undefined, object
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- abolish
- To do away completely with something; put an end to
- appeal
- a sincere or strong request for something that is needed
- brittle
- easily broker, snapped or cracked; not flexible
- condemn
- to criticize a person or action as wrong, guilty, or evil; to judge as guilty and to punish
- descend
- to move to a lower place from a higher one; to come or be handed down from the past
- dictator
- a ruler or leader who has total power
- expand
- to open up, make or grow larger, to develop
- famine
- a severe shortage of food over a large area
- portable
- easily moved or carried
- prey
- an animal hunted as food by another; someone or something that is helpless against attack
- thrifty
- careful about spending money; tending to save money; managing money well
- visual
- having to do with sight or seeing
- synonym for abolish
- to outlaw, ban, repeal, stamp out
- synonym for appeal
- a plea, petition; charm, attraction
- synonym for brittle
- breakable, stiff
- synonym for condemn
- disapprove, denounce, blame
- synonym for descend
- to drop, fall, plunge, climb down
- synonym for dictator
- tyrant, master
- synonym for expand
- to open up, make or grow larger
- synonym for famine
- hunger, starvation
- synonym for portable
- movable, transportable
- synonym for prey
- a victim, quarry; to devour
- synonym for thrifty
- economical, frugal
- synonym for visual
- visible
- Antonym for abolish
- to establish, restore
- antonym for appeal
- disgust, repel
- antonym for brittle
- bendable, flexible
- antonym for condemn
- praise, admire, honor
- antonym for descend
- rise, climb, scale
- antonym for dictator
- democrator
- antonym for expand
- to shrink, reduce, contract
- Antonym for famine
- feast, plenty
- antonym for portable
- immovable, fixed, rooted
- antonym for prey
- a hunter, predator
- antonym for thrifty
- wasteful, careless
- antonym for visual
- hidden