undefined, object
copy deck
- concordance
- state of agreement, harmony
- indentation
- a cut or notch
- capitalist
- person who has invested personal wealth in business; very wealthy person
- recapitulation
- the restatement of a main idea; a summary or concise review
- manacle
- a device for confining the hands, handcuffs; anything that constrains
- accolade
- honor, award, expression of approval
- dexterity
- skill in the use of the hands or body, adroitness; mental skill or adroitness, cleverness
- consanguinity
- blood relationship
- cerebration
- the action of thinking; thought
- reprisal
- an action or act of retaliation against someone for injuries received
- rapacious
- excessively grasping or greedy; given to seizing for plunder or as prey
- capitulation
- surrender; ending resistance
- impregnable
- strong enough to resist attack of capture, as a fortress; not to be outweighed or overcome in argument
- seance
- meeting at which spiritualist attempt to communicate with the dead
- indenture
- a written contract between two parties; an agreement binding an apprentice to work for a master; to bind by written contract
- epidermis
- the outer protective layer of the skin or outer layer of various organisms
- gargoyle
- a grotesque carved human or animal figure, especially one used as a rainspout carrying water clear of a wall
- decolletage
- a low neckline on a garment or a garment with a low neckline
- manipulate
- to use or handle skillfully; to manage with devious skill, or to adjust to suit one's purpose
- disgorge
- to expel from the throat or stomach, to vomit; to discharge violently
- corporeal
- characteristic of or resembling the physical body
- facade
- the face of a building; face or front of anything
- explicate
- to make clear; to explain thoroughly, often in a literary context
- decapitate
- to cut off the head of; to behead
- sanguine
- cheerful, hopeful
- supplicate
- to ask humbly or earnestly for, as in praying; to beseech
- confront
- stand or come directly in front of; face w/ defiance or hostility
- dossier
- a set of documents containing information about a person or event, file
- supercilious
- disdainful; haughty and aloof
- exploit
- a notable or heroic deed; to use to get the greatest advantage; to make use of selfishly or unethically; to publicize
- effrontery
- flippant or insulting boldness; audacity
- efface
- to wipe out; to obliterate; to make less clear as if rubbing out; to make oneself inconspicuous
- enervate
- to deprive of strength, to weaken
- accord
- harmony, agreement
- oration
- an address or formal speech given on a special occasion
- dermatology
- the scientific study of the skin and its diseases
- corporal
- realting to or having an effect on the human body
- rapt
- giving one's complete attention; overcome with emotion, completely filled with joy
- sedentary
- characterized by much sitting
- orifice
- a mouth or vent; an opening
- gorge
- a deep narrow passage w/ rocky sides, enclosed between mountains; gluttonous eating; a feeling of nausea; to fill full, to stuff
- gastronome
- person who is knowledgeable about good food and dring, a gourmet
- deface
- to mar or spoil the appearance or surface of something
- ply
- to use a tool or weapon vigorously, to work at a trade; to offer somethin persistently; the thickness of cloth, yarn, or rope; wood layered with crosswise grain
- endorse
- write ones signature on the back of a check or document, sign something, or to support
- assiduous
- devoted, persistent, dilligent
- osculate
- to kiss
- ossify
- turn into bone, become bony or rigid
- dorsal
- pertaining to the back, especially to animals
- imply
- to indicate indirectly, to hint; to require a necessary condition
- corps
- military organization of officers and or enlistees, an army unit
- surreptitious
- done secretly w/o approval
- supersede
- take the place of, to replace
- inexorable
- relentless; unyielding
- emancipate
- to free from restraint or influence; to free from bondage
- entrepreneur
- a person who organizes, operates and assumes the risk for business ventures
- ploy
- a tactic intended to frustrate, embarrass, or gain advantage over an opponent
- cordial
- hearty, warm, sincere
- duplicity
- deceitfulness in speech or conduct, double-dealing; being physically or numerically double or two-fold, doubleness
- digital
- relating to a finger or to a unit of measure the breadth of a finger; referring to a numerical system for encoding data
- oracle
- shrine where the ancient greeks consulted one of their gods for advice or prophecy; a prophecy made at such a shrine; a person who transmits prophecy from a deity; person or thing regarded as able to give wise guidance
- reflection
- the act or condition of being thrown back; somethin thrown back, as light, heat, sound or an image; discredit, indirect reproach; deep thought
- reprehend
- to reprimand, reprove, or express disapporval
- explicit
- definite; stated in detail, leaving nothing to be guessed at; outspoken
- affront
- to insult intentionally; to offend or embarrass; an insult or offensive act
- deflect
- to turn aside; to swerve
- corpulent
- excessive bulky, fat
- facet
- one of the many sides of a cut stone or jewel
- carrion
- dead and decaying flesh
- mandate
- a formal order form a higher court; an authoritative command, order, or injunction
- gastric
- pertaining to the stomach
- apprehend
- to arrest; to grasp mentally, to understand; to anticipate with anxiety
- precipice
- a very steep or vertical face of a cliff or rock
- incarnate
- embodied in human form
- trident
- a long three-pronged fork or weapon
- comprise
- to consist of, to contain
- manifest
- clearly apparent to sight or understanding; obvious; to show plainly, to reveal; to prove; a list of cargo or passengers
- regurgitate
- to cause to pour back or cast up partially digested food, to vomit; to rush or sure back
- genuflect
- to bend the knee in a kneeling or half-kneeling position to express reverence or respect
- complicity
- participation with another in an act that is or seems to be deceitful
- ambidextrous
- able to use either hand equally well
- dissident
- differing, disagreeing, dissenting
- orthodontist
- a specialist who corrects irregularly positioned teeth
- precipitate
- to throw down from great height; to make happen suddenly or quickly
- corpus
- a body or collection of writings
- cerebral
- pertaining to the brain; intellectual
- inflection
- an alteration of pitch or tone of the voice; in grammar, an alteration of the form of a word to show different grammatical or syntactical relationships
- carnage
- massacre
- gargantuan
- of immense size; gigantic