English E. midterm
undefined, object
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- alliteration
- The repetition of the same sounds or of the same kinds of sounds at the beginning of words or in stressed syllables
- Stifle
- to keep in or hold back; suppress
- antonym
- a word opposite in meaning to another
- irony
- the use of words to convey a meaning that is the opposite of its literal meaning
- Turbulance
- the quality of being unstable
- Furor
- a general outburst of enthusiasm
- metaphor
- A figure of speech in which two objects are compared without using like or as
- Hypothesis
- a mere assumtion or guess
- Atone
- to make amends or reparation as for an offense or a crime
- pun
- a play on words
- symbolism
- the practice of representing things by symbols, or of investing things with a symbolic meaning or character.
- Contemporary
- of present time; modern
- Personification
- giving an object human like characteristics
- eloquence
- the practice or art of using language with fluency and aptness
- Tirade
- A prolonged outburst of bitter, outspoken denunctiation
- Simile
- A figure of speech in which two objects are compared using like or as
- allusion
- a reference to a famous person place or idea
- hyperbole
- obvious and intentional exaggeration
- Fluctuate
- to shift back and forth
- Refurbish
- to make new
- Lethal
- pertaining to or causing death; deadly
- flagrant
- shockingly clear easy to notice
- Notorious
- publicly or generally known, as for a particular trait
- Notoriety
- the state, quality, or characteristic of being widely known
- concede
- to admit to somthing as right
- Hearth
- home or warmth
- avert
- To look away or turn from somthing you dont like
- Meticulous
- to be extremely carefull and precise
- Homophone
- Any of two or more letters or groups of letters having the same pronunciation
- Concise
- short and to the point
- Candid
- Open and sincere
- effusive
- showing too much emotion
- Lament
- to show or feel sadness