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Lab 9 - Fishes


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inverse relationship between amount of parental care given and number of eggs produced by female
release unfertilized eggs and have fertlization and development outside female's body; nourishment for developing embryo comes from yolk sac within the egg
internally fertilized eggs develop within mother's reproductive tract; egg relies entirely on supply of yolk; eggs are unshelled
embryo hatches within mother's womb or else develops a placenta connecting it to the mother; relies on mother for nourishment; fully developed young released at birth
Sexual dimorphism
distinct physical differences between the sexes
modified anal fin used in reproduction to form a tube through which sperm are transferred to the female
growth rings on the scale
comb-like teeth on the posterior edge of the scale
gill covers; protection for the respiratory structures underneath; forces water over gills
Lateral line
row of scales with small holes; allows fish to detect disturbances in the water, locate prey and predators
sensory organs within the water-filled canal connected to the lateral line; balance and equilibrium
holds hair cells or neuromasts; extend into lateral line canal and bend with water disturbances
vertical segments of muscle
sheets of connective tissue running between myomeres to which they attach
Haemal spine
supports muscles
stores glycogen
Gall bladder
releases bile into the intestine which aids in the digestion of fats
Pyloric Caeca
3 short finger-like projections that aid in digestion by secreting enzymes and assist the intestine in nutrient absorption
thin connective tissue that holds the internal organs together in the body cavity
reservoir for blood and assists in destruction of red blood cells
Air bladder
used to make changes in buoyancy
filters out metabolic wastes from blood and excretes them in urine
Urinary bladder
expels wastes to the external environment through urinary pore
receives blood from sinus venosus
pumps blood out via the bulbus arteriorsus
Sinus Venosus
receives blood returning from the body via the right and left common cardinal veins
Atrioventricular valve
prevents back flow when ventricle contracts
Ventral aorta
receives blood from the bulbus arteriosus
Common cardinal veins
carry deoxygenated blood back to heart
Single cycle
blood is pumped from the heart to the respiratory apparatus (gills) and then to the body tissues from which it returns to the heart
structures within the inner ear encased in fluid-filled sacs which vibrate from sound waves
Semicircular canals
aid in balance and orientation to gravity
Optic lobes
assists in visual perception
Olfactory lobes
assists in olfaction
Auricular lobes
assists in hearing
large sac near semicircular canals containing the otolith

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