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Midterm - BioH, Ecology (26 Q's)

bio midterm has 26 questions about ecology


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hot and dry, a large area of land that has very little water and very few plants growing on it
tropical rain forest
it's where Tukan Sam lives from fruit loops
a grassland that has scattered clumps of trees and sesonal rains
food chains vs. food webs
food chain just shows one line of eating, food web shows a lot more things being eaten and what they eat
same as deciduous forest, nearly continuous belt of evergreen conferous forests across the northern hemisphere, in the north america and eurasia
there's at least 7 of them, climates where populations of many different species live
Nitrogen Cycle
the biogeochemical cycle that describes the transformations of nitrogen and nitrogen-containing compounds in nature. It is a gaseous cycle. [], the circulation of nitrogen
A raccoon that eats fish and wild berries is an example of an________.
break down all dead stuff
Predator/Prey relasionships
predator eats prey
autotrophs [manufacture own food], photoautotrophs [use the sun's energy to produce food], chemoautotrophs [use chemicals to produce food]
water cycle
The earth has a limited amount of water. That water keeps going around and around and around and around and in what we call the "_____________".... This cycle is made up of a few main parts:...evaporation (and transpiration), condensation, precipitation, and collection.
Carbon cycle
people give off carbon dioxide, plants take it in and produce oxygen, then we breathe that in... bam, that's the cycle
cold and stuff, a treeless Artic region where the subsoil is permanently frozen
first order [a mouse eats some grass], second order [a snake eats the mouse], etc..
Trophic levels
the levels on an energy pyramid
parasitism [one organism benefits, while the other looses something], commensalism [one organism benefits, and nothing happens to the other], mutualism [both organisms benefit from the interaction]
producers are at the bottom of these....
temperate grasslands
more grass, limited trees streams and lots of herbavores
any animal that feeds chiefly on grass and other plants
energy transfers
energy is lost as heat on the way up the pyramid
consumers: primary vs. secondary
secondary must eat more than the primary to gain the same amount of E, because E is lost as heat
any animal that feeds on flesh

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