Odyssey vocab. 1
undefined, object
copy deck
- synonym
- one of 2 or more words of the same language that have the same or nearly the same meaning
- antonym
- a word of opposite meaning
- theme
- the theme of a work isn't its subject, rather it is its central idea, which may be stated directly or indirectly
- plot
- the storyline within a work; main sequence of events
- setting
- the time, place, and circumstances in which something occurs or develops; the time and place, of the action of a literary , dramatic, or cinematich work.
- paraphrase
- a restate,emt pf a text, passage, or work giving the meaning in another form.
- breach
- infraction or violatin of a law or obligation
- prosperous
- marked by success or economic well-being; enjoying vigorous and healthy growth.
- ponderous
- at very great weight, unwieldy or clumsy becasue of weight or size.
- summon
- to issue a call to assemble or meet; to bid to come: to send for
- prudent
- characterized or showing great reason or wisdom in decisions(wise)
- credulous
- ready to believe especially on slight or uncertain evidence
- laggard
- one who falls behind or moves slowly
- exquisite
- carefully selected; marked by flawless craftmanship; pleasing through beauty or prefection
- austere
- sterm amd cp;d om a[[earamce pr ,ammer; morally strict
- narcissism
- extreme love of oneself, excessive concern for oneself (egoism)
- entreat
- to make an earnest request to plead with especially in order to persuade
- consort
- associate/ in association with; to keep company
- adoration
- fine act of adoring; state of being adored
- perpetual
- continuing forever, occuring continually
- resolve
- to reduce by analysis;deal with successfully, clear up
- langour
- weakness or weariness of body or mind.