uil vocab
undefined, object
copy deck
- a fortiori
- for a still stronger reason, all the more
- abracadabra
- magical charm or incantation
- aerate
- to supply or charge with a gas, esp co2
- Alamogordo
- city in NM; first atomic bomb exploded
- alto clef
- the C clef
- anagram
- word or phrase formed by reordering letters of another word or phrase
- anamnesis
recalling to memory
complete case history of a patient - ancylostomiasis
- disease caused by hookworm infestation
- anemochory
- dispersal of seeds, fruits, and other plant parts by wind
- anion
- a negatively charged ion
- aperture
- an opeing, hole, gap, or slit
- appoggiatura
- an embellishing note
- atomism
- the ancient thoery of democritus, epicurus, and lucretisus (simple, minute, indivisible, and indestructible particles are basic components of entire universe...)
- bagasse
- the dry fibrous residue after extraction of juice from sugar cane
- balmacaan
- loose full overcoat w/raglan sleeves made of wollen cloth
- banausic
- merely mechanical
- beau ideal
- the concept of perfect beauty
- bedlamite
- a mentaly ill person
- bel esprit
- a cultivated highly intelligent person
- bijouterie
- a collection of trinkets or jewelry
- biparous
- producing two offspring in a single birth
- bonhomie
- a pleasant and affable disposition; geniality
- calyx
- the sepals of a flower considered as a group
- carom
- a collision followed by a rebound; a shot in billards
- cassoulet
- casserole of white beans, various meats, and herbes
- castanet
- a rhythm instrument consisting of a pair of slightly concave shells of ivory or hardwood
- causerie
- an informal discussion or chat, esp of an intellectual nature
- cembalo
- a harpsichord
- cenacle
- a clique or circle esp of writers
- cephalic
- of or relating to the head
- chanterelle
- an edible mushroom
- chloasma
- patchy browndiscooration that usually occurs on a womans face and may result fom hormonal changes in pregnancy
- chrestomathy
- a section of literary passages usually by one author
- compleat
- a highly developed or wide-ranging skill or proficiency; an outstanding individual, quintessential
- concrescence
- the growing together of related parts, tissues or cells
- connubial
- relating to marriage, conjungal
- crenate
- having a marjin with low, rounded or scalloped projectoins
- cruet
- a small glass bottle for holding a condiment; holding the Eucharist
- cuesta
- a ridge with a gentle slope on one side and a cliff on the other
- cystectomy
- surgical removal of a cyst
- daedal
- ingenious and complex in desinn or function, intricate, artistic
- daguerrotype
- an early photographic process with the iage made on a light sensitive silver coated metallic plate
- Darfur
- region and former sultanate of western Sudan
- decalcomania
- the process of transferring pictures or designs onto glass or metal; a decal
- decumbent
- lying down, reclining; growing on the ground but w/erect or risiing tips
- defenestrate
- to throw out of a window
- denizen
- an inhabitant, a resident
- denticulate
- finely toothed or notched; minutely dentate
- dentifrice
- a substance for cleaning the teeth
- sesipramine
- an antidepressant
- deuteranopia
- form of colorblindness characterized by an insensitivity to green
- diaphanous
- of such a fine texture as to be transparent or translucent
- dilettante
- a dabbler in an art or field of knowledge
- dissolute
- lacking moral restraint; indulging in sensual pleasures
- dramatis personae
- characters in a play or story
- drogue
- a drag, usually a canvas-covered conical frame, floating behind a vessel to prevent drifiting or to maintain a heading into the wind
- dubiety
- a feeling of doubt that often results in wavering
- dulcimer
- an instrument with wire stirngs of graduated lenghts stretched over a sound box, played by striking with two padded hammer or by plucking
- dybbuk
- in Jewish fokelore, the wandering soul of a dead person that enters the body of al living person and controls his behavior
- ecchymosis
- the passageof blood from ruptured blood vessels into subcutaneous tissue
- echolocation
- a sensory system in cerain animals (i.e. bats and dolphins) in which usually high-pitched souds re emitted and their echoes interpreted to determine the direction and distance of objcets ELECTRONICS: process for determining locatoin of objects by emitting osund waves
- effrent
- directed away from a central organ or section
- effete
- depleted of vitality, force or effectiveness; exhausted; inferitle; self-indulgent, triiality, or decadence; overrefined, effeminate
- efficacious
- capable of producing a desired effect
- emolument
- payent for an office or emplyment; compensation
- empennage
- the tail of an airplane
- equinoctial
- relating to an equinox
- equitation
- art and practice of riding a horse
- escarpment
- a steel slope or long cliff that results from erosion or faulting and separates two relatively level areas of differing elevations
- estaminet
- a small cafe
- exodontics
- the dental speciality that deals with extraction of teeth
- exsanguinate
- to drain of blood
- exscind
- to cut out; excise
- exsiccate
- to dry up
- extirpate
- to pull up by the roots; destroy totally, exterminate; remove by surgery
- facetiae
- witty or humorous writings and sayings
- falcate
- curved and tampering to a point; sickle-shaped
- farandole
- a spirited circle dance of Provencal derivation
- farinaceous
- made from, rich in, or consisting of starch; a mealy or powdery texture
- fecundity
- feritle; capable of producing offspring esp in abundance; productivity or creative power