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Psych 333


undefined, object
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largest brain structure. left & right hemispheres connected by corpus callosum
Confirmation Bias
when generating possible solutions we should seek falsification not positive (vowel even problem)
Belief-Bias Effects
truth influences judgments of validity.
acceptable grammar can:
generate acceptable sentences, reject unacceptable sentences, explain embiguity
speech sounds of speech perception
production mechanisms, speech spectrograms
transformational grammar
Chomsky, Speakers have tacit but no explicit knowledge of grammar. Competence is greater than performance.
Language is Required for Thought
Support: thinking often leads to subvocal speech, deaf sign during during sleep. Refuted by: problem solving animals, abilities of humans without language, abstract thought & memory (gist), full paralysis (via curare)
Principal of Caution
tend to accept weak & guarded conclusions more readily than strong ones (some, all)
thinking as restructuring (reorganizing) problems [Gestalt = organized as whole]
experts have advantage due to knowledge, methods, speed, metacognitive
phonemic resoration effect
we can detect and correctly locate silent gaps
Framing Effects
Wording can influence decision. Violate Utility but not Prospect. Focus on Gains (risk aversive) or Losses (risk prone)
perceiving and remembering complex or fragmentary material
face recognition, ordering faces by age
2 types of reasoning
Descriptive (how ppl reason, ignore relevant...), Normative (how ppl ought to reason)
Representativeness Heuristic
tend to see more representative outcomes as more likely, sometimes despite base rate of small sample size, and sometimes in violation of basic probability (in conjunction fallacy)
well-defined vs ill-defined problems
goal, initial conditions, and rules are unclear in illdefined
ordering, set of rules for combining morphemes
3 Theories of Relationship of Thought and Language
Language is Required for thought; language strongly influences thought; language depends on cognition
Logical Fallacies
Affirm the Consequent, Deny the Antecedent
speech spectrograms
reveal formants, bands of speech energy
4 ways speech perception is easier than reading
alphabetic characters don't have unique phonetic equivalents (grapheme=boat,hoe), context must be considered to assign phonemes to graphemes (bread,bead), small area of effective vision, written language lacks prosody
Theories of (Written) Word Recognition
Indirect-Access Hypothesis, Direct-Access Hypothesis, Dual-Access Hypothesis
5 true language criteria
semanticity, generative, displacement, structure, arbitrariness
Right Hemispheric Specialization
visuospatial tasks. Perceiving and remembering complex or fragmentary material. Perceiving and producing expressions
Direct-Access Hypothesis
readers recognize words directly from printed letters. whole word method! app. 250 words/min
Language Strongly Influences Thought
Linguistic Relativity Hypothesis: one's native language determines the way the world is perceived and understood; there is no good evidence for strong Linguistic Relativity
Indirect-Access Hypothesis
word recognition is phonologically mediated. phonics!
Left Hemisphere Specialization
verbal tasks (speech perception & production, reading & writing, complex grammar, speech output
Language Depends on Cognition
Support: thought precedes language, basic color words often designate focal colors that correspond to high color senstivity, highly differentiated terms for a category occur only if category is highly significant for users, languages tend to evolve to reflect cognitively important variation
Anchoring & Adjustment
strategy of starting from some initial estimate or anchor, then adjusting it. (Gandhi die before 140? power of first impression)
*1. Registration & preparation *2. Generating possible solutions 3. Incubation - take a break 4. Insight - sudden illumination 5. Verification - check solution
Theories of Speech Perception
Template & Feature Theories. Motor Theory. must account for stable phoneme perception despite variability in underlying acoustic patterns
Prospect Theory
consequences are viewed in terms of changes from a reference level (sensory adaptation level) with a diminishing returns function for both positive and negative outcomes. value function is steeper for losses than gains. risk aversion/seeking decisions
3 Common Errors & Weaknesses in Decision Making
Framing Effects, Subjective Probability, Other Judgment Heuristics
production mechanisms
every phoneme has a unique manner of production
4 parts of grammar
syntax, phonology, semantics, pragmatics
3 methods of problem solving
trial & error (inefficient), algorithm, heuristics
perceiving and producing expressions
perception and production of emotion in speech, interpreting the emotional expression of faces, left hemiface is more expressive in adults (esp. for neg. emotions)
Probability Matching
tend to select based on relative frequency of events rather than to maximize success
components of spoken language
phonemes, morphemes, grammar
Mental Set
tendency to respond in a certain way. help or hurt. 1. functional fixedness, 2. perceptual organization
The Reading Process
top-down and bottom-up. online tasks, reading comprehension
Hemispheric Specialization. contralateral. slightly less lateralization in women for spatial and verbal abilities. shown by split-brain patients
Analogical Reasoning
base decision on previous situation that seems similar (relevant) - corn in Ohio?
rules of meaning
rule or set of rules that always produces a solution within a finite # of steps (addition, subtraction)
phonemic context effect
phonemes are context-sensitive
"Unlucky Day" Hot Hand
belief that usual odds don't hold
recovery of function (after unilateral damage)
age (6-8 = full. after puberty = limited). handedness (left handers>right)
study of language as it is learned and used
Availability Heuristic
tend to make judgments on basis of what is readily brought to mind. 1. unrepresentative exposure (media coverage), 2. accessibility (incomplete memory)
context aids comprehension
understanding words often requires speech context. 47%
5 limitations & common errors of deduction
Inherent limitation, Confirmation bias, Logical Fallacies, Principle of Caution, Belief-Bias Effects
Motor Theory
perception via decoding of manner of production. phonetic info is perceived in a biologically distinct system ("module") "specialized to detect the intended gestures of the speaker that are the basis for phonetic categories
chancy short cuts. means-end heuristic - divide and conquer. analogies - refer to similar one
2 types of logical reasoning
form not content. Inductive - probablistic based on experience. Deductive - conclusion from premises
bimodal perception
poora quality speech can be processed & perceived as either sounds or speech
time for speech perception
usually 12 per second; max=50 per second. non-speech: 1.5 per second
2 Points of Thinking & Decision Making
thinking is often irrational or inconsistent. we often use judgment heuristics that are easy to apply, often lead to reasonable decisions, and may lead to poor decisions
Hindsight Bias
difficult to ignore knowledge of outcomes. underestimate difficulty of various problems.
shared symbolic system for communication
3 contributions of Gestalt psychology
viewpoint, stages, mental set
parallel transmission
temporal overlap in production of neighboring phoneme
3 Theories of Decision Making
Expected Utility Theory, Subjective Expected Utility, Prospect Theory
Subjective Expected Utility
usefulness or personal value, not objective value, guides decisions.
smallest meaningful units
non-human languages
restricted context, predictable, no sentences
3 types of Deductive Reasoning
Propositional (if..then). Relational (< > =). Quantificational (more/less)
Lateralization of Cognitive Functions
left hemisphere specialization, right hemispheric specialization, language lateralization & handedness, recovery of function
Perceptual Organization
9 dot problem, wooden match triangles
smallest units of sound that affect meaning, 45-46, produce categorical perception
Dual-Access Hypothesis
both routes needed, although phonics is critically important
online tasks
microanalysis of reading as it happens. gaze contingent paradigm (saccades & fixations). eye-contingent displays (monitor eye movements & change the display depending on movement or location of gaze
reading comprehension
standard comprehension tests have subjects read a passage, then take a memory or comprehension test
social rules about language use
Inherent Limitation
only concerned with validity (not truth)
3 ways to reject unacceptable sentences
syntactic violations, semantic violations, phonological violations
Expected Utility Theory
objective usefulness or value will determine decisions. normative and frequently violated theory
2 ways to explain ambiguity
structural ambiguity, lexical ambiguity
Template & Feature Theories
we detect a sequence of phonemes, each of which has unique and consistent acoustic properties. like Morse code
set of rules for combining phonemes
word segmentation problem
words are seldom separated by periods of silence. same for phonemes
Other Judgment Heuristics
Availability Heuristic, Analogical Reasoning, Simulation Heuristic, Anchoring & Adjustment
visuospatial tasks
spatial orientation, stereognosis, matching patterns, depth judgments
4 ways Reading is easier than speech perception
no word segmentation, no parallel transmission, can re-read material, can control rate of input
Subjective Probability
ppl fail to act in accordance with expected value. "unlucky day," gamblers fallacy, probability matching, representativeness heuristic
Functional Fixedness
tendency to see an object as having a certain use (matchbox problem, 2cord)
Simulation Heuristic
judge situations on ease with which you can imagine (mentally simulate) alternatives
Gambler's Fallacy
belief that sequences of chance events should be balanced (number is due for a win, airline due for a crash)
validity vs truth
form vs content. Soundness = validity + truth

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