presidents 17-24
undefined, object
copy deck
- territory of Alaska ceded
- 17-JOhnson
- 14th ammendment ratified
- 17-Johnson
- tomb erected for 2111 unknown soldiers
- 17-Johnson
- Nebraska admitted
- 17-Johnson
- Tennessee Govornor (1853-1857)
- 17-Johnson
- tailor
- 17-JOhnson
- only southern senator during civil war who refused to secede with his state
- 17-JOhnson
- first to be impeached
- 17-Johnson
- first to become senator after presidency
- 17-Johnson
- VP-Schuyler Colfax, Henry Wilson
- 18-Grant
- Married Julia Dent
- 18-Grant
- US military Academy at West POint
- 18-Grant
- Transcontinental railroad service begun
- 18-Grant
- 15th ammendment ratified
- 18-Grant
- Civil Service Act Passed
- 18-Grant
- Alexander Bell invented telephone
- 18-Grant
- General Custer's defeat at Little Big HOrn River
- 18-Grant
- Yellowstone National Park established
- 18-Grant
- INcome Tax phased out
- 18-Grant
- Colorado admitted
- 18-Grant
- born HIram
- 18-Grant
- "Unconditional Surrender"
- 18-Grant
- arrested during his term of office for exceeding the speed limit on his horse, fined $20
- 18-Grant
- menu at inaugural ball-25 stuffed boars heads and 3000 beef tounge sandwiches
- 18-Grant
- first to have woman run against him and black man for VP
- 18-Grant
- president's wife was midly cross eyed
- 18-Grant
- political corrup tion at all levels of office, honest man but poor judge of others
- 18-Grant
- portrait on $50 bill
- 18-Grant
- dying of throat cancer
- 18-Grant
- Kenyon COllege in Ohio
- 19-Hayes
- VP-William Wheeler
- 19-Hayes
- women first allowed to practice law before US Supreme COurt
- 19-Hayes
- Lucy Webb
- 19-Hayes
- labor unions grew
- 19-Hayes
- Thomas Edison patented phonograph
- 19-Hayes
- first practical electric incandescent lamp invented
- 19-Hayes
- 31 Sioux chiefs in Washington for conference
- 19-Hayes
- troops withdrawn from South
- 19-Hayes
- NYC became 1 city with pop. over 1 million
- 19-Hayes
- Ohio Govorner
- 19-Hayes
- volunteered counsel for Underground Railroad
- 19-Hayes
- Congress created special Electorial COmmision
- 19-Hayes
- first president sworn into office in private ceremony
- 19-Hayes
- wife served lemonade
- 19-Hayes
- invention of telephone
- 19-Hayes
- Sunday night hymn singing
- 19-Hayes
- declined to run for 2 term
- 19-Hayes
- VP-Chester Arthur
- 20-Garfield
- Lucretia Rudolph
- 20-Garfield
- preacher,teacher
- 20-Garfield
- Williams College in Mass.
- 20-Arthur
- American Red Cross Organized
- 20-Garfield
- last president born in log cabin
- 20-Garfield
- driver on canal when teenager
- 20-Garfield
- PResident of Hiram COllege
- 20-Garfield
- could write w/ both hands at same time writing in a different language in each hand
- 20-Garfield
- served 6 months
- 20-Garfield
- 2 assasinated
- 20-Garfield
- Ellen Herndon
- 21-Arthur
- Union COllege
- 21-Arthur
- Navy modernized
- 21-Arthur
- standard time adopted
- 21-Arthur
- first skyscraper
- 21-Arthur
- Pendleton Civil Service Act
- 21-Arthur
- "Pork Barrel" legislation veteod
- 21-Arthur
- "Gentleman Boss"
- 21-Arthur
- dying of Kidney disease
- 21-Arthur
- defender of civil rights for blacks
- 21-Arthur
- unsuccessfully vetoed bill prohibiting Chinese immigration
- 21-Arthur
- VP-Thomas HEndricks
- 22-Cleveland
- Frances Folsom
- 22-Cleveland
- lawyer, sheriff, govornor of New York
- 22-Cleveland
- Statue of Liberty dedicated
- 22-Cleveland
- American Federation of Labor organized
- 22-Cleveland
- illegal railroad lands returned
- 22-Cleveland
- dodged draft by hiring someont to enter service in his place
- 22-Cleveland
- married in White HOuse
- 22-Cleveland
- fathered illigitament child
- 22-Cleveland
- favored low tariffs
- 22-Cleveland
- portrait on $1,000 bill
- 22.Cleveland
- VP-Levi Morton
- 23-Harrison
- Caroline Scott
- 23-Harrison
- Miami University in Oxford OHio
- 23-Harrison
- Pan American Congress established
- 23-Harrison
- Oklahoma opened to settlers
- 23-Harrison
- Navy enlarged
- 23-Harrison
- JOhnstown Flood
- 23-Harrison
- Jeronima on warpath
- 23-Harrison
- Sherman antitrust act passed
- 23-Harrison
- Parades in NYC and CHicago celebrating Columbuses voyage
- 23-Harrison
- NOrth Dakota admitted
- 23-Harrison
- South Dakota admitted
- 23-Harrison
- MOntana admitted
- 23-Harrison
- Washington admitted
- 23-Harrison
- Idaho admitted
- 23-Harrison
- Wyoming admitted
- 23-Harrison
- "Little Ben"
- 23-Harrison
- received majority of electoral votes but not popular vote
- 23-Harrison
- wife died during reelction campaign
- 23-Harrison
- third president to remarry
- 23-Harrison
- daughter (2 wife) younger than grandchildren
- 23-Harrison
- electric lights installed at white house
- 23-Harrison
- 1 to sign papers by electric light
- 23-Harrison
- favored high tariffs
- 23-Harrison
- VP-Adlai Stevenson
- 24-Cleveland
- federal troops sent to break up train strike (Pullman Strike)
- 24-Cleveland
- Hawaii made a republic
- 24-Cleveland
- Jeronimo captured
- 24-Cleveland
- Carnegie Hall opened in NY
- 24-Cleveland
- Financial hit American economy
- 24-Cleveland
- Utah admitted
- 24-Cleveland
- 1 president to have child born in White HOuse
- 24-Cleveland
- aftificial jaw of vulcanized rubber after cancer surgery
- 24-Cleveland