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Glucostic Theory
Theory that when our blood glucose levels drop, hunger creates a drive to eat to Restore the proper level of glucose
hormone that signals the hypothalamus and brain stem to reduce appetite and increase the Amount of energy used
Set Point
Value that establishes a range of body and muscle mass we tend to maintain
Internal-External Theory
theory holding that obese people are motivated to eat more by external cues Than internal cues
Desire Phase
phase in human sexual response triggered by whatever prompts sexual interest
Excitment Phase
phase in human sexual response in which people experience sexual pleasure and Notice physiological changes associated with it
Orgasm(climax) Phase
phase in human sexual response marked by involuntary rhythmic contractions In the muscles of genitals in both men and women
Resolution Phase
phase in human sexual response following orgasm, in which people report relaxation And a sense of well-being
Social Psychology
study of how people influence others’ behavior, beliefs, and attitudes
Social Facilitation
enhancement of performance brought about by the presence of others
process of assigning causes to behavior
Fundamental Attribution Error
tendency to overestimate the impact of dispositional influences on Other people’s behavior
Social Comparison Theory
theory that we seek to evaluate our beliefs, attitudes, and abilities by Comparing our reactions with others’
Mass Hysteria
outbreak of irrational behavior that is spread by social contagion
tendency of people to alter their behavior as a result of group pressure
Parametric Studies
studies in which an experimenter systematically manipulates the independent Variable to observe its effects on the dependent variable
tendency of people to engage in uncharacteristic behavior when they are stripped of Their usual identities
emphasis on group unanimity at the expense of critical thinking and sound decision making
Group Polarization
tendency of group discussion to strengthen the dominant positions held by Individual group members
groups of individuals who exhibit intense and unquestioning devotion to a single cause
Inoculation Effect
approach to convincing people to change their minds about something by first Introducing reasons why the perspective might be correct and then debunking it
adherence to instructions from those of higher authority
Diffusion of Responsibility
reduction in feelings of personal responsibility in the presence of others
Pluralistic Ignorance
error of assuming that no one in a group perceives things as we do
Social Loafing
phenomenon whereby individuals become less productive in groups
conclusion regarding factual evidence
belief that includes an emotional component
personality trait that assesses the extent to which people’s behavior reflects their true feelings and attitudes
Cognitive Dissonance
unpleasant mental experience of tension resulting from two conflicting thoughts
Self-Perception Theory
theory that we acquire our attitudes by observing our behaviors
Impression Managment Theory
theory that we don’t really change our attitudes, but report that we Have so that our behaviors appear consistent with our attitudes
Door-in-Face Technique
persuasive technique involving making an unreasonably large request Before making the small request we’re hoping to have granted
Foot-in-Door Technique
persuasive technique involving making a small request before making a bigger one

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