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OMT - lower extremity.


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Primary hip extensor.
Gluteus maximus.
Primary hip flexor.
Primary knee extensor.
Primary knee flexors.
Semimembransis and semitendinosis.
Originates: anterior part of intercondylar area of tibia (just posterior to medial meniscus attachment).
Inserts: (extends superiorly, posteriorly, laterally) posterior part of medial side of lateral condyle of femur.

Prevents posterior displacement of femur on tibia and hyperextension of knee.
Origin: posterior part of intercondylar area of tibia.
Insersion: Anterior part of lateral surface of medial condyle of femur.

Prevents anterior displacement of femur and hyperflexion of knee.
Medial collateral ligament.
-medial epicondyle of femur to medial condyle and superior medial surface of tibia.
-deep fibers attach firmly to medial meniscus.
Lateral collateral ligament
-extends from lateral epicondyle of femur to lateral surface of head of fibula.
Fibular head moves ____ w/ pronation (dorsiflexion, eversion, and external rotation) of foot.
Fibular head moves _____ w/ supination (plantarflexion, inversion, internal rotation) of foot.
Femoral nerve.
Motor: Innervate quadriceps, iliacus, satorius, pectineus.
Sensory: anterior thigh and medial leg.
Sciatic nerve: tibial division.
Motor: hamstrings (except short head of biceps femoris), most plantar flexion, and toe flexors.
Sensory: lower leg and plantar aspect of foot.
Sciatic nerve: peroneal division.
Motor: short head of biceps femoris, evertor and dorsiflexors of foot, and most toe extensors.
Sensory: lower leg and dorsum of foot.
Motor: Iliopsoas.
Reflex: none
Sensation: anterior thigh just below inguinal ligament.
Motor: iliopsoas, adductors, quadriceps
Reflex: none
Sensation: middle anterior thigh.
Motor: Adductors, quadriceps
Reflex: none.
Sensation: anterior thigh just above knee.
Motor: anterior tibialis
Reflex: patella reflex.
Sensation: medial malleolus.
Motor: external hallicus longus, quadriceps
Reflex: None
Sensation: dorsal aspect of foot and big toe.
Motor: peroneus longus and brevis gastrocnemius.
Reflex: Achilles reflex.
Sensation: Lateral malleolus.
Posterior fibular head dysfunction.
Restriction in anterior glide.
Foot be more supinated.
Fibular head resist any anterior springing.

Often disturb common fibular nerve, as it directly lies posterior to the proximal fibular head.
Anterior fibular head dysfunction.
Restriction in posterior glide. Foot be more pronated.
Fibular head resist any posteror springing.
Ankle is more stable in dorsiflexion or plantarflexion?
Joint for dorsiflexion / plantarflexion.
Tabiotalar joint.
Transverse arch of foot.
Cuboid, cuneiforms, navicular.
Most commonly injured ligament in foot.
Anterior talofibular ligament.
Lateral stabilizers of ankle (prevent excessive supiantion)
Anterior talofibular ligament.
Posterior talofibular ligament.
Calcaneofibular ligament.
Medial stabilizer of ankle.
Deltoid ligament.
Plantar ligaments.
Spring ligament (calcaneonavicular ligament)
OMT of lower extremities

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