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Kettering-Equipment (2)


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What is the size of an oral airway?
Length should be equal to distance from angle of jaw to tip of chin OR angle of jaw to just past corner of mouth
What is the size of a nasal airway?
Outside diameter of airway should be equal to inside diameter of patients external nares. Length is from tip of earlobe to center of nostrils
How should you insert an oral airway
insert opposite its anatomical shape to back of throat and then twist into correct position
How should you insert a nasal airway
Insert the way it is anatomically shaped with water soluble lubricant
**What is a curved/Macintosh**
**Fits into vallecula indirectly raises epiglottis**
**What is a straight/Miller blade?
**Fits directly under the epiglottis**
**Preferred for infant intubatin**
What are the intubation blade sizes for
term infant
Pre-term infant
adult: size 3
pediatric: size 2
term infant: size 1
Pre-term infant: Size 00
**When do you use a stylet?**
**ONLY to aid in oral intubation**
**End is to recessed 1 cm above tip of the endotracheal tube**
**When do you use Magill forceps**
**Only in nasal intubation*
-Inserted in mouth to lift tube
What are the ET tube sizes for
Pre-term infant
**Full term infant**
Pre-term infant: 2
**Full term infant**: 3
adult: wt in kg/10
Where should tube marking be of normal and nasal ET tubes
-0rally at the lips should be at 21-25 cm mark
-Nasal should be at 26-29 mark
**What should the cuff pressure be on an ET tube?**
**Cuff pressure should not exceed 20 mm Hg in order to allow circulation to the tracheal mucosa**
How should you monitor cuff pressure
1. Minimal occluding volume
**2. Minimal leak technique**
**What is the minimal leak technique**?
**slowly inject air into cuff during positive pressure inspiration until leak stops; a small amoung of air is removed to allow a slight lead during peak inspiration**
**What should you remember when checking cuff pressure with a maonometer**?
**If cuff pressure registers 0, check to make sure connections are tight between manometer and pilot balloon**
*What is a double-lumen ET tube (DLT)/Endobronchial?
- A tube with two lumen of different lenghts. THe long one is inserted into left or right mainstem and short into trachea
**Each lumen can ventilate each lung separately of they can be connected via a wye and share a ventilation source.
**what are the indications for *What is a double-lumen ET tube (DLT)/Endobronchial?
**used in surgery during pneumonectomy, lobectomy, esopheageal resection and aortic aneurysm repair**
How do you plug a trach tube?
When plugging the tube, be sure to deflate cuff, remove the inner cannula and then plug the trach tube
What size vacuum regulator should you use for an
**adult: 100-120 mm Hg
child: 80-100
Infant: 60-80
What is a Coude tip catheter used for
It is angled to help suction the LEFT main stem bronchus
What is a closed system suction catheter used for?
To permit suctioning through an ET or Trach tube with patients who have a critical ventilation or sxygenation status often requiring PEEP
What is appropriate size of a catheter
-20-22 inches
**The external diameter of the suction catheter should be ideally no greater than 1/2 the inside diameter of the ET of trach tube
What is an oral suction device
**Yankauer, Tonsil suction device
*Used to suction the mouth and throat, suing aseptic technique (flush to clear)
*use saline for cytology
How do you test for leaks of a self inflating resuscitation bag?
*test for leaks by occluding bag and turn off pressure pop off
**How do you troubleshoot a a self inflating resuscitation bag?**
*If bag fill rapidly and collapses easily on minimum pressure, check for absent inlet valve or if stuck open
*If bag is difficult to compress and compliance is normal,Patient valve may be stuck open or closed.
*Do not try and fix bag, use another form of ventilation
*used for short term, emergency, transport or back up ventilation
What is specific about a mouth to valve ventilator
A one way valve between the mask and the practioners mouth eliminates the exposure to exhaled air
Bird mark 7 - flow rate contol
Turning the control to a higher number causes a greater flow into the breathing circuit and nebulizer (decreases I-time)
How do you adjust volume of a Bird mark 7
Volume is changed by adjustig the pressure limit
What is the main difference between a bird mark 7 and bennett PR 11
Terminial flow - it compensates for leaks
What control changes will change the volume?
-Increasing the pressure will increase the colume
- Increasing the flow will increase turbulence and decrease volume
Bennett MA 1 ventilator
Volume cycled ventilator
- If you increase peep, you much increase sensitivity
What must you do when you change ventilator circuits?
Manual ventilation with a resuscitation bag
How do you read a barometer?
If mercury, you read from the top of the meniscus. If contains water, read from the bottom
What is the most appropriate noninvasive techniquee to measure oxygen saturation
What is wrong if there is a sudden fall in oximetry readings without a change in the patients condition
There is a malfunction of the probe. Change or reattach the probe
What is oximetry recommended for?
Monitoring sleep apnea, and for resting and exercise desaturation
What can affect a pulse ox reading
-perfusion (shock and hypotension)
- light transmission (polish, bright lights.
When will finger pulse ox's read a higher saturation?
If carbon monoxide is present
What are the values of COhb in
normal people
heavy smokers
normal: 1-3%
smokers: 5-10%
heavy smokers: 10-15%
What is the best way to evaluate oxygenation in a CO poisoning patient
It more accurately measures COhb, O2Hb, and MetHb
How is co-oximetry measured
It is invasive and non-continuous measurement
What should we do if a patient has CO poisoning
Patient should be started on oxygen therapy at 100% via a non-rebreather mask
What is capnogography
Measures carbon disxide using infrared absorption
Which is normally lower, the PetCO2 or the arterial PCO2
PetCO2 reads lower
Where should the capnography sensor be placed?
proximal to the patients airway connection (at the endotracheal tube)
What does an increase in the capnograph (PECO2 or PETCO2) indicate
a decrease in ventilation (ventilatory failure)
What does a decrease in the capnograph (PECO2 or PETCO2) indicate
An increase inventilation or a decreased perfusion (deadspace disease: pulmonary embolism, hypovolemia).
What should you do if you get a reading of "zero" or "low"
Reconnect patient to ventilator
What would a low PETCO2 reading indicate immediatley following intubation
The ET tube is in the esophagus
What happens to PETCO2 during CPR
What can exhaled CO2 detetion devices detect?
-esophageal intubation Purple =poor and yellow =normal
- Can get false readings in patients who have been down without CPR for a while
- Moisture and secreation can cause false readings and obstruct tube
What is a MIP/MEP device
What is MIP used for
Monitor and assess the readiness to wean in vent patients. Assesses the degree of resp muscle impairment in Guillain and Myasthenia
What is MEP used for
Useful in evaluating a patient's ability to maintain an airway and clear secretions (ability to cough)
What is normal peak flow?
40-60 L/min
What is pasteurization?
disinfection process using moderate temperatures to kill vegetative organisms
What is ethylene oxide sterilization (ETO)
-Sterilizes equip by alkylation of enzymes
Sterilizes Bird Mark, Electric IS and non-disposable bag removed from HIV patients room
Items that have been gamma radiated should not be re-sterilized with ethylene oxide
How should you disinfect a bronchoscope?
Alkaline glutaraldehyde (Cidex)

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