of the Book of Revelation in NT, living in exil on the Greek island of Patmos.
Synoptic Gospel. Thesis statement is the secret identity of Jesus was revealed only when he suffered as part of God's plan; the time has com to turn away from the path of evil and embrace the Gospel - God's salvation. Emphasis on suffering, Messianic secret, action-oriented gospel (tell about an event and immediately take it on to another), and the struggle to identify who Jesus is. Identification of Jesus as Son of God through baptism narrative and how Jesus preferred to be called "Son of Man."
Joseph & Mary
during her betrothal - the first stage of a Jewish married and she was a virgin - the angel Gabriel announced to her that she was to be the mother of the promised Messiah by conceiving him through the Holy Spirit. When Joseph of Nazareth was told of her conception in a dream by "an angel of the Lord", he was surprised; but the angel told him to be unafraid and take her as his wife, which Joseph did, thereby formally completing the wedding rites..becoming Jesus' stepfather.
Jews who continued to consider themselves Jewish after they had bcom native Greek speakers. It's the cultural change in which somthing non-greek becomes Greek, either by will or force.
Johannine Literature
collection of NT works attached to John the Evangelist; Gospel of John, 1st/2nd/3rd Epistle of John, and book of Revelation.
greek word for apocalypse. Emphasizes the sovereignty of God, radical monotheism, exalted Christ (Alpha and Omega), salvation, judgement, call to a nonviolent lifestyle adn all for hope. Contains 7 letters to 7 churches of Asia Minor with a call to repent and rewards for those who endure with righteousness (New Jerusalem).
(Yehosef Bar Kayafa) Jewish high priest who organized plot to kill Jesus. He convinced the Jewish priests and Pharisees that Jesus should die, and was involved in his trial.
In ancient Israel, the notable persons of a tribe who were responsible fo rthe maintenance of justice. In NT, either Jewish leaders or officers in Chrtisian communities.
Synoptic Problem
The interrelationship between the synoptic gospls, for long passages parallel each other. The four-source hypothesis is the dominant theory that answers this problem.
Matthew, Levi
Evangelist, one of the orginal 12 apostles. Known as the Tax Collector.
was the governor of the Roman Judea Province from 26 until 36. In modern times he is best known as the man who, according to the gospels, presided over the trial of Jesus and ordered his crucifixion.
Roman Period
63 BC - end of the biblical period. In 70 CE Jerusalem was leveled by the Romans. During the development of the Christian Church and the period of the writing of the NT, there was relative toleration - interspersed with periods of prosecution of Christians by Roman authorities.
The Evangelist. Travel companion and disciple of Paul of Tarsus.
Messianic Secret
Phrase that refers to Jesus having commanded his followes not to reveal to others that he is the Messiah.
one of seven men chosen to attend to the distribution of aid to elderly widows within the churhc community. Tried by the Sanhedrin for blasphemy against Moses and God and speaking against the Temple and the Law and then stoned to death by an infuriated mob encouraged by Saul (Paul) of Tarsus.
Acts of the Apostles
Historical narrative that begins focusing on events in Jerusalem and end in Rome. Same author as Luke and addressed to Theophilus. Peter is prominent in part 1, and Paul in part 2. Contains speeches with central message of early church. Focuses on empowerment and validation by the holy spirit (if you allow HS in you are thus empowered by it). Touches on ascension and Matthias replacing Judas, the Pentecost, the arrests of Peter and John with Gamaliel advising Sanhendrin to leave them be, the 7 men chosen to serv the Hellenistic widows (Stephen), the conversion of Saul (Paul), the conversion of Cornelius, church at Antioch, Paul's journeys, the Jerusalem Council (on circumcision), the plot to kill Paul at Jerusalem, his two year house arrest in Caesarea, and Paul's Epistles.
Many used this literary convention in which an author assmes the name of another person, perhaps a famous person, to lend authority to the worked.
Synoptic Gospel, addressed to Gentile Christians. Emphasizes God's compassion and that the gospel's intended for all, and highlights special concern for social outcasts; the poor and women. Christianity as a lawful religion and shows Jesus at age 12 in the temple asking questions; awareness of identity. 17 parables peculiar to this Gospel, and attribution to Jesus of seven miracles which are not present in the other synoptic gospels.
Early christian church memeber who sold a plot of land and donated the profit to the apostles.
2nd journey
Paul with Silas. Troas to Macedonia to Athens and to Corinth.
Disputed Epistles of Paul
1st and 2nd Timothy, Titus, Ephesians, Colossians, and 2nd Thessalonians.
A Syrian city to which the Christian gospel was brought by Hellenists about 40CE. The name Christian was first used here. Center of mission to Gentiles.

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