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Anthropology #3


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multiregional models
suggests that our origins cannot be pinned down to one area or region
stone tool industry of the early and middle pleistoscene characterized by the presence of bifacial hand axes & clevers, associated with Homo erectus and early homo sapiens
study of what happens to the remains of an animal form the time of death to the time of discovery
a light, porous rock formed by consolidation of volcanic ash
skull or part enclosing brain
replacement models
phylogenetic models that suggest that modern humans evolved in one location and then spread geographically replacing other earlier hominid populations without or with little admixture
postcranial skeleton
skeleton below the head
gap between teeth
Relative dating technique using comparison of fossils from different stratagraphic sequences to estimate which layers are older and which are younger
relative dating
places finds in sequence but doesn't provide an actual estimate in number of years
absolute dating
also known as chrometric dating: provides estimates in actual numbers of years through the use of a natural clock, such as radioactive decay or tree rings
the study of extinct organisms, based on their fossilized remains
high fiber diet: roots, nuts, leaves, etc
variant forms of an element based on their atomic weights and numbers of neutrons in the nucleus
Omnivorous diet
foramen magnum
hole in the occipital bone through which the spinal cord connects to the brain
upper jaw
replica or cast of the internal surface of the braincase
lower jaw
osteodontokeratic culture
a bone, tooth and horn tool kit envisioned by Raymond Dart. Possible culture of all Australopithecines
chrometric techniques that use radioactive decay of isotopes to estimate are
Levallois technique
a middle paleolithic technique that made use of prepared cores to produce uniform flakes
the tool industry characterized by simple core and flake tools. Associated with Homo habilis.
indirect dating
Gives age of a fossil only in comparison to other materials found around it
sagittal crest
ridge of bone running lengthwise down the center of the cranium where muscles used for mastication attach
How fossils form
part of the organism is buried which interupts decomposition. Then minerals are absorbed from surrounding soil or gound water and the organisms original inorganic tissue is replaced and turned to stone
cut marks
marks on bones that indicate that stone tools were used to skin an animal and slice through its muscles
simian shelf
buttress of bone under lower incisors that supports jaw in chewing
dental arcade
the parabolic arc that forms the upper or lower row of teeth (shape of jaw)
the time it takes for half of the original amount of an unstable isotope of an element to decay into more stable forms
direct dating
Object itself is dated
preserved remnants of once-living things

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