civil war
undefined, object
copy deck
- rank above colenel
- general
- list rankings of comittioned officers
- president, secratart, general, colenel, major, captain, lutenaints
- list ranking of non comissioned offisers
- seirgents, corpral, private
- incharge of squat and number of men
- corpral, or a sargent if squats are sombined(2-3) men:15-25
- incharge of company and number of men
- 1st leitenaint or captain men: 100
- incharge of regiment and number of men
- colenel men:1000
- incharge of brigade and number of men
- gereral or several colenels men:3,500
- incharge of division and number of men
- generals men:10,000
- incharge of corps and number of men
- general men:20,000
- incharge of Army and number of men
- Genral men: unlimiten
- USA vs CSA
- USA- army of the CSA- army of
- salute a
- commitioned officer
- don't salute a
- non commitioned officer
- highest ranked commitioned offcer that enters war
- captain
- Abolitionist
- A person who believe in the abolishment or abolition of Negro slavery.
- Battle
- Large-scale combat between two armed forces (skirmishes and engagements are smalled scaled and briefer)
- Confederacy (CSA)
- The alliance of 11 Southern states to form the Confederate States of America.
- Secede (Secesh)
- To withdraw from the Union, 11 Southern states did in 1860-1861) During the war, Southerners were frequently called "secesh" by Northerners
- Union
- The collection of 2 Northern states which fought the rebellious Confederacy during the Civil War. Allso called the United States of America.
- Flanks
- The sides of an armies battle lines
- Casualty
- A person killed, wounded, captured, or missing during the war.
- Deploy
- To spread out armies to create a battle line.
- Drill
- The process of instructing recruits how to march and practice the military arts as a unit.
- Infantry
- Foot Soldiers marching together
- Ironcla
- A ship covered in iron plates and used in the Civil War
- Sutler
- Dry goods salesmen who traveled with the northern armies.
- Emancipation
- The formal release of slaves from bondage.
- Rations
- Military name for food.
- Salt Prot
- Most common meal ration during the war (along with hardtack and coffee) Pork was salted to preserve it.
- Rifled Musket
- Standard infantry weapon used in teh war.
- Dysentery
- A fatal disease of the human intestines.
- Zouave
- Soldiers in colorful uniforms who specialized in precision drilling.
- Yank
- Term for soldiers who fought for the Union (The Blue, Federals, Billy Yank)
- Rebel
- Term used for the Confederate (Southern) states, (Butternut, Grayback, Johnny Reb)
- rank
- Military leadership in order of importance (Commander-in-chief, General of the army, Lt. General, Major General, Brigadier General, Colonel, Major, Captain, Lieutenant, 1st Sergeant, Sergeant, Corporal, Private.)
- Dixie
- Slang term for the confederacy (also a popular Southern song)
- Recruit
- A person who has just signed up to be a soldier with no battle experience.
- Cartridge Box
- A leather box soldiers use to carry rounds, or bullets
- Minnie Ball
- Standard rifle bullet used in the war.
- Calvary
- Soldiers on horse-back fighting for a unit.
- Draft
- The selection of citizens for mandatory, or military service. (Conscription)
- Forage
- Soldiers searching for food.
- Haversack
- Cloth bag soldiers used to carry rations and food.
- Torpedo
- Civil War term for an underwater mine that exploded.
- Tactics
- Maneuvering troops on a battlefield.
- Strategy
- Military command to an overall plan of war. (How and where to deploy troops, etc.)
- Battery
- A unit of four-six cannons.
- Artillery
- Large, powerful weapons, suchs as cannons or mortars.
- Blockade
- The closing off of a city or other area to traffic and communication.
- Contraband
- Goods illegally traded during wartime. (Slaves were sometimes called contraband)
- Copperhead
- A Northern Democrat who agreed with southern secession.
- Envelopment
- An attack against the flanks of an army.
- Picket
- One or more soldiers responsible for guard duty.
- Assassination
- Murder
- Greenback
- Paper money used during the Civil War in the North