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AP chapter 3


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The transmission of traits from one generation to the next. also known as inheritance
RNA polymerase moves along the DNA continuing to untwist the double helix. RNA nuvleotides are continually added to the 3' end of the growing chain and as the complex moves down the DNA strand the double helix re forms with the new RNA molicule strangling away from the DNA template.
2nd law of thermodynamics
every endergy transfer or transformation increases the entropy in the universe
exergonic reaction
one in which energy is relaeased
associated with chromatin the nucleolus exists in a non dividing nucleus
Down syndrome
an aneuploid condition that is the result of having an extra chromosome 21
DNA segments. the basic units of heredity that are transmitted from one generation to the next.
the synthesis of RNA using DNA as a template. It takes place in the nucleus of eukaryotic.
1st law thermodynamics
the energy of the universe is constant and that energy can be transferred and transformed through it cannot be created or destroyed
organelles in which cell respiration takes place; in cell respiration AATP is created so mitochondria are often refrred to as the powerhouses of the cell enclosed by a doule membrane inner membrane has infold called cristae
Asexual reproduction
A form of reproduction in which a single parent is involved in passing on all of its genes to its offspring.
is the genetic difference between siblings or members of the same species
linkage map
a genetic map that is bases on recombination frequences and map units are used to e xpress distances along the chromosome. One map unit is equal to 1% recombination frequency
is defines as the capacity to do woek
The study of heredity and variation.
Somatic cells
Cells other than gametes or egg and sperm cells they are the body cells of an organism.
the complex of DNA and protein housed in the nucleus; as thecell gets ready for cell division chromatin codenses into chromosomes; each species has unmiquenumber of chromosomes
a chromosome fragment breaking off and then reattaching to its original position
occurs when two alleles are dominant and affect the phenotype in two different and equal ways.
the synthesis of a polypeptide under the direction of a ribosome.
Sexual reproduction
a form of reproduction in which two individuals are contributing genes.
made up of rRNA and protein ribosomes are sites of protein synthesis in the cell; consist of two subunits and not enclosed by a membrane; two thesis in the cell; consist of two subunits and not enclosed by membrane two times of ribosomes those free floating in cytosol an those bound to endoplasmic reticulum both produce proteins.
Gel electrophoresis
a lab technique that is used to seperate macromoliecules.
Incomplete Dominance
a type of dominance in which the F1 hybrids have an apperance that is in-between that of the two parents.
Life Cycle
the sequence of stages in its reproductive history through the course of one generation
a stop codon in the mRNA is reached and translation stops. UAA UAG and UGA are all stop signal codons. A protein called release factor binds to the stop codon and the polypeptide is freed from the ribosome.
occurs when the chromosome fragment breaking off and then reattaching to its original position but backwards so that the part of the gragment that was originally at the attachment point is now at the end of the chromosome
Homologous chromosomes
those that carry the genes that control the same traits.
E site
exit site.
a chromosome segment that has no centromere. It is broken off and lost during segregation. The cell that receives the partial chromosomes will be missing all of the genes located on the chromosome fragment.
the result after a successful fertilization
a network of fibers that runs through the entire cytoplasm; responsible for organizing cell structures and activities involved in cell motility including actual locomotion of cell, and movement of structures within cell; three types of fivers make up cytoskeleton.
competitive inhibitors
reversible inhibitors that compete with the substrate for the active site on the enzyme
noncompetitive inhibitors
bind to another site on the enzyme other than the active site this causes the enzyme to change its shape preventing that substrate from binding to the active site
the study of an organisms' entire genome
plasma membrane
creating the boundary for a cell selectively permits the passage of materials into and out of the cell made up of phospholipids proteins and associated carbohydrates
kinetic energy
things that move are said to posses
substances that can change the rate of a reaction without being altered themselves in the process.
a combination of a sperm cell and an egg cell
regers to a picture of its complete set of chromosomes arranged in pairs of homologous chromosomes from the largest size pair to its smallelst size pair
are proteins that are biological catalysts
Complete Dominance
dominance in which the heterozugote and the homozygote for the dominant allele are indistinguishable
is a very important moleule because it is the primary source of energy for the cell. Also known as adenosine triphosphate ATP is made up of the nitrogenous base adenine bonded to ribose and a chain of three phosphate groups. When a phosphate group is hydrolyzed energy is released in an exergonic reaciton
P site
holds the tRNA that carries the growing polypeptide
single membrane bound compartments in cell responsivle for various metabolic functions like breakdown of purines produce hydrogen peroxide and also break down hydrogen peroxide in plant cells
The zygote will get a double-dose of the genes located on the chromosome
A site
Which holds the tRNA that carries the animno acid that will be added to the chain
haploid cells
they contain half the number of chromosomes of somatic cells. they contain 22 autosomes plus a single sex chromosome . which equals 23 total cromosomes from each
active site
a certain region in the enzyme that binds to the substrate
light microscopes
are used to observe most plant and animal cells, bacteria and some organelles like mitochondria and nuclei although most cell organelles are too small to be seen with a light microscope.
endergonic reaction
is one that requires energy in order to proceed (absorb free energy)
contains most of the cell's chromosomes; the most noticeable organelle in the cell because of its relative size surrounded by a double membrane mRNA is transcrived here and then sent out to the ctoplasm considered the control center of the cell
The location of a gene on the chromosome
thermo dynamics
the study of energy transformations that occur in matter
sperm and ovum are haploid cells
activation energy
the amount of energy it takes to start a reaction

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