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Social Psychology 1


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What is an attitude?
A positive, negative, or mixed feeling toward a person, object, or idea.
What dimensions is an attitude measured on?
Valence and Strength.
How are attitudes measured?
Self-report measures and Covert measures.
What are the self-report measures of attitudes?
Attitude Scale and Bogus Pipeline
What is an attitude scale?
A multiple-item questionanaire designed to measure a person's attitude toward some object
What is a bogus pipeline?
A phony lie-detector device that is sometimes used to get respondents to give truthful answers to sensitive questions.
What are the covert measures of attitudes?
Facial Electromyograph (EMG), body language, reaction times
What is a facial electromyograph (EMG)?
An electronic instrument that records facial muscle activity associated with emotions and attitudes.
What was LaPiere's provacative but flawed study?
Took Chinese-American couple on trip all around U.S. Although prejudice against Asians was high they were only refused service once at restaurants. When same restaurants were surveyed 90% said they wouldn't serve Asians.
What conclusion did Wicker (1969) come to about attitudes?
Attitudes and behavior are only weakly correlated.
What conclusion did Kraus (1995) come to about attitudes?
"Attitudes significantly and substantially predict future behavior."
What are the factors that keep attitudes in context?
Attitudes correlate with behavior when the attitude measure closely matches the behavior in question. High level of correspondence between the two.

Attitudes are only ONE determinant of behavior
What is the theory of planned behavior?
Attitudes toward a specific behavior combine with subjective norms and perceived behavior control to influence a person's intentions. The intentions guide, not completely determine, behavior.
Accoring to Boninger et al (1995) the most passionate/strong attitdues were issues that:
Directly affected one's own outcomes and self-interests.
Related to deeply held philosophidcal, political, and religious values.
Were of concern to one's close friends, family, and social in-groups.
What are the factors that indicate the strength of an attitude?
Well informed person >> attitude consistent w/ behavior
Attitudes formed thru direct personal experience >> more stable and predictive of behavior than those vice versa
Strong attitudes >> quickly brought to mind
Situational factors can influence attitude awareness

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