Vocabulary Vocabulary
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- Glossary
- A part of a book, (found in the back), that contains difficult words or terms and their meanings
- footnote
- A printed note or definition placed below the text at the bottom of the page
- implied or implicit meaning
- When an author or speaker does NOT directly state what they mean
- denotation
- the literal meaning of a word; the definition found in a dictionary
- symbols
- Anything that stand for or represents something else.
- root word
- The basic word you start with before adding prefixes or suffixes
- simile
- A comparison of of two unlikely things that uses the words like or as
- construct meaning
- To make meaning of something you have read
- personification
- Giving human qualities or traits to animals, things or ideas
- prefix
- A syllable (which has its own meaning), joined to the BEGINNING of a word to change that word's meaning.
- literal meaning
- The actual or real meaning of a word or phrase
- connotation
- the attitudes and feelings related to a word. NOT the word's literal meaning.
- drawing a conclusion
- Same thing as making an inference
- hyperbole
- A figure of speech that uses exaggeration to express strong emotions, make a point, or show humor
- word families
- groups of words with clear relationships
- i.e.
- an abbreviation that means: " that is... " or "in other words"
- metaphor
- A comparison of two unlikely things that does NOT use the words like or as
- e.g.
- An abbreviation that means: "For example..."
- inference
- A conclusion or guess that is determined or based upon the evidence in the story
- Index
- A part of a book, (at the back), that tells you on which pages you can find certain terms, words,people, and events
- antonym
- Words with opposite or very different meanings
- word origin
- the history of a word; the meanings of the roots and affixes
- suffix
- A syllable, (which has its own meaning), joined at the END of a word to change that word's mean and part of speech
- synonym
- Words that have similar meanings