undefined, object
copy deck
- apathy
- lack of feeling, emotion, interest, or excitement; indifference
- morphology
- branch of biology dealing with the form and structure of animals and plants
- endoparasite
- parasite living on hte inside of its host
- exoskeleton
- hard protective structure developed outside hte body, as the shell of a lobster
- exosmosis
- osmosis outward
- endophyte
- plant growing within another plant
- monomorphic
- having a single form
- telepathy
- transference of the thoughts and feelings of one person ot another by no apparent means of communication
- matriarchy
- form of social organization in which the mother rules the family or tribe, descent being traced through the mother
- peripheral n
- device that can be attached to or used with a computer, such as a keyboard, monitor, printer, or scanner
- hyperopia
- farsightedness
- hyperactive
- overactive
- exotic
- introduced from another country; foreign
- homeopathy
- treatment of disease with minute doses of a remedy that if given in masssive doses to healthy persons would be damaged
- hypoglycemia
- abnormally low level of sugar in the blood
- endocrine
- secreting internally
- geopolitics
- study of governmetn and its policies as affected by physical geography
- perimeter
- whole outer boundary or measurement of a sureface or figure
- hyperacidity
- excesssive acidity
- georgic (adj.)
- poem on husbandry (farming)
- pathetic
- arousing pity
- antipathy
- averson; dislike
- endogamy
- marriage within hte tribe, caste or social group
- endomorphic
- having a form deriving largely from the embryo's inner layer
- geology
- science dealing with the earth's history as recorded in rocks
- hyperemia
- superabundance of blood
- endocarditis
- inflammtion of the lining the digestive tract
- pathos
- quality in drama, speech, literature, music, or events that arouses a feeling of pity or sadness
- hypodermic
- injected under the skin
- hypercritical
- overcritical
- metamorphosis
- change of form
- hypothetical
- assumed without proof for the puropse of reasonign; conjectural
- endogenous
- produced from within; due to internal causes
- geometry
- mathematics dealing with lines, angles, surfaces, and solids
- geotropism
- response to earth's gravity, as the growing of roots downward in the ground
- geomorphic
- pertaining to the shape of the earth or the form of its surface
- hypothermia
- subnormal body temperature
- osteopath
- practitioner of osteopathy by manipulation of bones muscles nerves etc
- hypoacidity
- weak acidity
- pathogenic
- causing diseases
- hypertrohpy
- excessive growth or development, as of a body part
- peristyle
- row of columns around a building or court
- autarchy
- rule by an absolute sovereign
- geocentric
- measured from the earth's center; havign the earth as a center
- pericardium
- membranous sac enclosing the heart
- patriarchy
- form of social organization in which the fater rules the family or tribe, descent being traced through the father
- sympathy
- sharing of another's trouble;compassion
- endosmosis
- osmosis inward
- geoponics
- art or science of agriculture
- dimorphous
- occurring under two distinct forms
- empathy
- complete understanding of another's feelings, motives
- exogamy
- marriage outside the tribe, caste or social group
- peristalsis
- wavelike contraction of the walls fo the intestines which propels contents onward
- periphrastic
- expressed in a roundabout way
- endoparasite
- parasite living on the inside of its host
- anarchy
- total absence of rule or government; confusion; disorder
- amorphous
- havign no definite form; shapeless; unorganized
- periscope
- instrument permitting those in a submarine a view
- heteromorphic
- exhibiting diversity of form
- periodontics
- branch of dentistry dealign with diseases of the bone and gum tissues supporting the teeth
- hypersensitive
- excessively sensitive; supersensitive
- hierarchy
- body of rulers or officials grouped in ranks, each beign subordinate to teh rank above it; pecking order
- hyperglycemia
- excess of sugar in the blood
- exocrine
- secreting externally
- oligarchy
- form of government in which a few people have the power
- anthropomorphic
- attributing human form or charcteristics to beings not human, especially gods
- exogenous
- produced from without; due to exteral causes
- exoteric
- known externally; readily understandable
- endoskeleton
- internal skeleton ro supporting framework in an animal
- geography
- study of the earth's surface, climate, continents, people, products, etc
- apogee
- farthest point from the earth in the orbit of a heavenly body; culmination
- georgic (n)
- agricultural
- hyperbole
- extravagant exaggeration of statement
- hypertension
- abnormally high blood pressure
- endoderm
- membranelike tissue lining the digestive tract
- geophysics
- science treating of the forces that modify the earth
- perihelion
- nearest point to the sun in hte orbit of a heavenly body
- phyothesis
- theory or supposition assumed as a basis for reasoning
- geodetic
- pertaining to geodesy
- peripatetic
- traveling about
- hypothryroid
- marked by deficient activity of the thyroid gland
- monarchy
- state rueld over by a single person, as a king or queen
- hyperthermia
- especially high fever; hyperpyrexia
- hyperthyroid
- marked by excessive activity of the thyroid gland
- peripheral adj
- on the periphery; outside or away from the central part
- peritontis
- inflammation of the peritoneum