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Religion Exam 2


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tribal and family life in cultural origin:
passed through gen from father to so
royal psalms:
psalms celebrating davidic kings
Periods of Former prophets:
650 years
Babylonian Creation Epic Title:
Genesis or "Enuma Elish dates back to 2000 BCE
book of psalms:
150 poems at composted at different times over six centuries
creation ex nihilo:
created out of nothing
Latter prophets periods:
1;. assyrian crisis, 2. the babylonian threat, or 3 the post exilic readjustment
Negative Wisdom:
"pessimistic wisdom" why bad things happen to good people
the core of Israelite faith more than other books in the hebrew bible
scribal-courtly class in cultural origin:
internal contacts with scribes in other cultures, borrowing and sharing international wisdom, amenemope--he who tills his land will have plenty of bread, but he who follows worthless persuits will have plenty of poverty
positive wisdom:
based on torah\pentateuch, "g-d rewards and helps the honest and righteous person who fulfills the law"
an account of the descent of a person, family, or other social group
concept of a process of generation: phenomena generated out of preexisting substances
a poem emphasizing sorrow, grief, mourning, or regret i.e psalm 22
mixture of classical greek civilization with older cultures of the near east, dated as beginning with the death of alexander the great
observes diversity of natual phenomena, and the natural conflict and change between them
a list of names, accompanied by comments about father-son relationships, legnths of reigns, comments about persons life spans and their deeds
apocalyptic writing:
literature distinguished by several characteristics such as univerality, cosmic dualism, ethical dualism, predestination, exclusivism, limited theology, belief in violent god, eschatological preoccupations, use of symbols and code words
the old testament
an expression of praise to god that typically concludes a confession of faith, that rounds off the collection as a whole
ANE wisdom: four basics:
1. absense of any theory of salvation, 2. emphasis on practical lessons of life 3 emphasis on justice, vengeance, and retribution
makes same observations as polytheism and concludes that all diversity comes from a single g-d who creates diversity, change, and conflict evident in the cosmos
Egyptian for "foreign princes"
divided by times
"the Generative Principal"
"World Ocean"...contained anything that was going to be.
the seventh day of the week in which all the work ceases
a generic word for G-d
elite classes in cultural origin:
wisdom derived from royal and other elite classes, written by scribes
not in the book of genesis, origins and genealogies of the gods of the ancient Greeks
528-333 bc:
persian rules israel, then comes macedonian\greek rule by alexandar the great, then hellenistic rule under egypt, then syrian
a subcategory of polytheism which argues that the g-ds of one tribe or nation is the only g-d to be wroshipped b ut other g-ds do exist but are less powerful
1000BC to 922 BC:
Israel became a state under Kings David and Solomon--"Golden Age"
maccabean war of revolt, jewish autonomy existed as Hasmonean dynasty
323 BC:
maccabean war of revolt, jewish autonomy existed as Hasmonean dynasty
bible: the latter prophets: three major:
isiah, jeremaih, Ezekiel's twelve minor,,,750 BCE-460BCE
King Herod:
son of a powerful king of judea
Former and Latter classical prophecy:
lasts 800 years, overlaps
922 BC:
Israel split into two kingdoms: 1 Israel, 922-587,ten tribes, destroyed by Assyrians. 2. Judah, 922-587, two tribes (judah and benjamin), destroyed by neo-babylonians
90 AD:
Jews under rabbi johanan ben zakkai turned judiasm into a religion of the "book"
rhetoric of myth--making of skies and earth, creation of cosmos
anthelitical parallelism:
the psalms--one line makes a statement that next lines presses it's opposite
the maccabean dynasty
nov. 29, 1947:
WWII ends, Israel becomes modern state.
function of genealogies:
to trace origins of ethnic or social group, provide political authority to those in power
pious ones loyal to the torah
book of prophets:
dedicated to Solomon
Song of Songs:
poem celebrating the sexual passion challenges
a society ruled directly by god
66-72 AD:
bar Kokhba revolt
the first five books of the old testament
the dome over heaven which divided the primal waters above t he domed sky from those below
synthetic\formal parallelism:
is not, strictly speaking, parallelism at all
63 BC:
rule under general pompey
periods of latter prophets:
300 years
the prophets, anthologies of oracles
the doctrine of "last things"
bible: the former prophets:
six books: joshua, judges, samuel 1, samuel 2, kings 1, kings 2 1250-587 BCE
record compiled by the rabbi judah, first document of rabbinic judiasm
orderly system characterized by predictability and harmony.
a sign that represents somethign other than itself.

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