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- "Father of Medicine", Rejected superstition & "magic" of primative medicine. *Hippocratic Oath
- Hippocrates
- 350 BC, Greek Philosopher, emparacism
- Aristotle
- Advances in Medicine, Anatomy- live dissection, circulation, learned that arteries have blood, not air nerves
- Galen
- 1543 AD Published accuracte account of human anatomy, "Foundation of modern medicine & bio"
- Andreas Versalius
- 1628- Determined heart can circulate blood, suggested the function of circulation
- William Harvey
- 1665- Discovered cells
- Robert Hooke
- 1673- invented a powerful microscope to observe unicellular microorganisms
- Antoni Van Leeumenhoek
- 1735- Developed a classification system for biological organisms
- Carolus Linnaeus
- 1789- developed vaccination against small pox...immunization
- Edward Jenner
- 1839- proposed cell theory, the idea that all living things are composed of cells
- Mathias Schleiden & Theordore Schwaan
- 1858- Proposed theory of evolution, The Origin of Species, established evolution by common decent
- Charles Darwin
- 1864- proposed the germ theory, fermintation-process carried out by microorganism sterilization
- Louis Pasteur
- 1866- Proposed theory of genetic inheritance, not fully recognized until 30 yrs after
- Gregor Mendel
- 1928- Discovered penicillan, 1st antibiotic was successfully used in treating bacterial infections
- Fleming
- 1953- Proposed the structure of DNA
- Watson & Chick