undefined, object
copy deck
- aristotle
- mind and body are 1 thoughts are not innate
- socrates/plato
- mind and body are seperate; thoughts are innate
- stanley hall
- opened first psychology lab in USA
- humanist
- all people are inherently good and abnormal, behavior is a result of not having their needs met
- E.B. titchener
- believed in structuralism, used introspection to search for the minds structural elements
- counseling
- help people cope with challenges by recognizing their strengths and resources
- charles darwin
- behavior is a result of natural selection
- clinical
- work with patients or see them
- william james
- wrote principles of psychology (1st psych textbook)
- education
- what will make us learn more
- hippocrates/ancient greeks
- believed in the 4 humors blood, yellow bile ,black bile, phleghm
- behaviorist
- science that studies behavior without reference to mental processes
- psychiatrist
- medical doctors licensed to presecribe drugs ; treat phsyical causes of psychological disorders
- functionalism
- focuses on how mental and behavior processes function
- experimental
- running experiments
- john locke
- mind is a blank slate
- structuralism
- human beings are too compex and should be broken down into less complex parts
- industrial/organizational
- psychological concepts and methods optimizing human behavior in workplaces
- social
- how we interact with other people
- B.F. Skinner
- believed everything is learned therefore observable behavior is all that should be analyzed
- psychometric
- study the methods and techniques used to acquire psychological knowledge
- john watson
- championed psychology as the science of behavior
- franz gall
- creator of phrenology
- cognitive
- how we encode, process, and retrieve information
- carl rogers/abraham maslow
- all people are inherently good and abnormal behavior is a result of not having their needs met
- sigmund freud
- a psychoanalysis and psychodynamic, developed influential theory of personality
- humorism
- black bile,yellow bile,blood, phlegm
- wilhelm wundt
- opened first psych lab
- rene descartes
- agreed with socrates and pluto that mind and body are seperate
- empiricism
- research should be based on observation
- developmental
- growth and development of brain and how life changes in behavior
- jean piaget
- behavior is shaped by the meaning that people place on events and how there mind categories the world around them