Manser vocab 1st quarter
undefined, object
copy deck
- surplice
- loose fitting white robe based on religion
- clamber
- awkward climb; to climb awkwardly
- reactionary
- extremely conservative; conservative person
- acrimonious
- bitter or sharp in language or tone
- peevish
- showing annoyance, ill-tempered
- ordination
- granted a position, fulfilling duty
- sanctimonious
- faking religiousness
- salient
- prominent trait, obvious
- deign
- to do something below one's dignity
- usurp
- to take over with out legal authority
- demogogue
- political leader who gains power by arousing emotions of people
- inviolable
- secure from being harmed
- procurement
- act of getting possession of something
- vortex
- shape of something rotating rapidly
- contentious
- inclined to disagree, quaralsome
- anarchy
- a state of society without government or law
- heretical
- goes against common belief
- caprice
- impulsive change of mind
- expedient
- appropriate to a purpose, practical
- exalt
- to praise, raise in rank
- demure
- modest or shy in a playful way
- trivial
- little importance, dull, obvious
- vestment
- ceremonial robe
- hyperbole
- exaggeration
- homage
- to pay respects to
- embryology
- studies the formation and early development of organisms
- metamorphasis
- larva to adult, change in appearance or character
- penitent
- expressing remorse for misdeeds
- alliance
- connection based on kinship
- implicit
- implied but not directly expressed
- dour
- sullen, gloomy, stern
- apt
- subject to experiencing or doing something unpleasant
- decadent
- being in a state of decline or decay
- allele
- one member of a pair of genes
- advocate
- person who pleads for a cause [ex: lawyer]
- adept
- having or showing knowledge, someone who is skilled
- antonym
- opposite
- pretension
- a false or unsupportable quality
- ode
- lyric poem with complex stanza forms
- altruism
- unselfish concern for welfare of others
- haughty
- cocky, scornfully proud
- concord
- harmonious state of things, treaty or agreement
- literacy
- the ability to read and write
- schism
- seperation into factions
- derive
- to come from a whole or specific thing
- paramount
- having superior power and influence
- dichotomous
- to divide in 2 parts
- bisect
- to divide in 2
- amalgamate
- to join together
- coagulate
- liquid to solid
- latent
- not presently active
- aesthetic
- concerning an appreciation of beauty
- memoir
- accent of author's experiences
- hackneyed
- repeated too often
- congruent
- agreeing, corresponding
- hecatomb
- large-scale sacrifice
- affable
- easy to talk to, friendly, approachable
- vertex
- highest point of something
- deft
- skillfull in movement, quick
- assimilate
- to become similar to one's environment
- effervescent
- bubbly, lively
- artifact
- man made object
- devoid
- completely lacking
- guise
- general external appearance
- arbitrate
- act between parties to help differences
- pugnacious
- ready to resort to violence, inclined to quarrel
- alienate
- to turn away, to seperate yourself or others from a group
- parody
- composition that imitates somebody's style, spoof
- incumbent
- holding an indicated position, role or office; holder of office
- exemplary
- model-like, admirable
- adorn
- make more attractive by adding decorations
- omniscient
- having complete knowledge