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Chp 2: The Greeks


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King of Mycenae and brother of Menelaus. Very arrogant and stubborn; commander of the Greeks, married to Clytemnestra, son of Atreus; murdered by Cly on his return from Troy
Ruthless ruler in Athens after the death of Pericles; he opposed the Peace of Nicias
Battles of Marathon
one of history's most famous military engagements. It is also one of the earliest recorded battles. Their victory over the Persian invaders gave the fledgling Greek city states confidence in their ability to defend themselves and belief in their continued existence. The battle is therefore considered a defining moment in the development of European culture.
in early Greek city-states, an open area that served as both market and a meeting place
Peace of Nicias
this brought the Peloponnesian War to its first true halt after nine years of war
(Greek mythology) a hero and king of Athens who was noted for his many great deeds: killed Procrustes and the Minotaur and defeated the Amazons and united Attica
Greek author who wrote the Iliad and the Odyssey
Athenian statesmen who changed the rules concerning homocide
Greek city-state including the city and the land around it
At the center of the city of Athens, the most famous example of a citadel
Linear B
Minoa's second written language; has been translated
Heavily armed Greek infantry who carried long spears and fought in closely spaced rows.
great Persian king who put satraps in place and built the Royal Road
Melian Dialogue
Athenians wish to conquer Melos. They go to Melos where the ask if they can take over, after their refusal they kill every man and take the women/children as slaves. the dialogue refers to the famous argument between the leaders of each state
(Greek mythology) a mythical monster with the head of a bull and the body of a man
major city and military stronghold in Greece
King of Ithaca, husband of Penelope, father of Telemanchus, son of Larertes. He is the first of the Greek epic heros to be renowned for his brain as well as his muscle. Hero of the Trojan War
Persian leader who invaded Greece; son of Darius
minoan crete
Peloponnesian War
A war, lasting from 431 to 404 B.C., in which Athens and its allies were defeated by Sparta and its allies.
the Greek lyric poet of Lesbos; she wrote about love, and women
Spartan king married to Helen
Athenian statesman who persuaded Athens to build a navy and then led it to victory over the Persians (527-460 BC)
Militaristic Greek City-State
An aristocrat, created a council of 500 and helped form Athenian democracy around 500 BC
starting in 487 BC, all citizens of Athens would vote on the most dangerous man by scratching his name on a broken piece of pottery. He would be sent into exile for 10 years.
Mount Olympus
The highest mountain in Greece where the ancient Greeks believed many of their gods and goddesses lived
warrior prince of Troy; Paris's older brother
a famous battle in 480 BC, where the Persians attacked the Spartans; battle held in a mountain pass; 300 Spartans remained
Traitor of the Spartans who wanted to get rich quick, he showed the Persians a goat trial to defeat the Spartans and flush out the remaining Greeks
Ancient Athenian statesman and general in the Peloponnesian War (circa 450-404 BC)
(Greek mythology) the supreme god of ancient Greek mythology
The capital city of Minoa; archaeologists found many remains of the Minoan culture there
Greek historian/Author
Persian War
conflict between Persia and Greece; Persia wanted to punish Athens for helping another city-state
Linear A
Minoa's first written language; has not been translated
King of Sparta and hero of the battle of Thermopylae where he was killed by the Persians (died in 480 BC)
son of King Priam; abducts Helen from Menelaus
an ancient city in Asia Minor that was the site of the Trojan War
a Greek epic poem (attributed to Homer) describing the journey of Odysseus after the fall of Troy
Athenian statesman whose leadership contributed to Athen's political and cultural supremacy in Greece
Region (about 1,000 square miles) that Athens dominated
Delian League
Pact joined by Athenians and other Greeks to continue the war with Persia
wife of Menelaus; son of Zeus and Leda
Greek poet; source of mythology - 700 BC
The Minoan culture was named for this legendary king
formation of infantry carrying overlapping shields and long spears; group of men packed together (for attack or defense)
five officials in ancient Sparta who were elected for one-year terms to make sure the kings stayed within the law
Dark Age
Greek cultural decline; very few records from this period
Athenian tyrant who took land from nobles and gave it to peasants, reduced privileges of nobles; helped to develop democratic ideals in Athens
a Greek epic poem (attributed to Homer) describing the siege of Troy
poet and statesmen whose courageous, compassionate work made him an important Greek figure; Athenian reformer of the 6th century; established laws that eased the burden of debt on farmers, forbade enslavement for debt
Assembly of free men; these men can help to make laws; yearly elected 9 men called archons; their job was to run Athens; they decide if someone is guilty of a crime, not a trial; after an archon served, they became eligible to be one of 300 Areopagus: Council that deals with homicide crimes
Greatest Greek warrior, husband of Briseis whom Agamemnon steals, only vulnerable place is his heel, prophecy that he would die in the Trojan war, which he does at the hand of Paris
elite group of 10 generals who headed Athenian government, were elected yearly by Ecclesia, and between them voted for commander in chief
1 of 3 major tribes of Greece; took control of Greece during Dark Age; illiterate people
A member of the Athenian upper class because he had inherited a large fortune from his father; was the main reason for the Peace of Nicias

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