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jesus' mission unit


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literal story/symbolic
water into wine, feds the thousands, healing(blind, paralytic, lepers), walks on water, raised the dead
follower of christ
one of the 12 men chosen by Christ to teach
infancy narratives
records of Jesus' birth that profess him as the incarnation of God
2nd temptation of Jesus
to jump from the pinnacle of the temple
Infancy Narratives-Matthew
42 generations before Jesus, angel Gabriel comming to Joseph, birth of Jesus, 3 wise men
let the children come to me, the unworthy are ok to be with, the commandments, the beatitudes
1st temptation of Jesus
to change stones into bread
act of following Christ in word and deed
dream of Jesus
a new way
Jesus' understanding of God
was shocking to people around him(personal relationship with God "abba")
Infancy Narratives-Luke
John the Baptist's birth foretold, angel Gabriel visits Mary, birth of John the Baptist, birth of Jesus, angel came to the shepards
3rd temptation of Jesus
to worship the devil in turn for all the kingdoms

Deck Info

