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comparative anatomy test 1


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Alfred Russel Wallace
Aoology -worked mainly as a professional collector, traveling to remote locations and being paid by the specimen famous for nartural selection -line: a line of demaracation that splits the Australian and Southewest ASian fauanas and floras
correspondence in function or position between organs of dissimilar evolutionary origin or sturcutre -same function different origin ex. bat wings and bird wings
derived characteristic
amphioxus or lancet have mmores: muscle bands myosepta:conncective tissue between muscles myotomes: larval myomere largely sessile (bury themselves), filter feeders semitropical (including mobile Bay) notochord with striated muscles (increaes stiffn
Charles Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace
published Natural Selection even though Darwin didn't want to
NOTOCHORD fibrous, fluid-filled sheath provides strength for swimming hydrostatic skeleton, water incompressible POASTANAL TAIL used as a paddle to swim DORSAL HOLLOW NERVE versus a ventral solid nerve chord
two unrelated organisms evolving the same structure bird wings and bat wings anything that flies has this in common
Georges Cuvier
Ichthyology and paleontology -head of Museum d'HistorieNatturelle, Paris -Father of Comparative Anatomy
Georges Cuvier beliefs
-earth suffered several mass extinctions and re-creations, never related hypothesis to religion which is why he used revolution over catastrophe -from part of animal can figure out the whole -animals are precise and all parts must mesh together, so spec
-pharyngeal gill slits -larval stage-tomaria similar to echinoderms sessile: bootom-dwelling fliter feeders may be closer to ecinoderms
correspondence in evolutionary origin same origin not necessary same function ex. bones of bird wings and bat wings
sum of convergences, parallelisms, and reversals
Jean-Baptiste de Lamarck
zoology Museum d"histoire Naturelle, Paris first scientific evolutionary hypothesis-inheritance of acquired characteristics believed animals could aster their appareance during life and pass these traits to theri offspring thought disuse of a characte
Louis Agassiz
Ichthyology, paleontology, geology Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard first detailing effects of glaciers and iterating beliefs that earth had passed through seveal ice ages first modern teacher of comp. anat particularly famous for ability to dra
Malthus' Theory
population is larger than resources to support it-not going to happen -population only gets to live where resources come support so somre aren't going to survive
two sister species evolve same structure independently almost impossible to test bc looks like homology
primitive characteristic lack of hair
rebert back to the less derived state evolution can reverse backwards into what you had before ex. collar bones
Richard Owen
Anatomy -Museum of Natural History (British Museum) -detailed anatomical work -successor to Cuvier -Archetypes-all vertebrates were built along a common plan or blueprint called an archetype- this can be noted in the skull which he believed to be form
shared primitive characteristic lack of hair doesn't unite invertebrates bc it doesn't define the group
useful for building a tree mammary glands is one for mammals lower jaw, inner ear and bones hair isn't because hair is primitive
shared derived characteristic hair which unites groups
Temple of Nature
poesm about transmutation and the LInnean classification scheme
Thomas Malthus
essay on the Principle of Population -animals and humans can produce more offspring tha can survivi
urochordata-asicidiacea(sea squirts)
internal siphon NO DHNC, notochord or postanaltail as adults Ascidian tadpole- larva present with all characteristics, free swimming metamorphosis-absorbs tail, notochord and DHNC
young Darwin
son of wealthy doctor married ema wedgwood went to school for medicine in Edinburgh not successful bc couldn't stnad blood and dropped out studied natural history at christ's college, Cambridge sent of 5 year Beagle Voyage as Ship's gentlemen beca

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