Personality d/o
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- Individual qualities, including habitual behavior patterns that make a person unique?
- Personality
- Behavioral patterns,Do not interfere with one's life, even if annoying or frustrating to others, can benefit a career or increase functioning?
- Personality traits
- Behavioral patterns that are rigid, inflexible, traced back to adolescence or early adulthood, perception impairs social or occupational functioning?
- Personality d/o
- Traits common to people with all types of Personality d/o?
-lack of insigh
-attempts to change envir rather than self
-fails to accept consequences of their own behavior.
-inability to form warm intimate ties - DSM IV-TR criteria for a PD AXIS II d.o:
distress or impairment in 2 or more of the following:
interpersonal functioning
impulse control - inability to unify good and bad objects into a whole. develops unreal "as-if" personality?
- Separation-individuation
- Problematic behaviors that a features of PD:
Manipulation:uses others for personal gain
Impulsiveness:acts w.o thinking
Long standing: chronic,pervasive and maladaptation - feeling of being engulfed by others or being overpowered by others often leading to poor personal bounderies?
- Enmeshment
- Perception of being left alone: may push others away, then feels alienation and isolation, leads to sabotage of relationships?
- Abandonment
- What neurotransmitter seems to be involved in PD?
Brain anatomy differences - Failure to integrate childhood identity. Parents can be nurturing and punishing: child uses DM:splittin,projection, idealization,omnipotence,
- Identity diffusion: erikson
- Theori? Need to feel that they are part of something great: depends on child needs if they are fulfilled in the formative years?
- Humanistic theory
- Which cluster Of PD should you consider culture,ethnicity,milieu,spiritual belief system?
- Cluster A: Odd and eccentric
- Describe the features of Cluster A: odd and eccentric
1.distrust detachment
3.long standing impairment in social and occupational functioning - Name the types of PD under cluster A: odd and eccentric?
3. SCHIZOTYPAL - suspicious, mistrust of plot and deception. Hostile , sarcastic. Hold grudges, Hypervigilent, distortion or reality, projection, restricted affect, loners?
- Paranoid PD
inability to form personal relationships
no concern for others
appears cold, aloof, indifferent to others,
prefers to work in isolation
Extremely introverted. - Schizoid PD
aloof, isolated
behave in bland,apathetic manner
possess magical thinking
ideas of reference,illusions,depersonalization,
superstitious, clairvoyance(see things not in sight),
telepathy or a sixth sense? - Schizotypical PD
- Major features of Cluster B: dramatic and emotional:
2.focus on intellectual/emotional goals
3.lacks ability to delay gratification which can lead to anger: Inability to maintain close interpersonal relationships - Name the types of PD in the cluster B:
Borderlin Pd
Histrionic PD
antisocial -
1.intense/unstable rltnshp
3.identity disturbance
4.chronic depression
5.inappropriate intense anger
6.splitting integrated sense/self
9.impulsive behav:s - Borderline PD
- Etiological implication BPD:
-parental deprivation
-excessive discipline
-abandoning role models
-family life chaotic
-more common in females:bipolar/substance ab - Describe features of histrionic PD:5
3.lacks emotional commitment
4.acting role
6.dysphoric mood:needs not met
7.somatic - Describe features of Antisocial PD:
1.charming,bright, empathy
2.socially irresponsible
4.disregard for right of others
6.conflicts with law
7.sexual offenses
8.substance abuse common - Etiologic implicaiton of Antisocial PD?
-lower socioeconomic class
-PET shows lack of activity in prefrontal cortex. - What the 3 laws of sociopathy Stuart Yudofsky
1."i take becuz nobody gives"
2."I wont give what i never got"
3."if it doesnt hurt me, it doesnt hurt" - Describe features of Narcissistic PD:
1.low self-esteem(needs attn of others)
2.Grandiosity(self importance
4.exploits others and mistrust - Etilogiocal implication of narcissistic PD:
-fam environment
-parents who live their lives vicariously through theri child - Major features of cluster C: Fearful and anxious?
1.Social/occupational impairments(restric affect)
2.non assertiveness
3.cant feel expression
4.lack decision making - Types of PD assoc with Cluster C:
3.dependent - characteristics of Avoidant PD:
- withdrawal
2.sense of inadequacy
3.fear of rejection/shame
4.does not enjoy being alone
5.distant from others
6.shy, serious, humorless, - characteristics of OCPD:
1.fear/anxiety of losing control
3.devoted to work
4.difficult decision making
6.comp/rit dec.anxiety
7.may use ritual of undoing - Etiological implication of OcPD?
-over control parenting style
-high standard
-learns to avoid punishment
-anal fixation - characteristics of dependent PD:
1.pervasive,unreal,need to be cared for.
2.fear of seperation self confidense
4.clings to others
5.helpless/stupid - Etilogical implication of dependent PD:
-overprotective parents
-discourage independ.behavior
-child does not learn by exp
- - Nursing diagnosis related to all PD:
ineffective coping:A
impaired social interation:A
chronic low self esteem:B
risk for violence:B
social isolation:C -
What are the outcomes for each cluster listed:
C: -
A: Improve social interaction
B:Increase self esteem,control aggression/impulsivity
C:increase coping,with stressors build appro.inter.rltnshp - What is the focus with borderliners?
-reality of expectation
-interactional behaviors in the here and now - Intervention with manipulation:
-set limits(prevents escalation and counteracts resistance.
-establish boundaries - intervention with splitting:
-team approach
-consistent response
-confront/disclose - intervention with impulsiveness?
-face consequences
-learn to think before you act - intervention with impaired social interaction?
-therapeutic rltnshp
-confront perception of others
-1:1 interaction
-be assertive - intervention with self destructive behaviors?
-never dismiss/negate sucicide gesture as "just" attn.seeking behavior
-assess thoroughly
-no self harm contract
-safety - intervention with aggressive behavior?
-set limits
-be assertive
-help client understnd/apprec.rights of others - intervention with chronic low self-esteem?
-confront neg.feelings of self
-use cog-beh-therapy(thought stopping)
-encourage to id strengths
-set boundaries