reading (PSSA Vocab)
undefined, object
copy deck
- novel
- a long piece of fictional writing
- topic sentence
- the main thing a piece of writing's about
- flowchart
- illustrations that show sequence of events
- synonym
- a word with a similar, or same meaning as another word
- linegraph
- graphs that are similar to bar graphs (lines only)
- suffix
- a set of letters added to the end of a root word
- root word
- main part, or main word
- sequence
- an order which things happen
- poem
- piece of writing set in a group of lines
- inference
- a form of reasoning to in which a reader comes to a conclusion based on clues from the text
- problem
- a challenge
- story
- short piece of writing thats made up
- contrast
- act of finding the way two items differ
- viewpoint
- perspective, how someone looks at something
- supporting details
- sentences that support the topic
- solution
- answer to a problem
- summarizing
- act of briefly describing a story
- antonym
- the opposite meaning of a word
- main idea
- sentence that tells what the paragraph was about
- graphic orgonizer
- visual images and headings that organizes information
- homonyms
- words that are spelled the same but have different meanings
- play
- a piece of writing that is meant to me acted out
- fact
- something that can be proven true
- headings
- short titles in a piece of writing
- nonfiction
- a factual piece of writing
- tables
- graphics that show words in columns or rows
- context clues
- hints of the word you don't know by the words you do know around it.
- propaganda
- information spread to influence how people think
- bargraph
- a graphic that graphs information with bars
- opinion
- a persons belief that cant be proven
- prefix
- a group of letters that come before a root word
- bias
- unfair reference, or dislike if something
- fiction
- one main type of writing
- author's purpose
- the reason the author wrote something
- comparison
- act of funding the qualities two items share
- cause and effect
- something that makes something happen
- generalization
- broad statement
- idiom
- a group of words that have a special meaning