Vocabulary Words #1
1st 50 words
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- providence
- foresight; accompanied with suitable preparation to handle what might be necessary; a timely care; a skill or wisdom of management; the care or kind guidance of God with nature (with a capital P)
- Waif
- a person without home or friends; especially a homeless child or stray animal
- Reminiscence
- a fond remembering; a recollection; a recalling to mind; a memory recollection
- Firmament
- the sky or heavens; view poetically as a solid arch or vault
- Pious
- devout; religious; reverent; godly; devotional; righteous
- Derision
- contempt shown by laughing at; scorn; ridicule; disdain
- Redundant
- more then enough; excessive; superfluous; wordy; repetitious; copious; plentiful; superabundant
- Mountebank
- a quack, fraud, or charlatan; any boastful and false pretender
- Reverie
- dreamy thinking or imagining; fanciful musing; daydreaming
- Expound
- to state in detail; to explain or interpret the meaning (followed by "on")
- Advocate
- -v- to speak in favor of or recommend / n- a supporter or defender
- Vindication
- justification
- Sedition
- the stirring up of discontent; resistance or rebellion against the government in power
- Premonition
- strong feeling that something bad will happen forewarning or a foreboding
- Alleviate
- to lessen, mitigate, or make easier to endure as in pain or sorrow (antonym of aggravate) to alloy, ameliorate, relieve
- Conviction
- a strong belief
- Lucid
- clear; transparent; sane; mentally sound; easily understood; clearheaded rational (a lucid idea) shining bright
- Deride
- to laugh at in contempt, to mock, ridicule, taunt
- Refute
- to prove to be false or erroneous; to deny or argue the accuracy or truth of
- Reminisce
- to call pleasurable past experiences to mind
- Provident
- prudent; economical; frugal; careful; foreseeing
- Vindicate
- to successfully defend or maintain (a course or claim) against opposition; to clear from criticism; censure or suspicion
- Expedite
- to speed up the process of; to facilitate; to perform quickly and efficiently
- Conscientious
- influenced or governed by the conscience; honest; scrupulous
- Expedient
- useful for effecting a desired result, convenient under the circumstances; advantageous (not said to a person)
- Convoy
- a group of ships, cars, or troops, etc. traveling together as an escort for protection
- Fallible
- Capable of making an error
- Din
- noisy clamor; a loud clattering or rattling sound that persists
- Wretch
- miserable or unhappy person; a person who is despised or looked upon with contempt
- Stipulation
- a contract, bargain, agreement, covenant, or arrangement
- Reminiscent
- remembering; bringing to mind something else; suggestive of
- Atone
- to make amends or reparation (for wrongdoing)
- Advocacy
- active support of a cause , idea, or policy
- Expeditious
- fast, efficient
- Vindictive
- bearing a grudge; feeling or showing a strong tendency toward revenge; spiteful; vengeful
- Countenance
- v- to favor approve or give support to; to abet / n- expression of the face, calm control composure
- Devoid
- completely lacking; with out a trace of (followed by "of")
- Impetuous
- acting suddenly with little thought; impulsive; rash; hasty; rushing with great force and violence; moving rapidly like a wind or torrent
- Novice
- an inexperienced and untrained person; a beginner; learner; neophyte; tyro
- Pinnacle
- The highest point or peak; the culmination; the summit; zenith; acme; apex
- Succor
- assistance in time of distress; relief; help
- Piety
- devotion to religious duties and practices
- Stipulate
- To include specifically in the terms of an agreement or contract; to specify as an essential condition of or requisite in an agreement
- Inherent
- existing in some one or something as a natural and inseparable quality; inborn; innate; natural; inbred; intrinsic
- Atonement
- satisfaction or reparation given for an offense or injury (followed by "for")
- Wretched
- deeply distressed or miserable, unfortunate; woeful; poor in quality; very inferior; unsatisfactory; contemptible; despicable; extremely mean
- Expediency
- the easiest or fastest what to accomplish what you want
- Irrefutable
- impossible to disapprove; incontrovertible
- Void
- -n- an empty space, vacuum; a feeling of emptiness or loss; a gap or opening / v- to cause to be of no effect; to nullify / .- empty vacant; no occupied with any visible matter in law having no legal force; not binding; invalid; null; being without; devoid wanting
- Sobriety
- the state or quality of being sober; temperance or moderation; seriousness; solemnity; gravity or sedateness or manner of dress