Socail Studies
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- Homer
- 700sBC Ancient Greek poet
- Socrates
- Greek philosopher who discussed laws, customs, values, religion with students; he was accused for urging young people to revoly, he was sentenced to death
- assembly
- a lawmaking body of government made up of a group of citizens
- colony
- a territory or community that is under the control of another country
- acropolis
- a large hill in acient Greece where city residents sought shelter and saftey in times of war and met to discuss community affairs
- oligarchy
- a type of government in which a small gruop of citizens control decision-making
- Parthenon
- a temple to the goddess, Athena, built 447-432BC on the Acropolis in Athens
- citizen
- a person with certain rights and responsibities in his or her country or community
- Aristotle
- Greek philosopher who was the private teacher of Alexander the Great
- Phoenicia
- An ancient seafaring civilization located on the eastern shore of the Mediterranean Sea
- jury
- a group of citizens chosen to hear evidence and make a decision in a court of law
- Alexander the Great
- king of Mcedonia who conquered Geece, Persia, Egypt, and the Indus Valley; his conquests spread Greek culture throughout parts of 3 continents
- Plato
- Greek philosopher and student of Socrates
- Macedonia
- an ancient kingdon ruled by Alexander the Great that conquered Greece and the Persian empire in the 300s BC
- Attica
- a peninsula in east-central Greece on the Aegean Sea in witch Athens was built
- Mount Olympus
- the higest mountain in Greece, where the ancient Greeks believed many of their gods and godesses lived
- Peloponnesus
- a mountainous peninsula in southern Greece, between the Ionian and Aegean Sea
- peninsula
- an area of land almost entirely surrounded by water
- agora
- a central area in Greek cities used both as a marketplace and as a meeting place
- conclusion
- a final statement or opinion reached by putting together information about a subject
- Peloponnesian Wars
- a war fought between Athens and Sparta in the 400s BC, ending in a victory for Sparta
- Rhodes
- a Greek island, lying east of Crete in the Aegean Sea
- polis
- a city-state in ancient Greece
- democracy
- s system of government in which citizens vote to make government decision
- Sparta
- the largest ancient Greek city-state, located on the southern Peloponnesus
- Mediterranean Sea
- a large, almost landlocked arm of the Atlantic Ocean touching Europe, Asia, and Africa
- acropolis
- a large hill in ancient Greece where city residents sought shelter and safety in times of war and met to disscus community affairs
- monarchy
- a government ruled by a king or a queen
- Pericles
- Athenian general who led Athens during the war with Sparta; he made sure that poor as well as rich could take part in government
- Alexandria
- a city in Egypt founded c.332BC by Alexander the Great
- Athens
- for many centuries the most powerful of all ancient Greek city-states; capital of present day Greece
- harbor
- a sheltered place along a coast used to protect bots and ships
- philsophy
- the study of or search for truth, wisdom, and the right way to live
- Crete
- a Greek island in the Mediterranean Sea, southeast of Greece