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Japans 009


undefined, object
copy deck
anagura (穴蔵)
a cellar
amizaiku (網細工)
angai (案外)
unexpectedly, contrary to one's expectation
an (餡)
bean jam
amiki (編機)
a knitting machine
anbu (鞍部)
[山の] a col
annojō (案の定)
as expected
an'itsu o musaboru (安逸を貪る)
to idle away one's time
ankana (安価な)
cheap, inexpensive
aminome no yōna (網の目のような)
meshy, reticulated
Angorausagi (アンゴラ兎)
an Angora rabbit
ando suru (安堵する)
to feel at ease, to be/feel relieved
anjite (案じて)
in anxiety [about]
ankani (安価に)
at a low price
angō (暗号)
a cipher, a code; a signal, a sign
anjū no chi o motomeru (安住の地を求める)
to seek a place for peaceful living
aminome (網の目)
meshes (of a net), a network
anchūmosaku suru (暗中模索する)
to grope in the dark
angōka (暗号化)
ana (穴)
a hole, an opening, a gap, an eye; a cave, a hollow; a lair, a den, a burrow
ana o ateru (穴をあてる)
[競馬で] to pick a dark horse
an (案)
a plan, a scheme, a bill, a measure; a proposal, a suggestion, a draft
yoi anbai ni (良い塩梅に)
fortunately, luckily
anideshi (兄弟子)
a senior pupil
anesannyōbō (姉さん女房)
a wife older than her husband
ankā (アンカー)
an anchor; an anchorman
anbunhirei (案分比例)
proportional distribution
anettai (亜熱帯)
a subtropical zone
anjigao de (案じ顔で)
with a concerned look
ando (安堵)
ane (姉)
an elder/older sister
anaunsu (アナウンス)
an announcement
amimoto (網元)
a fishermen's boss
anji (暗示)
a hint, a suggestion
anaunsā (アナウンサー)
a radio announcer, a TV announcer
an ni sōi shite (案に相違して)
contrary to one's expectation
anagachi (強ち)
[not] necessarily, [not] always, [not] altogether
an'anrini (暗々裏に)
tacitly, implicitly
andāshatsu (アンダーシャツ)
an undershirt, a vest, an undervest
kokusai Amunesuti (国際アムネスティ)
Amnesty International
anchokuna (安直な)
cheap, inexpensive, simple
anaunsu suru (アナウンスする)
to announce
an'ina (安易な)
easy, easygoing
anaunsukōka (アナウンス効果)
an announcement effect
anihakaran'ya (豈図らんや)
to one's surprise, quite unexpectedly
an'ini kangaeru (安易に考える)
to take too easy
anni shiraseru (暗に知らせる)
to hint, to suggest, to insinuate
ana o akeru (穴をあける)
to make a hole
andāsurō (アンダー・スロー)
an underhand throw
anbaransu (アンバランス)
imbalance, a lack of balance, unbalance
anda (安打)
a (safe) hit, a safety
anago (穴子)
a conger (eel)
ani (兄)
an elder/older brother
anata (あなた)
you; (my) dear, (my) darling
amorufasu busshitsu (アモルファス物質)
amorphous substance
anaume (穴埋め)
a stopgap
anadoru (侮る)
to despise, to look down upon, to disregard
anime (アニメ)
an animation
anemone (アネモネ)
an anemone
anaume suru (穴埋めする)
to fill a gap, to make up a loss
ankāman (アンカーマン)
an anchorman
anjiru (案じる)
to think out, to devise; to be anxious about, to worry
angya suru (行脚する)
to go on a walking tour, to go on (a) pilgrimage
anni (暗に)
tacitly, secretly
angō (暗合)
a coincidence
angōkagijutsu (暗号化技術)
amu (編む)
to knit, to crochet; to net, to braid; to compile
aminosan (アミノ酸)
an amino acid
ana o fusagu (穴をふさぐ)
to stop (up) a hole, to fill (up) a gap
anji suru (暗示する)
to hint, to suggest
ankanto (安閑と)
in idleness, idly
anbun suru (按分する)
to divide proportionally
andon (行燈)
a lantern
anguragekijō (アングラ劇場)
an underground theater
aniyome (兄嫁)
a sister-in-law
an'ini (安易に)
easily, with ease
angō suru (暗合する)
to coincide
anbai (塩梅/案配)
seasoning, taste, flavour; a condition; a way, a manner; arrangement, adjustment
anbai suru (塩梅する)
to season; to arrange, to adjust
anchi suru (安置する)
to enshrine, to lay in state
amimono o suru (編物をする)
to do knitting
angōbun (暗号文)
a cryptogram, an encrypted message
anba (鞍馬)
a side horse, a pommel horse
anemuko (姉婿)
a brother-in-law

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