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FInal Broadcasting


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appoints members to the FCC
The House and Senate
They make the rules
Judicial Branch
Legal matters can be appealed to the courts
Communication act of 1934
seperated the act into 7 units called titles
title 5
added in 1984 this established regulatory framework
for cable tv
the president appoints 5 commissioners who serve for 5 years- May be reappointed
PICON standards
Public Interest Convenience or Necessity
FCC Organization
Mass Media bureau handles radio and TV
Notice of Inquiry; Notifying about regulation making new rules
Notice of proposed rule making- public has 60-90 days to comment before they actually codify a rule
Low power FM’s 100 watt stations: they can broadcast to a limited area
Construction Permit CP
Cp you have to ask FCC if you can build; want to make sure you can have license etc.
License Qualification
Character/Financial/ resources/ technical ability/citizenship
License renewal
- 8 Years for radio and TV ; you must renew every 8 years
HOw many Licenses are renewed
Fifth Amendment Due Process Clause
means the FCC may not use its powers arbitrarily
Cable act of 1992
outlined rules for retransmission consent and Must Carry Rules
Retransmission consent
Retransmission consent Every three years; the retransmission consent
1997 supreme court case
upheld the must- carry laws; it upheld them because they hold a local intrest
1996 telecommunications ACT
Congress removed ban on cable Telco cross- ownership to stimulate local competition in the multi-channel video market
Reporter’s privilege
Reporters can withhold the identity of news sources ; “differs from state to state
they are illegal to advertise on television; state exception if there is a state approved lottery it can be advertised, horse racing can be advertised; Gambling if approved by the state can be advertised
Lottery must offer
a price you have to have a chance of winning after consideration
Mark Felts
The First Amendment
Prohibits gov. regulation of speech and press. In other words, no government censorship. We are protected from this, but not from onr another (broadcast editorial decisions)
Editorial control
not censorship
However limitations on electronic media so absolute freedom does not exist (can’t yell fire)
1st amendment
encourages a marketplace of ideas
encourages disagreement
Protection against prior restraint
It’s illegal to prevent someone in advance form publishing anything
is defamation by published untrue words
Slander- this is spoken defamation
Radio and TV defamation is treated as
Times vs. Sullivan
Criticism of public officials protected by the first amendment
4th amendment
guarantees the right to physical solitude
Federal courts
off limits to broadcast media coverage of trial events
cannot broadcast theses
Miller vs. California
defined obsenity; Ruled that local community standards apply in judging obscenity. The LAPS test is usually used to determine on-air obscenity.
LAPS test
used to determine what the social moral standards of the community is
The Pacifica Decision- George Carlin
established indecency WBAI-FM and Safe-Harbor
Safe- Harbor
10 pm- 6 pm you don’t have to worry as much about indecency
1996 telecommunication act
eliminated rules on multiple and crossownership standards
Minority ownership
Tax certificates and Distress sales are two actions permitted by the FCC to increase the number of minority licensees
Foreign Ownership
no more than 25% of a stations stock can be in foreign hands
Equal Time Equal opportunity
All the candidates for the same office must be treated alike (This is also Section 315)
Section 315 only applies for..
paid ads
Political Time
Candidates must be charged the lowest unit rate
The Red Lion Decisions
this airmed the fairness docterine

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