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SOL Vocabulary


undefined, object
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A reference that comes out once a year and is updated with current facts about countries, sports, entertainment, politics and other news events of the year
Alphabetical Order
Arranged in the order of the alphabet, starting with A and ending with Z. Dictionaries, thesauruses, glosseries, indexes and other reference materials are often organized in alphabetical order.
A word that means the opposite of a word.
A reference book of maps and geopraphical information about the world
Author's Purpose
The reason why an author writes. To inform, to entertain, to express, to persuade, and to explain how to do something.
The story of a person's life, written by that person
The story of a person's life written by another person. Biographies use historical facts, letters and interviews.
The event or circumstance that leads to another event, or effect. One cause may have many effects. (What happened)
A graphic organizer made up of rows and columns that helps organize information.
Chronological Order
The presentation of events in the order in which they happened. Timelines help display chronological order.
Compare and contrast
A way to show how two things, people, or events are similar and different. Venn diagrams help compare and contrast two different things.
Clues to author's purpose
Setting details, words and phrases that help you understand why a writer writes a story, poem or passage
A final decision a reader makes about an issue after reading about it. A reasonable decision or judgement based on evidence or information that you know to be true.
Context clues
Clues from surrounding sentences or words that help you determine the meaning of an unfamiliar word.
A story element that provides extra information. Details may appeal to the readers' senses. They often help the reader create a picture in his or her mind.
A book with an alphabetical listing of words. The dictionary shows the correct spelling, the correct pronunciation, the part of speech, and the definition 9(meanings) of each entry word
Part of a web address that tells you the source of information. The most common domains are .com, .net, .org,.edu,.gov
An effect is a result of a cause. Several effects may come from one cause. (What happens)
A collection of many volumes that contains articles about different topics (More information.) The volumes are arranged alphabetically.
To amuse readers or simply keep them interested. Sometimes this is an author's purpose.
Evaluate information
To decide what details are related to your topic and what details are not.
A short tale that teaches a lesson. The characters in fables are usually animals who act and talk like people. Also called a folk tale.
A statement that can be proven. Nonfiction writing is based on facts.
A story that is not real and is very imaginative. Fantasy can include fables,science fiction, and historical fiction.
A word to describe stories that are made up. Short stories, novels, and folktales are examples of fiction.
Folk Tale
A short tale that teaches a lesson. The characters are usually animals that talk and act like people. Also called a fable.
Free verse
Poetry that does not rhyme.
A listing of vocabulary words within a book. A glossary is in alphabetical order and provides a brief definition of the word. It is usually at the back of a book.
Pictures, photographs, drawings, and word arrangements that help the reader understand the author's point better.
Graphic Organizers
A graphic organizer helps a person organize information. Examples are charts, flowchart web, main idea web, outline, timeline and Venn Diagram.
Historical Fiction
Stories written as if the writer lived in the past. These stories use real details and facts from the past. A writer of historical fiction will study events that have happened and use those events to make the story seem real.
Words that have the same sound and the same spelling, but mean different things. Homographs are a type of homonym. lead/lead
Words that have the same sound, but are spelled differently and mean different things. Can also mean words that are spelled alike but the have differnt meanings in different contexts. pear/pair
A word that has the same sound but a differnt meaning and spelling than another word. Homophones are a type of homonym. example: to/too/two
Something that is make believe, not real. Fiction writing is imaginary.
A complete listing of topics, sometimes found in the back of a book. The topics are listed in alphabetical order. Page numbers are listed next to the topics.
A piece of information developed from known facts. It is an intelligent guess.
The purpose of a passage that teaches or educates readers.
A tool that an be used for researching different topics. Make sure the information online is reliable and up to date.
Know-Want to Know-Learned. A reading strategy in which the reader asks questions before, during and after a passage. the questions are 1)What do I know about this topic? 2)What do you want to know about? 3) What have I learned about this topic?

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