undefined, object
copy deck
- anecdote
- short story
- plot
- the story that is told in a novel or play or movie etc.
- Tall Tale
- An exaggerated, unreliable story: Paul Bunyan
- synonym
- A word having the same or almost the same meaning as some other.
- antonym
- a word that means the oppositve of another word
- context
- the set of facts or circumstances that surround a situation or event
- caption
- brief description accompanying an illustration
- legend
- a story passed on through generations, a sort of tall tale that is not true ; ficition
- anthology
- a book which is a collection of poems or stories
- autobiography
- A biography of yourself
- compound word
- Two words are joined to make a new word
- aphorism
- A brief, cleverly worded statement that makes a wise observation about life.
- fable
- a short moral story (often with animal characters)
- atlas
- A collection of maps
- root word
- The basic word you start with before adding prefixes or suffixes
- setting
- The time and place of a story
- main idea
- what a piece of writing is mainly about
- fairy tale
- fanciful, imaginary story about a hero or heroine overcoming a problem, often involving mystical creatures, supernatural power, or magic; often a type of folktale.
- point of veiw
- the angle from which the author tells the story; the author's and therefore the reader's perspective on the story
- science fiction
- imaginary stories with ideas of science, space, or future
- suffix
- a letter or group of letters added at the end of a word or word part to form another word
- biography
- The story or a person's lire written by another person
- syllable
- unit of sound in a word
- bibliography
- An alphabetical list of all the sources you used as you researched your paper
- foreshadowing
- the use of hints and clues to suggest what will happen later in a plot
- prefix
- To attach at the beginning.
- excerpt
- a short passage from a longer piece of writing
- contraction
- a word made by combining two words into one and leaving out one or more letters
- acronym
- word formed from initial letters of another word
- bias
- having favor for one side