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What does NPK stand for in fertilizers?
nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium
Cutting forage earlier and more often can help to.... while maintaining quality
boost yields
What is the largest cost in producing livestock?
What are prices determined by?
supply and demand
What is the budget?
a plan for estimated expenses, income and returns
Define assests
anything owned or recievable that has exchange value
Name a belted breed of dog
If a horse is well balanced, how much longer is his bottom line in relation to his top line?
twice as long
When evaluating market animals, where is the best place to look to determine muscularity?
forearm or stifle
If a horse is 15 hands tall, how tall is he in inches?
60 inches
Where is the National Western Stock Show held?
Denver, Colorado
What is the average rib eye area of a market lamb?
2.5 square inches
What is the gestation lenght of a cow?
283 days
What 2 breeds are crossed to produce what is called a black baldy?
hereford and angus
What do you call a casturated male pig?
What is a stag?
A steer that had started to develope secondary sex characteristics before casterated
What is a female pig called before she has pglets?
At what weight does a pig become a hog?
180 lbs.
Think of a 1100 lb. mature cow. What % of her body weight will she eat per day?
What is the purpose of a chin-ball marker on a gomer bull?
To identify females in heat
What are the 5 of the 6 essential nutrients?
water, carbs, protein, fat, vitamins, minerals
What are the 4 soluble vitamins?
A, D, E, K
What is the gestation length of swine?
3 months, 3 weeks, 3 days, or 114 days
What is the major health concern in feed lots?
acidiosis or feed engorgement
Where is the poll located on the sheep?
Top of the head
What are the top 4 quality grades of beef?
prime, choice, select, standard
How many yeilds of beef are there?
Which breed of cattle have red, white, or roan color pattern?
What mineral shot is required but pigs soon after birth?
What is the most common limiting amino acid in swine nutrition?
What is the minimum # of teats per side a gilt should have before considering her for a replacement?
What are the muscle scores of swine carcasses?
1, 2, 3
Which breed of sheep is noted for having an extremely fine grading fleece?
Where is the rack located on a sheep?
on the back directly behind the shoulder
What is the major factor affecting the immune system?
What is the national FFA dues?
5 dollars
What are the official colors of the National FFA organization?
corn gold and national blue
What is the motto of the National FFA Organization?
Learning to do, doing to learn, earning to live, living to serve
What is the salute of the National FFA Organization?
The pledge of allegiance
Who wrote the FFA creed, and at what convention was it adopted?
E.M. Tiffany, 3rd National Convention
How long is a hank?
560 yards
How long is the gestation period of ewes?
5 months
Which breed uses the slogan "America's Most Versatile Horse"?
The Quarter Horse
What distinguishes a horse as beinga bay?
black mane, tail, and black points
Where is the National FFA Center located?
Indianapolis, Indiana
Under waht Act of !917 were courses in VOcational Agriculture established?
Smith Hughes
What are the 4 degrees of membership in the FFA?
Greenhand, Chapter, State, and American
What are the 4 types of membership in the FFA?
Active, collegiate, alumni, honorary
When was the FFA organized?
Who is recognized as the father of FFA?
Henry Groseclose
What year did the FFA recieve it's federal charter?
When did Colorado recieve its charter?
What year was the FFA Foundation started?
What year was the National FFA magazine started?
What year did the FFA and NFA merge?
What year were girls allowed into the FFA for the first time?
Who is the State FFA advisor?
Kenton Oshner
Who is the stat FFA executive secretary?
Ernie Gill
Who is the national FFA advisor?
Larry Case
Who is the national FFA executive secretary?
C. Coleman Harris
In the year 2000, where is the National FFa convention held and during what month?
Louisville, Kentucky in Oct.
Where id the National FFA foundation located?
Madison, WI
When was the National FFA Alumni Association established?
Who was the first Star Farmer of America, and what state was he from?
Carlton Patton, Arkansas
What are the four types of voting?
voice, show of hands or standing, roll call, or secret ballot
What is the purpous of using Parlimentarian Procedure during a meeting?
to keep the meeting in order and running smoothly
Why was Parlimentary procedure designed and who's right does it protect?
To insure the rights of the majoriety and protect the rights of the minority
Name 3 of 6 types of SAEP?
supervised farming, farm placement, cooperative work experience program, exploratory, improvement projects, supplement frm practices
Proficiency awards are based on a students...
When writing a farming agreement, what person should the agreement be written in?
3rd person
What is an asset?
It is proporty owned that has value
What is liability?
It is the outstanding amount a person owes
What is a budget?
It is a plan or protection of anticipated expenses, incomes, and net returns.
Why was the future farmers of America changers to just FFA at the national level?
There was the feeling that the organization needed name change for the reason that the FFA wasn't just for students who wanted to go into the production of agriculture?
What are the 3 areas the FFA seeks to develop in its members?
1) premier leadership 2) personal growth, 3) career tests
What are the 6 constitutional FFA officers?
Prisident, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Reporter, and sentinel
Career Development Events are designed to test what?
knowledge and skills
How many taps of the gavel tells the members to be seated?
What are the 4 classifications of motions?
privileged, incidental, subsidiary, unclassified
What are the four functions of livestock?
food, clothing, power, and recreation
Define Mutton
Meat fom a sheep that was slaughtered over 14 months of age
define shorn
a sheep that has been sheared?
Define colostrum.
known as the 1st milk, rich in vitamins and minerals, give offspring antibodies, act as a laxative
What does the word cattle mean?
mean possession
What is bos Indicus?
Humped cattl ecommon to the tropical countries that belong to the Zebu group
What are the 4 types of cattle?
beef type, dairy type, dual purpose type, draft type
What percent of U.S. cows never calve?
What two factors affect age of puberty?
breed and environmental factors
What are the 5 U.S. Quality Grades of beef?
Prime, Choice, Select, Standard, Utility
What are the 5 u.s. yield grades?
What two areas are sheep divided into the u.s.?
farm flock and range
Why has the importance of wool declined in the last century?
the competition of other natural and synthetic fibers
The "Columbia" sheep breed is a cross of...
Lincoln ewe and Rambouillet ram
What is a band of sheep?
900-1100 head
A rambouillet is an example of waht type of wool?
What is meant by tagging sheep?
removal of dirty wool around the dock
What are the slaughter swine U.S. grades?
1,2,3,4, and utility
What year did the horse population reach and all-time high?
When did the horse population in the U.S. bottom out?
What is the average gestation period of a mare?
A mule is a cross between...
jack and a mare
Who was the 1st female State FFA president for Colorado?
Denise Tappy
What is the gestation period of a cow?
What is the gestation period of a sow?
Assets minus Liability equals what?
net worth
What is the highest quality grade of beef cattle?
What is the highest yield grade of beef cattle?
An uncastrated male hog is a...
What kind of barley is grown under dry land farming conditions?
2 row barley
What color lens is required to arc weld?
What is the degree of acidity of alkalinity of a substance?
The principal root of a plant is called?
Tap root
What is maure from worms?
Any deviation from the normal state of health?
Name the 4th or true stomach division of a ruminant animal?
What is the lean to fat ratio?
The amount of lean mean in a carcass compared to the amount of fat
what is the word that refers to birds?
Qwhat are 2 methods of harvesting corn?
picking/combining, cutting for silage
Which breed of cattle have the largest horns?
What meat comes from 4-5 month old beef calves?
Name 2 things that sheep produce each year?
Lamb wool
TDN is an abbreviation for?
Total Digestable Nutrients
What type of plant completes it's life cycle in 2 years?
In a 10-20-10 mixture of fertilizer, 20 is a measurement of what nutrient?
How many tons of manure will an average a beef cow produce each year?
What arethe 5 main colors of horses?
Bay, brown, chestnut, black, white
What are the 2 basic types of castration?
Surgical, bloodless
What are 2 characteristics of an A horizon in soil?
Dark color and hig organic matter
What is a male sheep called after castration?
What is the Latin name for beef cattle?
What is the proper name for a male breeding hog?
What is the proper name for a mature female breeding hog?
What does the term subcutaneous mean?
under the skin
which breed of dairy cow is the smallest?
What gasses can be used in a MIG welder?
Inert gasses that do not react to anything, CO2 and Argon
What surroounds the electrode in an arc welding rod?
how far do you turn the oxyaetylene welding rod?
1/2 rotation
what types of bronding are there?
hot iron, freeze, chemical
what is a toxin?
when microorganism enters an animals body and causes poison
what are 2 basic types of records?
financial and physical
name 2 of the 5 factors responsible for soil developement?
parent material, life, topography, climate, time
In soils, a natural soil aggregate is called a?
how is soild texture determined in the field?
feeling and touch
what is the difference between a porterhouse and a T-bone steak?
Porterhouse has 3 meat groups instead of 2
What is a heifer?
a female bovine that is under 2 years old and had not had a calf
What is A horizon?
What is B horizon?
what are 3 invader grasses?
tumbling russian thistle, cheat grass, and Canadian thistle
when a 2/3 vote is required state 1 way that you may vote
show of hands, standing
what bree dof cattle originated from texas?
Texas Longhorn
name 2 breeds of cattle that originated in the U.S.
polled hereford and polled shorthorn
list 3 aims or goals of the FFA
develope, complete, and strive in leadershiip
List 3 brands of swine
Duroc, landrace, yorkshire
do incidental motions have an order of precedence?
what breed of dairy cattle produce the most butter fat?
name 2 breeds of cattle that originated in France
Limousine, saler
Name an english breed know for excellent carcass quality
Black Angus
What does the plow on the FFA emblem stand for?
signifies labor and tillage of soil, backbone of agriculture and the historic foundation on our countries strength
Name 3 things that have to be accomplised to earn the Greenhand degree.
Memorize and understand the FFA creed, be enrolled in ag, have satisfactory plans for an SAE, and know and understand the FFA motto
in welding with an arc, what is a butt joint?
welding of 2 pieces of metal
what is a range site?
a part of the range are with a simialr soil slope and moisture
What is a A.M.U.?
animal unit month
who is the secretary of the department of ag
Dan Glickman
what does CRP stand for?
conservation reserve program
can you give an equine la2000?
no there is a chemical that makes your heart stop
what are mully calves?
calves with no hearts
who owns the supply service?
the national FFA organization
how long may a member keep their act of membership?
until November 30th following the 4th national convention following high school
what year was the dress code adopted?
when was the 1st world conference in ag held?
when was the 1st national public speaking contest?
sun on emblem
progress in ag and confidence
what 2 words are written on the emblem?
agricultural education
does it require a second to lay an item of business onthe table?
which degrees are given by the chapter?
greenhand and chapter farmer
which degree is given by the state ass.
state FFA degree
which degree is given by the national FFA ass.
American FFA
who supports the financial needs of FFA
self supporting
what does the creed mean?
statemeant beliefs held by FFA mambers
what is the code of ethics
set of guidelines for conduct of FFA members adopted by the members
who publishes the FFA calender
FFA supply serive
who may purchase the calenders?
chapters, state, individual members
who is the national FFA alumni ass.
former FFA members
what is the goal of membership developemt
recruitment retenttion of members
what are 4 reasons FFA members are put in competitive settings
tech knowledge judgement resoning sportsmanship
what is the reporter stationed by?
what does SAEP mean?
Supervised Ag Experience program
how many areas are there in state judgin?
when was national FFA week
how many yearsa can a member hold office?
1 no re-elections
what is a membership year for FFA
sep. 1 aug. 31
when was FFA times paper publishes?
what is the cost of national dues?
the extent, size, volume, SAE
how many activities above ch. level must a member be involved in to be eligible for state degree?

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