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20th century scientist


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Louis Latimer
invented threaded wooden socket for lightbulb
Dr. Frederick Banting
went to the University of Toronto
Dr. Frederick Banting
worked on the cure for diabetis after a childhood friend became very ill with the disease and died
Dian Fossey
interested in animals her whole life
John Muir
1892- founded the Sierra Club "to do something for wilderness"
Dr. Frederick Banting
1921-he isolated insuline to unlock the mystery of diabetis
Louis Latimer
supervised the installation of the first electric street lights in Philadelphia, New York, Montreal, and London
Alfred Wegner
died on his third expedition to Greenland
John Muir
worked toward gaining popular and federal support for forest conservation
Dian Fossey
1963- met Dr Louis Leaky
Robert Ballard
discovered black smokers of underwater volcanoes
Robert Ballard
1985-discovered A.M.S. Titanic, the Bismark, the Lusitania, PT109, The York Town and The Andoria Doria
Sigmund Freud
created new field of scientific inquiry which investigates a human's internal mind
Dian Fossey
attended San Jose Stae as a pre-vet student
Sigmund Freud
strongly influenced 20th century theories of child rearing and education, art, literature, and culture
Dr. Frederick Banting
many patients made miraculous recoveries
Dr. Frederick Banting
1941-decided he wanted to be a doctor when he saw doctors caring for patients at an accident
Louis Latimer
1882- invented device used to manufacture carbon filiments used in electric lamps
Dr. Frederick Banting
established a surgical practice in London, Ontario
Sigmund Freud
many collegues were hostile towards his ideas
Alfred Wegner
hypothesized that the continents slowly drifted apart from a single land mass
Robert Ballard
Ph.D. in marine geophysics
Sarah E. Goode
born into slavery in 1850
Louis Latimer
helped make possible the widespread use of elctric lights
Robert Ballard
began an institute for exploration to train others deep water acheaology
Robert Ballard
discovered tube worms that were up to 8 feet long
Sigmund Freud
he founded physconalysist (personality talking cure, treated mental illness)
Louis Latimer
was the only African-American on Edison's team
Sigmund Freud
first person to scientifically explore the human subconscience
Dian Fossey
wrote Gorillas in the MIst
Dian Fossey
lived almost 18 years amoung gorillas
Sarah E. Goode
freed at end of Civil War
Dian Fossey
found murdered in her cabin by poachers the day after Christmas (1985)
Dian Fossey
began studying gorilllas in Africa
Sigmund Freud
added psychological treatment methods to the biological basis of psychiatry
John Muir
influenced President Teddy Rosevelt to create the National Park Service to protect and set aside land for the enjoyment of all people
John Muir
his writings caused the first public interest in conservation
Robert Ballard
discovered ocean water is cycled through the Earth's crust changing the mineral compostion in the process
Robert Ballard
developed remote control robotic camera "Argo" to explore the deep sea and map the ocean floor
Robert Ballard
undersea explorer/ marine scientist/ naval officer
Dian Fossey
started the Karische Research Center in Rwanda
Dr. Frederick Banting
1923-won nobel prize for medicine
John Muir
American inventor, Naturalists, Conservationists
Dian Fossey
brought attention to the problelm of poaching mountain gorillias
Alfred Wegner
his hypothesis is now excepted after being rejected
Sarah E. Goode
first African-American women to receive a patent
Sarah E. Goode
moved to Chicago to open a furniture store when she realized she could make money selling furniture to people to the city
John Muir
nickname was "Father of National Parks"
Dian Fossey
was a primatologist
Alfred Wegner
was a meterologist and a geophysisist
Sarah E. Goode
city apartmetns ere small so she designed folding cabinet beds served as desks also

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