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Homeopathic Remedies Set 3


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Organ/Dx Affinity
* Polychrest
* GI
* IBS, IBD, Intestinal Dysbiosis, Dyspepsia.
* Respiratory
* Pnuemonia, Asthma, COPD
* GU: Calculi, Cystitis, Urethritis, Nephritis/osis, Sexual Dysfunction
* Nervous
* N
Lycopodium clavatum-Club Moss
* GI
* Lower abdominal flatulence; better passing.
* Worse after eating small amounts
* Rumbling (Borborygmus)
* Constipation
* When travelling
* Hard stool followed by soft.
Lycopodium clavatum-Club Moss
* Respiratory
* Takes cold easily
* Flapping of the alea nasi during pnuemonia
Lycopodium clavatum-Club Moss
* GU
* Premature ejaculation
* Impotence with strong desire
* Red sand in urine
Lycopodium clavatum-Club Moss
* Appetite: Easy satiety, or ravenous after eating a little.
* Right to Left
* Chilly; but can be worse in heat.
* Averse cold drinks
Lycopodium clavatum-Club Moss
* Worse 4-8PM; second wind after 8PM
§ Late afternoon slump
* Agg. from oysters.
§ Not common
* Intolerant to tight clothing and touch on abdomen.
* Worse lying on the Right side
Lycopodium clavatum-Club Moss
* Lack of confidence sometimes with false bravado. Anxiety anticipating and engagement.
§ Performance anxiety
§ Sexual anxiety
Lycopodium clavatum-Club Moss
* Domineering/ Haughty
§ Dictatorial to ppl beneath them.
Lycopodium clavatum-Club Moss
* Mistakes with words/ letters with writing or speaking.
§ Dyslexia
Lycopodium clavatum-Club Moss
* Concentration difficult.
Lycopodium clavatum-Club Moss
* Desire for company, in the house.
§ Aversion to being alone.
§ But they don't want you to be there bothering them.
§ Wants you in the house, but in a different room.
§ Helplessness, often needs support.
Lycopodium clavatum-Club Moss
* Aversion to her children
§ Sepia is indifferent to children.
Lycopodium clavatum-Club Moss
* Ailments from fright
* Frightened easily
Lycopodium clavatum-Club Moss
* Intolerant of contradiction
Lycopodium clavatum-Club Moss
* Oversensitive to pain
Lycopodium clavatum-Club Moss
* Musculo-Skeletal System
* Caries, Scoliosis, Exostoses, Developmental delay, Tardy dentition, Malformation, Frequent strains
* Popular pediatric remedy
* Immune system:
* Frequent infections
* TB, Pneumonia, Bronchitis,Va
Calcarea Carbonica-Calcium carbonate (Calcarea osteareum)
* Obesity
§ Not a food-mischoice obesity
§ Morbid obesity: BMI 30-40
* Tumors
* Polyps, Warts, Uterine fibroids, Cancer
* Psychological
* Anxiety Disorder
* Adjustment Reaction
* Depression and Dysthymia
Calcarea Carbonica-Calcium carbonate (Calcarea osteareum)
* Muscular Skeletal System
* Cold Damp Feet
â–¡ Feet sweat in the cold
* Soft Cold Moist Hands
Calcarea Carbonica-Calcium carbonate (Calcarea osteareum)
* Large headed babies
* CV
* SOB and weakness from slight exertion especially ascending a slope or stairs.
Calcarea Carbonica-Calcium carbonate (Calcarea osteareum)
* Perspiration
* Profuse head sweat in bed at night
* Sour perspiration
* Foot Sweat
Calcarea Carbonica-Calcium carbonate (Calcarea osteareum)
* Food cravings
* Eggs (boiled), Sweets/Sugar, Indigestible things
Calcarea Carbonica-Calcium carbonate (Calcarea osteareum)
* Cold
* Very cold
* Takes cold easily from change of weather
â–¡ This means coming down w/a cold.
* Sensitive to drafts, and cold damp weather
* Children m/b warm
* Chronic case-must be cold intolerant
Calcarea Carbonica-Calcium carbonate (Calcarea osteareum)
* Constipation ameliorates
Calcarea Carbonica-Calcium carbonate (Calcarea osteareum)
* Worse
* Slight exertion
* Mental and Physical
* Cold
* Ascending
â–¡ Going upstairs, etc.
* Wet weather
Calcarea Carbonica-Calcium carbonate (Calcarea osteareum)
* Fears
* of insanity
* Of being observed
* High places (Vertigo/ Faintness)
* Something will happen: Misfortune
* Mice
* Insects
* Contagious disease
* The dark
* Ghosts
* From cruel stories
Calcarea Carbonica-Calcium carbonate (Calcarea osteareum)
* Sees visions on closing eyes
* Mice, fire, murder, rats
Calcarea Carbonica-Calcium carbonate (Calcarea osteareum)
* Religious questioning in children
Calcarea Carbonica-Calcium carbonate (Calcarea osteareum)
* Weeping
Calcarea Carbonica-Calcium carbonate (Calcarea osteareum)
* Methodical
Calcarea Carbonica-Calcium carbonate (Calcarea osteareum)
fears: mice, insects
Calcarea Carbonica-Calcium carbonate (Calcarea osteareum)
* Dreams and fear of robbers
Natrum muriaticum (Sodium Chloride)
love of animals
Natrum muriaticum (Sodium Chloride)
* Pediatric
* Delayed development
* Slow to walk, talk.
* Psychological
* Depression
* Bipolar Affective Disorder
* Dysthymia
* Adjustment Disorder
* Polychrest
* Allergies/ Hay Fever
* Autoimmu
Natrum muriaticum (Sodium Chloride)
* Colds beginning with sneezing
Natrum muriaticum (Sodium Chloride)
* H/A
* Like small hammers
* Comes and goes with the sun
* 10 AM
Natrum muriaticum (Sodium Chloride)
* Dermatologic
* Greasy face
* Eruptions margin of hair
* Urticaria from heat of exercise
* Crack in middle of lower lip
* Herpes s. lower lip.
Natrum muriaticum (Sodium Chloride)
* Developmental
* Ankles turn easily
* Frequent sprains
Natrum muriaticum (Sodium Chloride)
* Sun
* Intolerant of direct sun
* Can be chilly
Natrum muriaticum (Sodium Chloride)
* Worse seashore/ Sea air
Natrum muriaticum (Sodium Chloride)
* Emaciation of neck
Natrum muriaticum (Sodium Chloride)
* Foods:
* Craves salt, bitter things, soup,
* Aversion to fat
* Thirsty
Natrum muriaticum (Sodium Chloride)
* Dwells on past disagreeable occurrences
Natrum muriaticum (Sodium Chloride)
* Aversion to company and consolation
* Weeps when alone
* Laughing alternating with weeping
Natrum muriaticum (Sodium Chloride)
* Easily offended with anger, rage, and thoughts of revenge
Natrum muriaticum (Sodium Chloride)
* History of grief, mortification, or disappointed love
Natrum muriaticum (Sodium Chloride)
* Indignation
* Suppressed anger
* Throws things at people who offend
* Offended easily
* Trembling after quarrels
Staphysagria (Delphinium staphysagria)
* Tormenting sexual thoughts with tendency toward masturbation
* Ailments from disappointed love
* Shyness toward romantic interests
Staphysagria (Delphinium staphysagria)
* Worse from sexual excess and masturbation
Staphysagria (Delphinium staphysagria)
* Craving for tobacco
Staphysagria (Delphinium staphysagria)
* Better warmth and rest
* Sleeplessness at night with much sleepiness and yawning during the day.
Staphysagria (Delphinium staphysagria)
* Wounds
* Pain, as from sharp instruments
Staphysagria (Delphinium staphysagria)
* Eczema
* Yellow acrid discharge from under crusts
* Itching changes location on scratching
Staphysagria (Delphinium staphysagria)
* Dental
* Teeth turn black and crumble on eruption
* Pain from extraction or surgery
Staphysagria (Delphinium staphysagria)
* GU
* Burning and smarting in urethra when NOT urinating. (Also during)
* Dyspnea and prostration after coition
* Seminal emission followed by prostration
* Honeymoon cystitis
* Sensation of drop of urine continuously rolli
Staphysagria (Delphinium staphysagria)
* GU
* Cystitis
* Honeymoon
* Prostatitis: Acute and Chronic
* Cystocele
Staphysagria (Delphinium staphysagria)
* Dental
* Early carries
* Tooth Pain
Staphysagria (Delphinium staphysagria)
* Dermatology
* Warts
* Codylomata
* Eczema
Staphysagria (Delphinium staphysagria)
* Opthalmic
* Recurrent Styes
Staphysagria (Delphinium staphysagria)
* Psychological
* Depression
* Dysthymia
* Dependant Personality Disorder
* Behavior Disorder: Children
Staphysagria (Delphinium staphysagria)
* Wounds: Sharp objects
Staphysagria (Delphinium staphysagria)
* Neuralgia
* Trigeminal
* Sciatica
* Abdominal
Colocynthis (Cucumis colocynthis, Citrullus colocynthis) Bitter cucumber
* GI
* Colic
* Gastroenteritis
Colocynthis (Cucumis colocynthis, Citrullus colocynthis) Bitter cucumber
* Ovarian Tumors
* Dysmenorrhea
Colocynthis (Cucumis colocynthis, Citrullus colocynthis) Bitter cucumber
* Ailments after anger and indignation
Colocynthis (Cucumis colocynthis, Citrullus colocynthis) Bitter cucumber
* Worse
* Anger
* Lying on painless side
Colocynthis (Cucumis colocynthis, Citrullus colocynthis) Bitter cucumber
* Abdominal Pain
* Severe
* Cramping
* Griping
* Tearing
* Like millstones grinding in the abdomen
Colocynthis (Cucumis colocynthis, Citrullus colocynthis) Bitter cucumber
* Neuralgic
* Cutting
* Pinching
* Gnawing
* Boring
Colocynthis (Cucumis colocynthis, Citrullus colocynthis) Bitter cucumber
* Indignation
* Anger
Colocynthis (Cucumis colocynthis, Citrullus colocynthis) Bitter cucumber
* Screams with pain
Colocynthis (Cucumis colocynthis, Citrullus colocynthis) Bitter cucumber
* Impatient
Colocynthis (Cucumis colocynthis, Citrullus colocynthis) Bitter cucumber
* Wants to be alone
* Even friends irritate
Colocynthis (Cucumis colocynthis, Citrullus colocynthis) Bitter cucumber
* Easily offended
Colocynthis (Cucumis colocynthis, Citrullus colocynthis) Bitter cucumber
* Better
* Doubling up
* Hard pressure
* Warmth
* Lying on painful side
Colocynthis (Cucumis colocynthis, Citrullus colocynthis) Bitter cucumber
* Better

* Warmth
* Lying on painful side
Colocynthis (Cucumis colocynthis, Citrullus colocynthis) Bitter cucumber
worse-lying on painless side
Colocynthis (Cucumis colocynthis, Citrullus colocynthis) Bitter cucumber
â—‹ Polychrest
â—‹ Cardiovascular very important CV remedy
§ CHD, Arrhythmia, *Hypertension*
â—‹ Hemorrhagic
§ Stroke, ITP,DIC
Lachesis Bushmaster Snake
â—‹ Respiratory
§ *Asthma*, COPD
â—‹ *Psychological*
§ Depression, Paranoid Disorders, Histrionic personality disorder (e.g. really dramatic; think of m.)
Lachesis Bushmaster Snake
â—‹ Neurological
§ Migraine, Meningo-Encephalitis,
â—‹ *GYN*
§ Menopause, Dysmenorrhea, Sexual addiction, Puberty (along with pulsatilla), Ovarian Cyst
Most important menopause remedies:
â—‹ Infection
§ Septicemia
Lachesis Bushmaster Snake
â—‹ Cardiovascular
§ Palpitation with fainting
§ Palpitation lying on L. side
Lachesis Bushmaster Snake
â—‹ Respiratory
§ Apnea on falling asleep; can also use it to tx apnea later in sleep cycle
Note: if see unexplained HTN or other CV problems with sleepiness during the day, consider apnea. Ddx with a sleep study.
â–¡ Suffocation from
Lachesis Bushmaster Snake
â—‹ GYN
§ L. ovarian cysts
§ Uterine pains ascend to chest *peculiar*
§ Pains/ Sx improved from menstrual flow
is improved by all discharges
â–¡ Menses: dark and scanty
â–¡ Sensitive nipples: sensitivity to light to
Lachesis Bushmaster Snake
â—‹ Infectious
§ Cyanotic lesions

â–¡ Sensitive to touch and heat
â–¡ L. sided
Lachesis Bushmaster Snake
â—‹ Left to Right
â—‹ Rapid onset of acute disease with great prostration
â—‹ Hot or Chilly but worse from heat
â—‹ Desires: Alcohol, oysters, coffee, dry food (crunchy dry things like crackers, croutons).
○ Can’t tolerate ti
Lachesis Bushmaster Snake
â—‹ Worse:
§ Touch or pressure
Frequently seen sx; reliable
□ Constriction (because don’t like light touch)
â–¡ Heat**
â–¡ Before Menses
â–¡ During OR from Long sleep
e.g. pt is worse if she sleeps too long
Lachesis Bushmaster Snake
â—‹ Better
§ Discharges
§ Cold drinks and applications
Generally better cold, worse heat
â–¡ Swallowing Solids
Lachesis Bushmaster Snake
â—‹ Loquacity *very strong and reliable*
Often disjointed. May be rambling, or, in the case of a bipolar pt, may be “pressure speech”
Lachesis Bushmaster Snake
â—‹ Suspiciousness
Most typical form is jealousy
â—‹ Jealousy
§ As irresistible as it is foolish
â—‹ Haughty
â—‹ Lascivious
This is a remedy in sexual addiction disorders, histrionic personality disorders
Lachesis Bushmaster Snake
â—‹ Activity of Mind
Can be similar to what you feel when drinking coffee
Think of the talkative drunk. Rubric Mind -- theorizing
â—‹ Clairvoyant
â—‹ Delusion under superhuman control
â—‹ Fear of being poisoned; Refuses medi
Lachesis Bushmaster Snake
â—‹ Anxiety and sadness on waking
Lachesis Bushmaster Snake
â—‹ Hopeless, Discouraged, Desires Death
â—‹ Envy
Envy is “I want what you have (things), and I hate you for it.”
Jealousy takes 3 people and envy takes 2.
â—‹ Fear/ Dreams of snakes
§ Suffocation
Lachesis Bushmaster Snake
â—‹ Despair of social position
â—‹ Fear of misfortune
Veratrum album (White Hellabore)
â—‹ Tears things into small pieces

â—‹ Great restlessness
Veratrum album (White Hellabore)
â—‹ Violent mania alternates with silence and refusal to talk
Veratrum album (White Hellabore)
â—‹ Lascivious/ Lewdness
§ Sexual mania
Veratrum album (White Hellabore)
â—‹ Haughty â—‹ Loquacity
â—‹ Delusions of grandeur
§ Religious mania -
Veratrum album (White Hellabore)
â—‹ Violent thirst for large quantities of very cold water or ice
â—‹ Desire for sour foods
â—‹ Extreme coldness
Veratrum album (White Hellabore)
â—‹ Shock
§ Collapse with extreme coldness
§ Cold perspiration on forehead
§ Craving for ice cold and sour drinks
Veratrum album (White Hellabore)
§ Profuse diarrhea
§ Rice water stools
Think of cholera
â–¡ Cutting colic in abdomen with
â–¡ Sense of retraction of abdomen when vomiting
Vomiting at same time as diarrhea in the exact same moment
Veratrum album (White Hellabore)
â—‹ Psychiatric
â–¡ Narcissistic Personality Disorder
â–¡ Paranoid Personality Disorder
â–¡ Schizophrenia
â–¡ Bipolar Disorder
â–¡ Nymphomania/ Satyriasis
Veratrum album (White Hellabore)
â—‹ Gyn
§ Dysmenorrhea
§ Metrorrhagia
â—‹ Convulsive disorders
Veratrum album (White Hellabore)
â—‹ Shock
§ Post operative
§ Heat
Veratrum album (White Hellabore)
â—‹ *GI*
§ Gastroenteritis: one of most common gastroenteritis remedies
§ Peritonitis.
§ Intessusception
Veratrum album (White Hellabore)
â—‹ Respiratory
§ Pnuemonia
§ Bronchitis
§ Asthma
Veratrum album (White Hellabore)
â—‹ Rudeness
â—‹ Deceitful
Veratrum album (White Hellabore)
Veratrum album (White Hellabore)
* Anemia
Remedy is loss of blood and other body fluids
* Cachexia
e.g. in hospice cases
* Chronic fatigue syndrome
* Infectious
§ Intermittent febrile disease
§ Malaria
§ Influenza
§ Hepatitis
Cinchona officinalis (China-Peruvian bark)
* Neurologic
§ Headache*
§ Neuralgia
§ Insomnia
§ Convulsive disorders
* Chronic nephritis
Cinchona officinalis (China-Peruvian bark)
* GI*****
§ Gastroenteritis
§ Colic
Organ/Dx Affinity
* Respiratory
§ Asthma
§ Chronic bronchitis
Cinchona officinalis (China-Peruvian bark)
§ Pains better from hard pressure but worse from light touch**

â–¡ Capricious appetite

â–¡ Flatulent distended colic not relieved by passing gas or eructations
painless diarrhea
Cinchona officinalis (China-Peruvian bark)
* Infectious
§ Drenching sweats
§ At night
§ From slight exertion
Cinchona officinalis (China-Peruvian bark)
* Neurologic
§ Restlessness of affected part
§ Head pain
§ Bursting
§ In waves
§ Worse
â–¡ Combing hair
â–¡ Draft
Cinchona officinalis (China-Peruvian bark)
* Weakness
very weak – postinfluenza, postpneumonia
* Oversensitiveness of all nerves
Cinchona officinalis (China-Peruvian bark)
* Ailments from loss of “vital fluids”****
§ Blood
§ Sweat
§ Diarrhea
So, may be a first aid remedy in gastroenteritis
â–¡ Vomiting
â–¡ Semen
â–¡ Pus
* Periodicity
Cinchona officinalis (China-Peruvian bark)
* Thirst
§ Before chill * § During sweat
Cinchona officinalis (China-Peruvian bark)
* Oversensitive to
â–¡ Light
â–¡ Noise
â–¡ Odor
â–¡ Pain
Cinchona officinalis (China-Peruvian bark)
* Worse
The oversensitivity
â–¡ Light touch
â–¡ Jar
â–¡ Noise
â–¡ Draft
â–¡ Cold
Cinchona officinalis (China-Peruvian bark)
* Better
§ Hard pressure
§ Bending double
§ Warmth
Cinchona officinalis (China-Peruvian bark)
* Indolent a picture of weakness
§ Apathetic
§ Taciturn
§ Despondent
* Makes many plans, theorizing
§ About great things
§ At night
* Paranoid
§ More precisely (rubric): He is unhappy and others persc
Cinchona officinalis (China-Peruvian bark)
* Ill humor
§ Dicontented
§ Contemptuous
§ Dwells on past disagreeable events
â–¡ Disposition to hurt others feelings
* Anxiety
§ On waking
§ About trifles
Cinchona officinalis (China-Peruvian bark)
* Fear
§ Dogs*
§ Animals
§ Desires suicide but afraid to do it :
* Makes Mistakes
§ Writing
§ Speaking
§ Reverses words
Cinchona officinalis (China-Peruvian bark)
Calc carb
Muscolu-skeletal/immune/CV/tumor/psych weakness (bones/muscles/CV) sour eructitions kids w/issues of physical development obesity (despite healthy lifestyle) sweaty from cold (or vice versa) bed sweat cold, sweaty hands/feet large-headed baby egg craving <cold/damp/ascending stairs >constipation very afraid (of being seen as demented) fear of cruel stories
GI/resp/GU/psych lower GI flatulence(>from passing) borborygmus <eating small amounts catches cold easily flapping alea nasi premature ejac./ impotence w/strong desire canine hunger averse to cold drinks <late afternoon/oysters/tight clothing, touch on abdomen false bravado/insecure >company in house averse to her children/ailments from fright/easily frightened
Nat mur
Allergy/hay fever/auto-immune (MS)/infection/adrenals/NS/pediatric/psych URI/HA/Dermatologic/developmental INTOLERANT OF SUN craves salt <sea air can’t let go of past disagreeable experience (wallows) history of GRIEF (ailments started w/) averse to consolation sympathetic/loves animals/sensitive to music melancholy (hypochondriasis) important remedy for depression/dysthymia
GU/dental/wounds/dermatologic/opthalmic/psyche burning while not urinating/prostrate after coition/honeymoon cystitis/drop of urine rolling in urethra crumbling, black teeth codependent personality disorder surgical wounds <sexual excess/masturbation craves tobacco ailments from indignation/suppressed anger/ disappointed love (cystitis) trembling after quarrels tormented by sexual thoughts
HTN/palpitation Resp- apnea/suffocation GYN- dark, scanty menses/>menstrual flow cyanotic lesions <left side/touch/heat (even if cold)/ constriction/from (long) sleep >cold drinks/discharges/swallow solids rapid onset left to right can’t tolerate tight clothing around neck craves oysters/alcohol/ dry food loquacious/suspicious/jealous (foolishly)/ anxious/fear of being poisoned, snakes/delusional (possessed)
Veratrum album
Shock- cold sweat on forehead GI- rice water/diarrhea, vomit (simultaneous) Psych- personality disorders
Extremely cold, yet desires ice and ice water craves sour foods psychotic/haughty/manically loquacious (non-sense)/paranoid/delusions of grandeur/violent/lascivious/tears things into small pieces/upset over low social status
China (cinchona officianalis)
Anemia/cachexia/infectious/NS/GI CFS/hepatitis/surgery capricious appetite (doesn’t know what he wants, refuses food offered) GI pains >hard touch/<light touch/ not>flatus head pain- bursting/in waves hypersensitive to light/noise/etc. indolent (apathetic/taciturn/despondent) theorizing/making great plans (esp. in bed, before falling asleep) paranoid/ill-humored (contemptuous, will hurt others’ feelings)/dyslexic
GI/neuralgia/gyn trigeminal/sciatica ailments from indignation (anger/moral outrage) abdominal cramping neuralgic pain (cutting/pinching/gnawing) <anger (their own or others’) >hard pressure/ doubling up indignant/impatient/easily offended/wants to be alone indignant at seeing others mistreated

Deck Info

