Language Terms
undefined, object
copy deck
- Noun
- Person, Place or thing
- Verb
- indicate action or movment
- Adverb
- word used to describe the verb
- Pronouns
- words used instead of nouns to describe the same thing.
- 1st Person
- when the person is actually telling the story.
- 2nd Person
- uses words like you and talks to the reader/audience.
- 3rd person
- is toatally out of the direct situation and is not related to the subject.
- Metaphor
- something is somthing
- simile
- saying somthing is like something else. uses words such as like, as or than.
- personification
- giving living and non living things person like qualities
- synonym
- when a word has a similar meaing to another.
- antonym
- when a word has an oposite meaningto an other.
- Juxtaposition
- when you compare to things to see there differences.
- pun
- play on words.