anatomy/physiology 2
undefined, object
copy deck
- a-
- without
- ab-
- abduct, from
- -ac
- pertaining to
- acr-
- extremity
- ad-
- to, toward
- aden-, adeno-
- gland
- adip-
- fat
- aer-
- air
- af-
- toward
- -al
- pertaining to
- alb-
- white
- -algia
- pain
- allo-
- other
- ana-
- up, back
- andro-
- male
- angio-
- vessel
- ante-
- before
- anti-, ant-
- against
- apo-
- from
- arachn-
- spider
- arter-
- artery
- arthro-
- joint
- -asis, -asia
- state, condition
- astro-
- star
- atel-
- imperfect
- aur-
- ear
- auto-
- self
- baro-
- pressure
- bi-
- two
- bili-
- bile
- bio-
- life
- blast-, -blast
- precursor
- brachi-
- arm
- brachy-
- short
- brady-
- slow
- bronch-
- windpipe
- carcin-
- cancer
- cardi-, cardio-, -cardia
- heart
- -cele
- tumor, hernia, swelling
- -centesis
- puncture
- cephal-
- head
- cerebr-
- brain
- cerebro-
- brain
- cervic-
- neck
- chole-
- bile
- chondro-
- cartilage
- chrom- chromo-
- color
- circum-
- around
- -clast
- broken
- colo-
- colon
- contra-
- against
- corp-
- body
- cortic-
- rind or bark
- cost-
- rind or bark
- cranio-
- skull
- cribr-
- sieve
- -crine
- to secrete
- cut-
- skin
- cyan-
- blue
- cyst- -cyst
- sac
- cyt- cyto-
- a hollow cell
- de-
- away
- dendr-
- tree
- dent-
- teeth
- derm-
- skin
- desmo-
- hand
- di-
- twice
- dia-
- through
- digit-
- finger or toe
- dipl-
- double
- dis-
- apart, away from
- diure-
- to urinate
- dys
- painful
- -ectasis
- expansion
- ecto-
- outside
- -ectomy
- excision
- ef-
- away from
- emmetro-
- in proper measure
- encephalo-
- brain
- end- endo-
- inside
- entero-
- intestine
- epi-
- on
- erythema-
- flushed skin
- erythro-
- red
- ex-
- out away from
- extra-
- outside beyond
- ferr-
- iron
- fil-
- thread
- -form
- shape
- gastr-
- stomach
- -gen -genic
- stomach
- genicula-
- to produce
- gest-
- to bear
- glosso- -glossus
- tongue
- glyco-
- sugar
- -gram
- record
- gran-
- grain
- -graph -graphia
- to write record
- gyne- gyno-
- woman
- hem- hemato-
- blood
- hemi-
- half
- hepato-
- liver
- hetero-
- other
- histo-
- tissue
- holo-
- entire
- homeo- homo-
- same
- hyal- hyalo-
- glass
- hydro-
- water
- hyo
- u shaped
- hyper-
- above
- hypo-
- under
- hyster-
- uterus
- -ia
- state or condition
- idi-
- one's own
- ili- ilio-
- groin
- in-
- within
- infra-
- beneath
- inter-
- between
- intra-
- within
- ipsi-
- itself
- iso-
- equal
- -itis
- inflammation
- karyo-
- body
- kerato-
- horn
- kino-
- to move
- lact- lacto-
- milk
- lapar-
- loins
- -lemma
- husk
- leuko-
- white
- liga-
- bind together
- lip- lipo-
- fat
- lith-
- stone
- lyso- -lysis -lyze
- dissolution
- macr-
- large
- mal-
- abnormal
- mamilla-
- little breast
- mast- masto-
- breast
- mega-
- big
- melan-
- black
- men-
- month
- meso-
- middle
- mero-
- part
- meta-
- after beyond
- micr-
- small
- mito-
- thread
- mono-
- one
- morpho-
- form
- multi-
- many
- -mural
- wall
- myelo-
- marrow
- myo-
- muscle
- narc-
- numb or deaden
- nas-
- nose
- natri-
- sodium
- necr-
- corpse
- nephr-
- kidney
- neur- neuro-
- nerve
- oculo-
- eye
- odont-
- tooth
- -oid
- form
- oligo-
- little few
- -ology
- the study of
- -oma
- swelling
- onco-
- mass tumor
- oo-
- egg
- ophthalm-
- eye
- -opia
- eye
- orb-
- a circle
- orchi-
- testis
- orth-
- correct straight
- -osis
- state condition
- osteon, osteo-
- bone
- oto-
- ear
- para-
- beyond
- patho- -path -pathy
- disease
- pedia-
- child
- per-
- through
- peri-
- around
- phag-
- to eat
- -phasia
- speech
- -phil -philia
- love
- phlep-
- vein
- -phobe -phobia
- fear
- phot-
- light
- -phylaxis
- guard
- physio-
- nature
- -plasia
- formation
- platy-
- flat
- -plegia
- paralysis
- -plexy
- to strike
- pneum-
- air
- podo
- foot
- -poiesis
- making
- poly-
- many
- post-
- after
- pre-
- before
- presby-
- old
- pro-
- before
- proct-
- anus
- pterygo-
- wing
- pulmo-
- lung
- pulp-
- flesh
- pyel-
- pelvis
- quadr-
- one quarter
- re-
- back again
- retro-
- backward
- rhin
- nose
- -rrhage
- to burst forth
- -rrhea
- flow discharge
- sarco-
- flesh
- scler-
- hard
- -scope
- to view
- -sect
- to cut
- semi-
- half
- -septic
- putrid
- -sis
- state or condition
- som- -some
- body
- spino-
- vertebral column
- -stalsis
- contractile
- sten-
- narrowing
- -stomy
- opening
- stylo-
- stake pole
- sub-
- below
- super-
- above or beyond
- supra-
- upper side
- syn-
- together
- tachy-
- swift
- telo-
- end
- tetra-
- four
- therm- thermo-
- heat
- thorac-
- chest
- thromb-
- clot
- -tomy
- to cut
- tox-
- poison
- trans-
- through
- tri-
- three
- tropho-
- nutrition
- -trophy
- nourishing
- -tropic
- turning
- tropo-
- turning
- uni-
- one
- uro-
- urine
- vas-
- vessel
- zyg-
- yoked